In a stunning reversal, Wayne County, MI Republican canvassers rescind certification votes

So you admit
Not really surprising that baby killers would threaten children, these people are the scum of the earth.
Democrats think a revolution cannot happen in America and thus they aren't prepared for one. They think the cops they hate, demean, and force to kneel are going to defend them from revolutionaries.
On the contrary..Democrats are sure that a revolution can happen in's happening now!
Guess're losing.

The demographic is remorseless.
So you admit you are bringing in non-whites to get the voting outcomes you want.
Glad to see some honesty about that.
Unless you equate me with

These new voters..are born here....multi-generation American citizens. There is a wave of young people of color rising in the demographic..and the general mood of the youth favors their agenda..both culturally and politically.

The Democratic party exploits this...and that is why your party has had to resort to extreme gerrymander just to stay even.

But in the end...the demographic is remorseless.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Perhaps what I credulity. Howe do you know that they aren't lying..or playing up something that happened ---in an attempt to both have their cake and eat it? They voted one way..and then they reverse very my thought. It turns them from zeroes to heroes-in the eyes of the Trumpkins.
Well, there are the videos of them being threatened out there. And the phone call from a Dem official threatening 1 of them. The the info they released about where they lived & what schools kids went to.
But I guess threatening people in the name of "social justice" is OK for the fascist on the left
Trump's lawyers will educate her on what they can do The SOS is a criminal. She was on of the thugs who threatened the Republicans. Nothing she says is credible. Your figures are all based on fraud, and are therefore worthless.

He nearly got laughed out of court yesterday when the judge asked what standard should be used.

His reply was " ummmm ya know...the normal one..." There are various standards when considering cases..."normal" ain't one of em.

Wrong answer Rudy. First year law students would have had an answer. Yours was something a 12 yr old would say who hasn't studied for the quiz
You're posting DNC propaganda.
You're posting RNC propaganda.
Actually, certification already happened, and per the legal advice they received. Counsel they were clearly afforded. The Detroit Free Press puts it as follows, and they are local:
It's not clear whether the affidavits have any legal effect on Tuesday's certification, which moved Wayne County results on to the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers. Even if Palmer and Hartmann were able to rescind their votes, the deadline for Wayne County to certify its results has already passed, in which case any uncertified results would pass on to the state board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting lives out is mostly the Christian doctrine: Matt 25: 14-30, so clearly partisan! Human Lives are shown to Not Matter!)
what i don't get is how come you and so many on the left don't see the inherent problem with the path you are on. while it may get you want you want TODAY - it won't always be that way. anything you were given to support THEIR CAUSE will be taken away just as rights are being taken away from people today. just not you. or you hate those who are impacted right now so it's fine.

what you and many don't seem to understand is - once someone or some group is capable of doing something wrong, and it's rewarded with victory and "followers" - you're next. this isn't the type of mindset that will stop once they get the very next thing they say they are after. what they do to others they will soon enough to do you.

you're selling out long term capability for short term emotional needs.

Take your two-bit assertions to court.

Oh wait, Trump did and it's gettting seriously LAUGHED at, because it's so pathetic and meritless.

And it is exactly because Trumpsters have no real evidence for the courts they are down to pathetically trying to get partisan certifiers to halt the process.

These two Republicans did not EVEN halt the process, their vote is already cast. They are just putting on a show for Trumpsters who bitched about them folding.
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Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

These Biden trolls keep telling us that his lawyers are leaving in cause they can’t find evidence which is bullshit,some have left for the reason you mentioened getting death threats from the dem machine BLM.
Trump's lawyers will educate her on what they can do The SOS is a criminal. She was on of the thugs who threatened the Republicans. Nothing she says is credible. Your figures are all based on fraud, and are therefore worthless.

He nearly got laughed out of court yesterday when the judge asked what standard should be used.

His reply was " ummmm ya know...the normal one..." There are various standards when considering cases..."normal" ain't one of em.

Wrong answer Rudy. First year law students would have had an answer. Yours was something a 12 yr old would say who hasn't studied for the quiz
You're posting DNC propaganda.
You're posting RNC propaganda.
So Says the lying shill.
The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
And the assholes on this board who want Biden in don’t even condemn their actions of the biden supporters doing thst to them.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Perhaps what I credulity. How do you know that they aren't lying..or playing up something that happened ---in an attempt to both have their cake and eat it? They voted one way..and then they reverse very my thought. It turns them from zeroes to heroes-in the eyes of the Trumpkins.
What you lack is intelligence. If they are lying, it can easily be checked. They told you way they "reversed course:" They were being threatened of they voted the way their consciousness told them to vote. Democrat thugs were threatening them and their children.

How big of a douchebag do you have to be not to concede that?
Actually, certification already happened, and per the legal advice they received. Counsel they were clearly afforded. The Detroit Free Press puts it as follows, and they are local:
It's not clear whether the affidavits have any legal effect on Tuesday's certification, which moved Wayne County results on to the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers. Even if Palmer and Hartmann were able to rescind their votes, the deadline for Wayne County to certify its results has already passed, in which case any uncertified results would pass on to the state board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting lives out is mostly the Christian doctrine: Matt 25: 14-30, so clearly partisan! Human Lives are shown to Not Matter!)
what i don't get is how come you and so many on the left don't see the inherent problem with the path you are on. while it may get you want you want TODAY - it won't always be that way. anything you were given to support THEIR CAUSE will be taken away just as rights are being taken away from people today. just not you. or you hate those who are impacted right now so it's fine.

what you and many don't seem to understand is - once someone or some group is capable of doing something wrong, and it's rewarded with victory and "followers" - you're next. this isn't the type of mindset that will stop once they get the very next thing they say they are after. what they do to others they will soon enough to do you.

you're selling out long term capability for short term emotional needs.

Take your two-bit assertions to court.

Oh wait, Trump did and it's gettting seriously LAUGHED at, because it's so pathetic and meritless.

And it is exactly because Trumpsters have no real evidence for the courts they are down to pathetically trying to get partisan certifiers to halt the process.

These two Republicans did not EVEN halt the process, they are just putting on a show.
Where's the evidence for that claim?
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Perhaps what I credulity. How do you know that they aren't lying..or playing up something that happened ---in an attempt to both have their cake and eat it? They voted one way..and then they reverse very my thought. It turns them from zeroes to heroes-in the eyes of the Trumpkins.
That’s possible. They may be 2 faced scum bags. They are politicians after all.
But the threats made against them were very real, and on tape.
Actually, certification already happened, and per the legal advice they received. Counsel they were clearly afforded. The Detroit Free Press puts it as follows, and they are local:
It's not clear whether the affidavits have any legal effect on Tuesday's certification, which moved Wayne County results on to the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers. Even if Palmer and Hartmann were able to rescind their votes, the deadline for Wayne County to certify its results has already passed, in which case any uncertified results would pass on to the state board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting lives out is mostly the Christian doctrine: Matt 25: 14-30, so clearly partisan! Human Lives are shown to Not Matter!)
what i don't get is how come you and so many on the left don't see the inherent problem with the path you are on. while it may get you want you want TODAY - it won't always be that way. anything you were given to support THEIR CAUSE will be taken away just as rights are being taken away from people today. just not you. or you hate those who are impacted right now so it's fine.

what you and many don't seem to understand is - once someone or some group is capable of doing something wrong, and it's rewarded with victory and "followers" - you're next. this isn't the type of mindset that will stop once they get the very next thing they say they are after. what they do to others they will soon enough to do you.

you're selling out long term capability for short term emotional needs.

Take your two-bit assertions to court.

Oh wait, Trump did and it's gettting seriously LAUGHED at, because it's so pathetic and meritless.

And it is exactly because Trumpsters have no real evidence for the courts they are down to pathetically trying to get partisan certifiers to halt the process.

These two Republicans did not EVEN halt the process, they are just putting on a show.
Where's the evidence for that claim?

Which one? That they can't un-sign certification or that Trump cases keep getting laughed out of court?
The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
And the assholes on this board who want Biden in don’t even condemn their actions of the biden supporters doing thst to them.

They refuse to condemn, so they obviously support the death threats and threats to children. Absolute scumbags.
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?

Why not make sure the vote count is correct? What are you afraid of.
The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
And the assholes on this board who want Biden in don’t even condemn their actions of the biden supporters doing thst to them.

They refuse to condemn, so they obviously support the death threats and threats to children. Absolute scumbags.

Bullshit, nobody is refusing that, violent threats from either side should be prosecuted.

What the left (and mainstream) are refusing is to take hearsay and half baked "irregularities" claims as serious evidence of fraud so widespread that it could change an outcome of the elction.

You want to be the Trumpster propaganda machine dupe, thats your perogative. To everyone else Trump is doing exactly what he said he would be doing before even a single vote was cast. He told you straight up, I won't be conceeding because the only way I could lose is due to fraud. He never even allowed for any possibility that he could lose fair and square. Nothing of what he and his enablers are pumping out now is of any surprise, as unbeliveable as it is.

You think there is serious evidence of widespread fraud? Really? Then you should have no problem pointing to a serious legal challenge based on that. There has been none thus far.
Last edited:
Actually, certification already happened, and per the legal advice they received. Counsel they were clearly afforded. The Detroit Free Press puts it as follows, and they are local:
It's not clear whether the affidavits have any legal effect on Tuesday's certification, which moved Wayne County results on to the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers. Even if Palmer and Hartmann were able to rescind their votes, the deadline for Wayne County to certify its results has already passed, in which case any uncertified results would pass on to the state board.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Casting lives out is mostly the Christian doctrine: Matt 25: 14-30, so clearly partisan! Human Lives are shown to Not Matter!)
what i don't get is how come you and so many on the left don't see the inherent problem with the path you are on. while it may get you want you want TODAY - it won't always be that way. anything you were given to support THEIR CAUSE will be taken away just as rights are being taken away from people today. just not you. or you hate those who are impacted right now so it's fine.

what you and many don't seem to understand is - once someone or some group is capable of doing something wrong, and it's rewarded with victory and "followers" - you're next. this isn't the type of mindset that will stop once they get the very next thing they say they are after. what they do to others they will soon enough to do you.

you're selling out long term capability for short term emotional needs.

Take your two-bit assertions to court.

Oh wait, Trump did and it's gettting seriously LAUGHED at, because it's so pathetic and meritless.

And it is exactly because Trumpsters have no real evidence for the courts they are down to pathetically trying to get partisan certifiers to halt the process.

These two Republicans did not EVEN halt the process, they are just putting on a show.
Where's the evidence for that claim?

That's exactly what the courts keep asking Trump's lawyers.
No they didn't, douchebag.

A spokesperson for the secretary of state is shooting down the possibility of the two Republican members rescinding their vote, saying it is out of their hands at this point.

"There is no legal mechanism for them to rescind their vote," the spokesperson said. "Their job is done and the next step in the process is for the Board of State Canvassers to meet and certify."

The number of votes at issue is too small to influence the outcome of the election. President-elect Joe Biden currently holds a substantial edge over Trump in Michigan, leading by nearly 150,000 votes, which is almost 15 times the president's margin over Hillary Clinton in 2016. In Wayne County, the state's largest, Biden is ahead by over 300,000 votes with nearly 70% of the vote.

Of course, the SOS has no vested interest in her claim about how things work?

From what I've heard, the Republicans haven't signed the certification document. Until they do, it doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Anything agreed to under threat of force is null and void, moron. That's a basic principle of law.
The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed

I saw some of those videos. Absolutely shameless.

Thats the left for you. Disagree and be personally destroyed. The asshole that threatened the children said they would go to hell if they didnt certify the election.

I wonder where that piece of trash is going?
And the assholes on this board who want Biden in don’t even condemn their actions of the biden supporters doing thst to them.

They refuse to condemn, so they obviously support the death threats and threats to children. Absolute scumbags.

Bullshit, nobody is refusing that. What the ;left is refusing is to take hearsay and half baked bullshit as serious evidence.

You think you have evidence? Go ahead and show us a serious legal chellenge based on that. There has been none thus far.
Yes, you are refusing to condemn thugs who use threats to help Biden win.

Absolute scumbags.

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