In a stunning reversal, Wayne County, MI Republican canvassers rescind certification votes

Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
170k votes found for biden in a place no people were registered to vote.
you think we should count them anyway?

That is a lie.
did i miss you call out colfax_m for his link on 1-2 votes in a million were the only BAD ones?

why, i think i did!

bye, boomer.
You could at least accurately reflect what I said.

I said most precincts were fine. Some were off by 1-2 votes. I was talking about precincts, silly. The total amount of votes that are off is about 450, out of 800k. So this is being held up because of 0.05% of votes.
As long as necessary to ensure the election was fair.
The constitution won't allow it. A new president needs to be chosen in December.
You turds are so desparate to sweep this swindle election under the carpet that it's truly pathetic.
Just saying we don’t have time to entertain and your loony conspiracy theories.
View attachment 418469View attachment 418469
The steal is trying to convince the state legislature to ignore the will of the votes.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Perhaps what I credulity. How do you know that they aren't lying..or playing up something that happened ---in an attempt to both have their cake and eat it? They voted one way..and then they reverse very my thought. It turns them from zeroes to heroes-in the eyes of the Trumpkins.
What you lack is intelligence. If they are lying, it can easily be checked. They told you way they "reversed course:" They were being threatened of they voted the way their consciousness told them to vote. Democrat thugs were threatening them and their children.

How big of a douchebag do you have to be not to concede that?
This lying stupid fuck is a shill from the dnc that has penetrated this board.
That's a good trick..given that I'm not Democrat--one merely has to be against the Trump brand.

I suspect anyone from the dnc who viewed this board would die of very clueless most are.
As long as necessary to ensure the election was fair.
The constitution won't allow it. A new president needs to be chosen in December.
You turds are so desparate to sweep this swindle election under the carpet that it's truly pathetic.
Just saying we don’t have time to entertain and your loony conspiracy theories.
Oh, so we should just sweep this swindle election under the rug because you and your fellow douchebags are in a hurry?

Let me give you a hint: We will take all the time that the law allows.
Yes..yes you will...and then...Biden will be President---you will still be butt-hurt...and life will go on.
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
170k votes found for biden in a place no people were registered to vote.
you think we should count them anyway?

That is a lie.
did i miss you call out colfax_m for his link on 1-2 votes in a million were the only BAD ones?

why, i think i did!

bye, boomer.
You could at least accurately reflect what I said.

I said most precincts were fine. Some were off by 1-2 votes. I was talking about precincts, silly. The total amount of votes that are off is about 450, out of 800k. So this is being held up because of 0.05% of votes.
and look - still no link for validation of said claim.

but as usual, distract. look like you did something when you didn't.
Remember yesterday when the progs were celebrating when the 2 Repubs flip flopped and decided to certify the results in Detroit? They were facing threats of violence from lunatics against themselves, their families, friends & property.
The video doxxing by another Dem-deranged member of the board is OK in the "ends justify the means" world of leftist fascism.
Tell me again, which side claims to be fighting against nazis? Which side threatens & attacks their opponents while claiming they are fighting fascists? Which side says it's OK to attack anybody who doesn't agree with them?
The left is the party of totalitarianism. They are devoid of any sense of fair play and nothing is out of bounds. It is an actual Orwellian nightmare & must be stopped now.
People are standing up & we will not allow evil to triumph.
It will all fall apart for them very soon now and they are going to go nuts

Too late..their votes are cast and that's that. There is no provision for 'do-overs'--much like the election itself.

I notice you have no comment regarding the threatening of children and threats of violence.
Could it be that you merely care that you get you me way?
How very “ends justify the means” of you.
You lack integrity and character. Noted.
Perhaps what I credulity. How do you know that they aren't lying..or playing up something that happened ---in an attempt to both have their cake and eat it? They voted one way..and then they reverse very my thought. It turns them from zeroes to heroes-in the eyes of the Trumpkins.
What you lack is intelligence. If they are lying, it can easily be checked. They told you way they "reversed course:" They were being threatened of they voted the way their consciousness told them to vote. Democrat thugs were threatening them and their children.

How big of a douchebag do you have to be not to concede that?
This lying stupid fuck is a shill from the dnc that has penetrated this board.
That's a good trick..given that I'm not Democrat--one merely has to be against the Trump brand.

I suspect anyone from the dnc who viewed this board would die of very clueless most are.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
I started off thinking there was a 5% chance of real information that would permit Trump to win
That’s now up to 30%
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
170k votes found for biden in a place no people were registered to vote.
you think we should count them anyway?

That is a lie.
did i miss you call out colfax_m for his link on 1-2 votes in a million were the only BAD ones?

why, i think i did!

bye, boomer.
You could at least accurately reflect what I said.

I said most precincts were fine. Some were off by 1-2 votes. I was talking about precincts, silly. The total amount of votes that are off is about 450, out of 800k. So this is being held up because of 0.05% of votes.
and look - still no link for validation of said claim.

but as usual, distract. look like you did something when you didn't.

I am still waiting since 2016 for the liberals to explain to me who are THE RICH and what is their FAIR SHARE?

Hillary said and every surrogate of hers said THE RICH MUST PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE, but never got specific and in over 4 years, not one liberal on this site has answered.
If it does, Biden is toast. I kind of doubt the lefties and crooked righties will let it get that far though.
What do you mean “let it get that far”? Who’s going to stop them?
Talk about Nazis.

Death threats for questioning voter rolls that do not reconcile with the votes cast?

Liberals are the Nazis and the fascists. Well done libs.
Most precincts were accurate. Some were off by 1-2 votes. You think that nearly a million people's votes should be thrown out because of that?
170k votes found for biden in a place no people were registered to vote.
you think we should count them anyway?

That is a lie.
did i miss you call out colfax_m for his link on 1-2 votes in a million were the only BAD ones?

why, i think i did!

bye, boomer.
You could at least accurately reflect what I said.

I said most precincts were fine. Some were off by 1-2 votes. I was talking about precincts, silly. The total amount of votes that are off is about 450, out of 800k. So this is being held up because of 0.05% of votes.
and look - still no link for validation of said claim.

but as usual, distract. look like you did something when you didn't.
Already provided earlier in the thread upon request. This is a pretty persistent habit of yours. Ask for something and pretend like I didn’t reply to your demand.

The America Taliban threatened their children!

Only the Lord can prevent this from ending in bloodshed
@ CF, our Maker is no stranger to bloodshed, especially His own! Remember there comes a time when the wheat is STARTED to be separated from the chaff. I know when to harvest my crops but I have no dreaming idea when our Boss is going to harvest His crop(this is the most important of all crops). Like just keep an open & steady line of communication with Maker so that day is the best it can be for ALL of us living @ that time on our Blue Marble.

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