In a week Trump has managed to destroy the USA's good name .

10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!
Funny how New York is refusing to show their records for illegal immigrants which is a violation of law, and actually enables the Feds, to cut off Federal Funds for "Failure to Report."
The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!

Move the goalposts much?
Your position (as stated by you) was that he couldn't. You tried to make that point with a Supreme Court decision that you hadn't read, and then blindly stated that the 10th Amendment supported your contention.
When asked to show the passages in BOTH of your citations you refused to answer. Now you are back tracking and doubling down on your lies.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

You people must be so lonely.
You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!

Move the goalposts much?
Your position (as stated by you) was that he couldn't. You tried to make that point with a Supreme Court decision that you hadn't read, and then blindly stated that the 10th Amendment supported your contention.
When asked to show the passages in BOTH of your citations you refused to answer. Now you are back tracking and doubling down on your lies.

Not back tracking . You can see my posts about it .

Find me one anti sanct city thread here that says Trump is limited to targeted funds ? You won't , they all talk about forcing cities to bend to his will when they get no money . Like all funds would be cut .
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

You people must be so lonely.

Your ass seems to be all peckered up again. So much hatred, so little time.
I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!

Move the goalposts much?
Your position (as stated by you) was that he couldn't. You tried to make that point with a Supreme Court decision that you hadn't read, and then blindly stated that the 10th Amendment supported your contention.
When asked to show the passages in BOTH of your citations you refused to answer. Now you are back tracking and doubling down on your lies.

Not back tracking . You can see my posts about it .

Find me one anti sanct city thread here that says Trump is limited to targeted funds ? You won't , they all talk about forcing cities to bend to his will when they get no money . Like all funds would be cut .

I said.....
"You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that."

You said.....
"10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually ."

I said.....
"I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact"

Did you want to try again, I've shown you to be a liar. This doesn't even include the sources I've posted that simply shows you to be wrong. Now I know nobody has ever accused you of being intelligent but.....walk away you're exposed as a fraud here.

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?

yes the ed grants can be withheld . But you can't stop highway funds because you don't follow the dept of ed .

see what happens if a state lowers the drinking age to 18

National Minimum Drinking Age Act - Wikipedia
You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!

Move the goalposts much?
Your position (as stated by you) was that he couldn't. You tried to make that point with a Supreme Court decision that you hadn't read, and then blindly stated that the 10th Amendment supported your contention.
When asked to show the passages in BOTH of your citations you refused to answer. Now you are back tracking and doubling down on your lies.

Not back tracking . You can see my posts about it .

Find me one anti sanct city thread here that says Trump is limited to targeted funds ? You won't , they all talk about forcing cities to bend to his will when they get no money . Like all funds would be cut .

I said.....
"You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that."

You said.....
"10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually ."

I said.....
"I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact"

Did you want to try again, I've shown you to be a liar. This doesn't even include the sources I've posted that simply shows you to be wrong. Now I know nobody has ever accused you of being intelligent but.....walk away you're exposed as a fraud here.

You are splitting hairs . I can make the same argument back to you . Isn't it true that Don can't stop education funds to punish sanctuary cities ? That is a true , then I am right when I say the constitution can stop him from doing that .
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Yes, once again those of us who actually travel outside the U.S. will respond to our friends, acquaintances, associates and contacts' inquiries about how the American people managed to elect such a stupid man as president, only this time, they'll likely add "prick" to "stupid."

Fuck them... I don't care what they think... especially Europeans. European society is imploding under the weight of unfettered immigration by third world savages. And I'm supposed to give any weight to their fucking opinions of us?

You certainly can take a "lone ranger" stance. It's myopic to do so, but you've not shown any indication that you can see past your nose, so I suppose it's fitting that you have that framework governing your viewpoints.
Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.

Let me make it clear . He CAN withold funds tied to that issue. Aka , some law enforcement grants .

Here's the catch 22. Law enforcement is what trump has promised to "support". So he's going to take police funds away ?!

Move the goalposts much?
Your position (as stated by you) was that he couldn't. You tried to make that point with a Supreme Court decision that you hadn't read, and then blindly stated that the 10th Amendment supported your contention.
When asked to show the passages in BOTH of your citations you refused to answer. Now you are back tracking and doubling down on your lies.

Not back tracking . You can see my posts about it .

Find me one anti sanct city thread here that says Trump is limited to targeted funds ? You won't , they all talk about forcing cities to bend to his will when they get no money . Like all funds would be cut .

I said.....
"You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that."

You said.....
"10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually ."

I said.....
"I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact"

Did you want to try again, I've shown you to be a liar. This doesn't even include the sources I've posted that simply shows you to be wrong. Now I know nobody has ever accused you of being intelligent but.....walk away you're exposed as a fraud here.

You are splitting hairs . I can make the same argument back to you . Isn't it true that Don can't stop education funds to punish sanctuary cities ? That is a true , then I am right when I say the constitution can stop him from doing that .

You get points for perseverance, but you lose them for silliness.

"Yes, the feds could pull North Carolina’s education funding for violating transgender civil rights"
Yes, the feds could pull North Carolina’s education funding for violating transgender civil rights

"Feds' transgender guidance: Would schools lose funds?"

"The government says that as a condition of receiving federal funds, schools must comply with Title IX, which says schools may not discriminate based on a student's sex. Friday's guidance says that the departments of Education and Justice "treat a student's gender identity as the student's sex for purposes of Title IX."

Transgender guidance: Would schools lose funds? -

"Federal officials threaten to withhold school funds"

"Though federal officials have threatened to withhold more than $15 million in funds, California continues to back a testing overhaul that would be out of compliance with federal rules"

Federal officials threaten to withhold school funds

I can do this all day kid. You lied and got caught, you tried to move the goalposts and got caught. You can't point out the place in the SC Decision that proves your point, and you can't me where the 10th Amendment proves your point.
You are just one more liar son.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

You people must be so lonely.

Non sequitur.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Timmy is still rubbing his sore ass from Brexit.
Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

So a State/city arrest an illegal. How is having them hold them until the Feds can pick them up and not releasing them doing "the Feds job." You're just not very smart, are you?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

You people must be so lonely.

Non sequitur.

Don't you like getting called "lonely" by a liberal gay Muslim?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

You people must be so lonely.

Non sequitur.

Don't you like getting called "lonely" by a liberal gay Muslim?

It's kinda oogee. :puke3:

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