In a week Trump has managed to destroy the USA's good name .

America survived the horrible reputation and global hatred it got during the Vietnam War, so it will probably be able to survive a comparative level of disrespect and hatred during the era.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

The world loved that Obama was weak
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
The Chinese wouldn't pull the stairs up to Air Force One at the G20 summit.....the P.I. president called Obama a S.O.B....Obama back-stabbed Israel at the UN.
Are you fucking kidding me????>

China is our rival . The hate obama cause he didn't stand for their bullshit . Unlike trump wh Russia .

He didn't? What did he do?
Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

There's a difference between the feds wanting the cities to do their job and just plain ole compliance.

If the police of a city arrests somebody that has a warrant out in a nearby city, they work together to have the prisoner turned over to that other city unless it's too far away, or the other city doesn't want the prisoner for some reason. That goes on all the time.

What DOESN'T happen is they arrest somebody with a warrant out in another city, that other city says they will take the prisoner, and the first city gives them the finger and just lets the prisoner go.

If you don't think authority should work hand and hand, please explain why they shouldn't.
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!
I already told you that the green card thing would be addressed and resolved

It was a SNAFU that affected very few people so don't make into some biblical catastrophe
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?
We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!
I already told you that the green card thing would be addressed and resolved

It was a SNAFU that affected very few people so don't make into some biblical catastrophe

And yet he held Obama to no standard at all while blowing up anything for Trump he possibly can. The country is on to the idiotic left and telling them that at the ballot box
Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".
He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Terrorists loved the guy.
And Russia walked all over him.
And Iran was laughing at him all the way to the bank.

But don't let the truth get in the way of your delusions.

For all his limp wristed impotent posturing, what did he get us?

500,000 dead in Syria and Iraq.
Single Handedly caused the rise of ISIS.
Paid Terrorists to assasinate Qadaffi, who then turned on Obama and torched Benghazi.
Paid Terrorists to overthrow the Egyptian Government, and turned our back on a man who rose up to lead Egypt who opposes Islamic Radicalism.
Gave Iran Nukes, ICBMS, and 1.5 Billion, which they used to fund HAMAS
Gave Al Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood arms and money.
The Pulse Massacre
San Bernadino
OSU Shooting
Dallas LEO Massacre
Boston Marathon Attack
Fort Hood.

And now No Go Zones in Michigan and other states and Sanctuary Cities where people are a law unto themselves.

Hillary will never be president, and Obama was a traitor to his nation.
That's why you are engaged in temper tantrums, and vowing to overturn Democracy if you can.

Liberals simply do not like America, but they are too cowardly and comfortable to move out of the country.
Last edited:
You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

The tenth amendment would prevent the federal government from giving states money on state matters. Do you really want to go there?

Federal law concerning immigration is the law of the land. Supremacy clause trumps sanctuary city laws.

You are right . Immigration is the Feds and Feds alone . That's the argument FOR the cities! The Feds are trying to make them do the Feds job .

I read the case, there is nothing in there coming close to saying that the Gov cannot withhold Federal Funds from a State.
Knowing full well you disagree, please show me where that decision proves YOUR assertion that the Feds cannot ithhold said funds.

!0th Amendment:

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Specifically WHICH part of that says the Feds cannot withhold Federal from the states?
Going forward remember this, I WILL read sources, I suggest you do too. I will not allow you to be lazy and simply try and foist your ill educated opinion as "fact".

You just pointed out your ignorance..

Jimmy Carter with held money from the states on his highway 55 ban..

You stupid fuck

Actually I just pointed out you' and Timmy's ignorance, my position is they can and his is they can't. Try and not show how stupid you are kid.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . You're confusing worldwide icon for hypersensitive liberal icon.

Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . Prove it thanks.

He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud. I read you're a hypersensitive liberal.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . Prove it thanks.

I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents. I give thanks for that everyday.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Yes, once again those of us who actually travel outside the U.S. will respond to our friends, acquaintances, associates and contacts' inquiries about how the American people managed to elect such a stupid man as president, only this time, they'll likely add "prick" to "stupid."
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Yes, once again those of us who actually travel outside the U.S. will respond to our friends, acquaintances, associates and contacts' inquiries about how the American people managed to elect such a stupid man as president, only this time, they'll likely add "prick" to "stupid."

Fuck them... I don't care what they think... especially Europeans. European society is imploding under the weight of unfettered immigration by third world savages. And I'm supposed to give any weight to their fucking opinions of us?
Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?

yes the ed grants can be withheld . But you can't stop highway funds because you don't follow the dept of ed .
He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?

yes the ed grants can be withheld . But you can't stop highway funds because you don't follow the dept of ed .

Nobody said that Timmy.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Terrorists loved the guy.
And Russia walked all over him.
And Iran was laughing at him all the way to the bank.

But don't let the truth get in the way of your delusions.

For all his limp wristed impotent posturing, what did he get us?

500,000 dead in Syria and Iraq.
Single Handedly caused the rise of ISIS.
Paid Terrorists to assasinate Qadaffi, who then turned on Obama and torched Benghazi.
Paid Terrorists to overthrow the Egyptian Government, and turned our back on a man who rose up to lead Egypt who opposes Islamic Radicalism.
Gave Iran Nukes, ICMBS, and 1.5 Billion, which they used to fund HAMAS
Gave Al Nusra and the Muslim Brotherhood arms and money.
The Pulse Massacre
San Bernadino
OSU Shooting
Dallas LEO Massacre
Boston Marathon Attack
Fort Hood.

And now No Go Zones in Michigan and other states and Sanctuary Cities where people are a law unto themselves.
Bullshit lies and misinformation.

How many of those shooters were even immgrants from those countries ? At least 3 of those were military people . Maybe we should ban military people ! !!!
He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?

yes the ed grants can be withheld . But you can't stop highway funds because you don't follow the dept of ed .

Can the federal government withhold federal funds from a state that opts-out of a federal program established by the law?

1. The program covers all 50 States (less any that opt-out), is created by federal law and deals with an area of intrastate public administration normally left to individual States' control.

2. Any State may opt-out of participation in the program, but loses all existing federal subsidies, incentives, and direct funding if it does so.

3. The law causes the relevant functions within the States to revert to a federally-designed, coordinated and funded system that is left to the State to run, with limited federal participation.

4. The program is completely funded with federal dollars, but the States as well as municipalities are free to contribute additional funds if they wish.

Can the federal government withhold federal funds from a state that opts-out of a federal program established by the law? - Quora

POOR Timmy.
You said the Constitution wouldn't allow
him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
or not comply with dept of ed rules and still receive federal education dollars?

yes the ed grants can be withheld . But you can't stop highway funds because you don't follow the dept of ed .

Nobody said that Timmy.
View attachment 109793

Sure they have . The manta is that the Feds will cut all funds to sanct cities .
"Federal agencies review funding to N.C. in wake of new LGBT law"

Federal agencies review funding to N.C. in wake of new LGBT law

"Final Rule: Withholding of Advance Funds for Failure to Report"

"This is a final regulation which authorizes the withholding of advance Federal funds from States which fail to report IV-D collections and expenditures within the statutory time frame. The regulation amends 45 CFR Part 301 to implement the amendments made to section 455 of the Social Security Act by section 407 of Public Law 96-265."

Final Rule: Withholding of Advance Funds for Failure to Report

Poor Timmy.

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