In a week Trump has managed to destroy the USA's good name .

say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

I see you just crawled up out of the toliet
yeah..Now the toilet has to be cleaned.

well there's more liberal turds stuck down there. it's clogged with shit
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
The Chinese wouldn't pull the stairs up to Air Force One at the G20 summit.....the P.I. president called Obama a S.O.B....Obama back-stabbed Israel at the UN.
Are you fucking kidding me????>

China is our rival . The hate obama cause he didn't stand for their bullshit . Unlike trump wh Russia .
What the fuck are you talking about.
Obama went to China and marveled at the Highway system in Beijing. He went on to tell the American people that we needed to be just like the Chinese..
Dude, you live in a parallel universe
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".
Blah blah blah....Gee, got any other left wing moon bat talking points you want to spew?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Bolivian Air Force one.

Instigating the war in Syria.

Refusing to extradite extradite Seldon Lady and 22 others to Italy.

Wiretapping foreign leaders including our allies.

Supporting a military Coup in Honduras.

Morsi in Egypt where Obama opposed a demand by the public to remove the person who had declared he could not be held accountable by the legislature or the courts.

Arming ISIS through Jordan by accident.

Arming other Terrorists in Syria intentionally.

Tell me again about Obama's international standing.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Here lies your problem.. The US is the greatest country on earth challenged by no one..

Raise of hands you prick op do you buy stocks and bonds in yen?

What's in your pocket..

Us dollars fool

What the heck are you talking about... we lost most everything with Bush, and are doing well again...Trump has been in office 1 week so don't get too excited..
Keep lying to yourself.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

Go fuck yourself bitch

Wow you need to take more time off of work, you sound stressed..
Ahh.....The lefties who have all kinds of time to protest, bitch and moan about every little thing that bothers them need to FIND jobs.
Most of these George Soros disciples have too much time on their hands.
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!
green cards can be revoked. you know this right?

And pretty much yes the Don can.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Here lies your problem.. The US is the greatest country on earth challenged by no one..

Raise of hands you prick op do you buy stocks and bonds in yen?

What's in your pocket..

Us dollars fool

What the heck are you talking about... we lost most everything with Bush, and are doing well again...Trump has been in office 1 week so don't get too excited..
You mean Pelosi and Reid, plus the economy sucks no matter how often you lie about it.

My savings doesn't lie....

Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months
The stock market's prolonged tumble has wiped out about $2 trillion in Americans' retirement savings in the past 15 months, a blow that could force workers to stay on the job longer than planned, rein in spending and possibly further stall an economy reliant on consumer dollars, Congress's top budget analyst said yesterday
Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months

Big oil did great though in the Bush years..made millions for some.

Big oil made over $600 billion during Bush years, but invested bupkis in clean energy, Part 1
Yiou have nerve. Posting an article from 2008....NIce going.
Hey genius. the Dow peaked around 12,000 in 2003, stayed there until late 2007. Tghe real estate meltdown caused economic upheaval. Since then, the DJIA, NAZ, S&P 500 have all rebounded nicely.
You make mention of the oil industry. Here's a newsflash, genius.
Most of the volatility in the oil markets are due to the sheer amount of money in the market. Much of that money is from Pension accounts, and other large funds.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

"Death Panels" member those? :rock:
That jackass Obama is the one that destroyed America's good name. He did that a long time ago.

What is laughable is the confusion you see out of these dumbass Moon Bats.

They are saying that a temporary ban from the countries that Obama said harbors terrorism is somehow discrimination based on religion.

You can't fix stupid like that, can you?

I suspect they know just as good as anybody but they have been brainwashed with Left Wing hate and disinformation so they don't care if they lie.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

"Death Panels" member those? :rock:
Remember when Obama said grandma might not need a new hip, just a pain pill. That is a death panel.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
The Chinese wouldn't pull the stairs up to Air Force One at the G20 summit.....the P.I. president called Obama a S.O.B....Obama back-stabbed Israel at the UN.
Are you fucking kidding me????>

China is our rival . The hate obama cause he didn't stand for their bullshit . Unlike trump wh Russia .
What the fuck are you talking about.
Obama went to China and marveled at the Highway system in Beijing. He went on to tell the American people that we needed to be just like the Chinese..
Dude, you live in a parallel universe


say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

You mean, Muzzie Beasts no longer see us as pissing our pants cowards?

Dayum, however shall we get over it?
That jackass Obama is the one that destroyed America's good name. He did that a long time ago.

What is laughable is the confusion you see out of these dumbass Moon Bats.

They are saying that a temporary ban from the countries that Obama said harbors terrorism is somehow discrimination based on religion.

You can't fix stupid like that, can you?

I suspect they know just as good as anybody but they have been brainwashed with Left Wing hate and disinformation so they don't care if they lie.
with one phrase 'line in the sand'. Then promptly ignored it. America instantly became the NERD to pick on.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

Sorry but Europe as a whole has said Trump is an Asshole and large sections don't want their leaders to even talk to him... At the moment especially after Teresa May made an idiot out of herself, no European leader would particularly enjoy being photoed with Trump..

Trump has completely obliterated US soft power. Don't ask for help with ISIS, the EU citizens will to fuck off right now..
US has not been this weak for a long time..

On a different note China had a fantastic week last week, Trump surrendering the Pacific region by pulling out of TPP. China just won huge... Also the biggest winner in a US Mexico trade war would be, you guessed it, China...

Trump is the 'China First' president..
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

"Death Panels" member those? :rock:
Remember when Obama said grandma might not need a new hip, just a pain pill. That is a death panel.
But not for the liberal elite. They get the hip, and they get the exemption from Obamacare.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Au contraire. He has unequivocally reiterated our sovereignty as a nation, and considering the rest of the free world is moving in the same direction, I seriously doubt people with goodwill toward America have a problem with any of it. They are likely sighing with relief.

Only those whose power is melting away are screaming.

Sorry but Europe as a whole has said Trump is an Asshole and large sections don't want their leaders to even talk to him... At the moment especially after Teresa May made an idiot out of herself, no European leader would particularly enjoy being photoed with Trump..

Trump has completely obliterated US soft power. Don't ask for help with ISIS, the EU citizens will to fuck off right now..
US has not been this weak for a long time..

On a different note China had a fantastic week last week, Trump surrendering the Pacific region by pulling out of TPP. China just won huge... Also the biggest winner in a US Mexico trade war would be, you guessed it, China...

Trump is the 'China First' president..
thank obummer
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
What have you been smoking?
Must have been some really good weed. Sorry but you chocolate messiah was not beloved worldwide,
He was a worldwide laughing stock that let all other countries take advantage of the United States,

From the guys who let the Russians pick the President...

Well done Comrade..

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