In a week Trump has managed to destroy the USA's good name .

say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Lol! Very funny!
We didn't overthrow shit . The people did . I can't believe you mourn Qudaffi . Shame on you,
You moron - we lead the entire effort to over throw Muammar Gaddafi (learn how to spell his name nitwit) at the direction of Barack Obama. He circulated all of the propaganda planting the idea of an uprising. He provided full material support (weapons, cash, planning, etc.). And he assisted the Muslim Brotherhood in taking power once Gaddafi was overthrown.
That asshole should have been terminated by Reagan back in the '80's for blowing those American students out of the sky over Lockerbie. Thank you, President Obama, for finally getting the job done. The effort made particularly nice and wonderful for the way the murdering terrorist was led to death by lengthy torture.

And Libya is now a failed state and controlled by ISIS. Yeah, great job Obama. That knappy haired clown could screw up an anvil with a feather.

Obama was reviled by our allies, and the laughing stock of the rest.

Foreign Policy Has Left Obama A Global Laughing Stock

Foreign Policy: The latest U.S. ally to openly sneer at us is a senior British defense adviser who says President Obama has "devalued the deterrent effect of American military capability" in the world.

In his first campaign for president, in April 2007, Barack Obama complained George W. Bush's war in Iraq cost the U.S. "in influence and respect."

Because of Iraq, he said, "many around the world are disappointed with our actions, and many in our own country have come to doubt either our wisdom or our capacity to shape events beyond our borders. Some have even suggested that America's time has passed."

To rectify this, Obama promised when he is president the U.S. would lead "the world toward a new era of global cooperation." He pledged "to rebuild and construct the alliances and partnerships necessary to meet common challenges and confront common threats."

Today, it is clear that this president has done exactly the opposite. Tragically, our allies now even laugh at us.
Why you would kill an ally and replace him with muslim terrorists off of your own terrorist list is a special kind of stupid that could only come from Obama and progressives.
Liar or totally brainwashed into posting bullshit. I am leaning towards the liar concept since you bullshit is so obviously bullshit.
So you were too lazy to even do a simple Google search before commenting Camp? Oh please keep commenting - every time you do you illustrate your ignorance to everyone and obliterate your own credibility.

In March 2003, days before the invasion of Iraq, Gaddafi's personal envoys contacted U.S. President George W. Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and British Prime Minister Tony Blair about Libya's willingness to dismantle its nuclear program.

Disarmament of Libya - Wikipedia

Early March 2003: Libyan intelligence officials approach British intelligence officials and offer to enter negotiations regarding the elimination of Libya’s WMD programs. The subsequent negotiations, which include U.S. officials, are kept secret.

Chronology of Libya's Disarmament and Relations with the United States | Arms Control Association

CRAWFORD, Tex., March 6 -- Libya surrendered all of its remaining nuclear weapons equipment to international inspectors, and a cargo ship laden with 500 tons of centrifuges and other gear left for the United States on Saturday, the White House announced.

Libya Turns Over Rest of Its Nuclear Materiel

say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

In all my years being on forums, this is the most idiotic, silly, wrong thread ever! Obama and his apology tour was the beginning of the terrible demise of our standing in the world, and you can add---------------
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

In all my years being on forums, this is the most idiotic, silly, wrong thread ever! Obama and his apology tour was the beginning of the terrible demise of our standing in the world, and you can add---------------
Timmy is known for making the most outrageous and absurd comments on USMB. It's sort of his "calling card". I think mostly he's just longing for attention.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Here lies your problem.. The US is the greatest country on earth challenged by no one..

Raise of hands you prick op do you buy stocks and bonds in yen?

What's in your pocket..

Us dollars fool

What the heck are you talking about... we lost most everything with Bush, and are doing well again...Trump has been in office 1 week so don't get too excited..
You mean Pelosi and Reid, plus the economy sucks no matter how often you lie about it.

My savings doesn't lie....

Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months
The stock market's prolonged tumble has wiped out about $2 trillion in Americans' retirement savings in the past 15 months, a blow that could force workers to stay on the job longer than planned, rein in spending and possibly further stall an economy reliant on consumer dollars, Congress's top budget analyst said yesterday
Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months

Big oil did great though in the Bush years..made millions for some.

Big oil made over $600 billion during Bush years, but invested bupkis in clean energy, Part 1
How does that refute what I said?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Dumbest fucking post of all time.
Why is the world mocking and disrespecting trump?
The world isn't. Liberals are stupid people easily manipulated. Their emotions get whipped up by pop media, they take to the streets to throw temper tantrums and you think it's the whole world.
All the left wing drama queenery, femmish hysterics, and predictable douchebaggery has been even more fun to behold then ever......

Circus freaks are people too !!!!!!
"Let Us Take Care of You, by Taxing Someone Else}}}

that's the repub nitwits way ,,,,taking from the blue states
There's a simple solution to your whine: terminate those welfare programs you despise so much.
which major company ..oil comp.etc etc should we start at?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Here lies your problem.. The US is the greatest country on earth challenged by no one..

Raise of hands you prick op do you buy stocks and bonds in yen?

What's in your pocket..

Us dollars fool

What the heck are you talking about... we lost most everything with Bush, and are doing well again...Trump has been in office 1 week so don't get too excited..
You mean Pelosi and Reid, plus the economy sucks no matter how often you lie about it.

My savings doesn't lie....

Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months
The stock market's prolonged tumble has wiped out about $2 trillion in Americans' retirement savings in the past 15 months, a blow that could force workers to stay on the job longer than planned, rein in spending and possibly further stall an economy reliant on consumer dollars, Congress's top budget analyst said yesterday
Retirement Savings Lose $2 Trillion in 15 Months

Big oil did great though in the Bush years..made millions for some.

Big oil made over $600 billion during Bush years, but invested bupkis in clean energy, Part 1
How does that refute what I said?

Wow you are up early..

You said that I lied about how I lost a lot of my retirement silly..
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Jokes are funny
In an interview with Stefanie Rule, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R Rep from Florida, said while she didn't agree with Trump, she would never protest because, get this, "she's her own person".
She said she "prays" he does the right thing.
Sad. If more had protested in Cuba, perhaps she wouldn't be a refugee herself.
Something is wrong with Republicans.
I hope who ever her opponent is in the next election was watching.

Too funny.

Trump would never burn Russia. He works for them.

Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Here lies your problem.. The US is the greatest country on earth challenged by no one..

Raise of hands you prick op do you buy stocks and bonds in yen?

What's in your pocket..

Us dollars fool

What the heck are you talking about... we lost most everything with Bush, and are doing well again...Trump has been in office 1 week so don't get too excited..

Lost everything? I think you drank too much kool aid
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

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