In a week Trump has managed to destroy the USA's good name .

Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

The only SNAFU was a few Green Card holders got detained and that will be addressed and corrected as far as any other foreign national wanting to enter the US my original statement stands
I love my country, history is a great way to look back & see the great the good, and the mistakes &missteps . due diligence is what can lead to less mistakes. what do you know about the new cabinet ? what do you think about Andrew Puzder, what will this restaurant CEO do for the average working person, he openly opposed raising the minimum wage. opposed overtime pay. what are his good points.
he did? hmmm so what? he is working with our allies and doing quite well. not sure what you think you see, but it's most likely the same as the polls that showed trump lose. Let me laugh at you :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Actually, the border is under the direct control of the feds.. one of the few items not delegated to the states. And the papers can be revoked at any time for virtually any reason.
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

Seriously I envy your life how ignorant you are.. Tell me Timmy how does it feel to be a dumb fuck?

I am just curious..
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Timmy I asked you to cite the part of the Constitution you contend keeps Trump from withholding Federal dollars?

He can withold fed dollars but they have to be connected to what he's looking to do .

For example , he can hold money from sanctuary city police departments. Ya know The police that he "supports ".

You said the Constitution wouldn't allow him to withhold Fed dollars, I asked you to show me where it says that.
10th amendment

And Printz vs the US (1997). Written by righty hero Justice Scalia . It was a Brady bill gun control case actually .

So, you'd agree that states can lower the drinking age below 21 and still retain fed highway dollars?
Seriously though, if we are doing what is right, why should it matter what the rest of the world thinks of it?

Why shouldn't we have a vetting process for those who enter the U.S. when Isis said they will infiltrate refugee populations?

We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!

Uhm yes...
We DO have a vetting process . If you want to make that better, fine . But just cutting people traveling from certain countries is not the way to go about doing it .

We have no legal obligation to let any foreign nationals into this country

We do when they have legit papers . The border is not Trumps to unilaterally control .

Wow just wow...

It boggles the mind how ignorant you are.

How so ?

If you have a green card you have legal status and rights under the constitution.

You fools think the Don can just do whatever he wants at the border !? Lol, and the nerve to call me ignorant!

Uhm yes...

Timmy Trump could launch a nuclear missle at your bedroom right now.. No questions asked.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.

Obastard destroyed its good name and made it a 3rd world sewer shit hole you ass licker
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Why because a tiny minority of paid protesters at the behest of creeps like George Soros show up with their silly faux outrage..
Hey genius. The Order is 100% legal. It is a temporary order to allow us time to rework the vetting process.
it is NOT a ban on those of a certain religion
In fact the list of countries was of OBAMA'S making.
You people believe that the majority of Americans believe as you do. You could not be more incorrect.
POTUS campaigned on extreme vetting.
Now you are your cohorts in the news media have crated this anti Muslim narrative to be followed by the knee jerk sheep that follow these media hacks.
Charles Schumer crying. What a fucking fake douche nozzle.
If Obama had the BALLS to issue such an order NO ONE would have said a God Damned thing.
POTUS is acting in our best interests. This is happening for the first time in 8 years where US interests and the interests of the American people are being placed at the top of the list of priorities. And you little dust balls can't handle it...
We know your tactics before you decide to act. Everything this President does is going to result in you crybabies whining and complaining about it..
BTW, your side started this shit. Now you will live with the consequences. You can say good bye ot the Senate Filibuster rules.
You can throw all the temper tantrums you wish. Your side will not be able to hold anything hostage
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

I see you just crawled up out of the toliet
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
The Chinese wouldn't pull the stairs up to Air Force One at the G20 summit.....the P.I. president called Obama a S.O.B....Obama back-stabbed Israel at the UN.
Are you fucking kidding me????>
The OP is about as far left spineless pink shirt wearing loon as one can be...he has the constitution of a hot stick of butter.
The guy is constantly dehydrated from crying all the time.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
The Chinese wouldn't pull the stairs up to Air Force One at the G20 summit.....the P.I. president called Obama a S.O.B....Obama back-stabbed Israel at the UN.
Are you fucking kidding me????>

China is our rival . The hate obama cause he didn't stand for their bullshit . Unlike trump wh Russia .
Lol, what bullshit? China saw how Obama drew red lines with his crayon.
Seeing the US objectively really shows much more that being emotionally involved as we Americans are..I am so embarrassed, I felt the same way with Bush and crooked Cheney...
so you don't like republicans.
say what you want about obama , but he was a worldwide icon . Beloved everywhere in the globe except in countries who are enemies the the US . He rebuilt our world wide standing after W dragged it thru the mud.

And now in the blink of an eye Donny has ruined much of the goodwill we had built . I hope the people of the world see the demonstrations and know that the American
People are not all that Trump represents.
Trump is a terrible person for not going on an apology tour and fucking over our allies. That bastard.

"Apology tour". Was right wing fake news before they decided to coin the phrase "fake news ".

I see you just crawled up out of the toliet
yeah..Now the toilet has to be cleaned.

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