In act of civil disobedience, 150 Sudanese refugees walk out of Israeli 'open prison'

I see some deportations coming. Israel has enough enemies from outside without being flooded with hangers-on from within.
I see some deportations coming. Israel has enough enemies from outside without being flooded with hangers-on from within.

With all the pretentious whining and seething oozing out of Mahmoud about the African migrants, Mahmoud has nothing to tell us about "palestinian" Arabs making a withdrawal from their welfare account to assist those migrants.


Watch "African Migrants March Towards Jerusalem" on YouTube
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The Israelis do way more to help Africans than the Arabs its not even close. The Arabs don't even want Blacks in their countries.
We can all choose to live in fear of others different from us.

But there is always another choice, we.can fully place our trust in God and refuse to live in fear of others.

That was the post that makes no sense.

Please comment to my first post on this thread, and the one following that one- seriously.

Let me tell you a story. One night a few years ago now, I found myself at home without the key to the car, I decided I was going to walk to town for something or other. It was night. Some might say that was very stupid, I live outside of a town in the country, about 4 miles from town. Between my house and town is a country paved road that intersects with a highway that is very curved , with bridges and water and the highway leads up to an overpass that extends over an interstate. That walk was a struggle against fear, fear of the dark, fear of wild animals like coyotes and dogs that run wild in packs, and fear of people some of whom are certainly willing to harm a lone woman on a secluded country road. I literally saw eyes gazing at me from the woods around me. But I walked all the way down that road and over the overpass and into town. I literally prayed aloud as I walked. But I overcame my fear with Jesus beside me and with me with every step I took.

NONE Of us have to live with fear, we can trust in God and overcome our fear.

You have a government that preys upon the fear of the people. You don't have to be afraid, you do not have to give in to that fear.

Our fear is not based on what the govenment said.

I have been personally harrased by illegal immigrants in south Tel-Aviv, one time of front of a male friend of mine. That guy who harassed me had absolutely no shame and some nerve, and my friend physically gave him the boot.

Had he not been there? most likely I would have been raped.

I didn't find it necessarry to point it out until now, because I didn't feel it is very neede to point out that many of my "racist opinions" are based on BAD personal experience.

You can say million times that I'm racist, but will you let those guys near one of your kids?

I highly doubt it.
I live in communities with blacks in them.

My children go to school with blacks.

I live in a nation where Segregation is unlawful.

I live in a culture and society that is integrated.
I live in communities with blacks in them.

My children go to school with blacks.

I live in a nation where Segregation is unlawful.

I live in a culture and society that is integrated.

Well Whoopie Do! What you are leaving out is that there are still some people down in the South who hate the Blacks. Meanwhile, maybe Mrs. Sherri can tell us why the Muslims are the only ones keeping slaves in these modern days. By the way, she can tell us what the thousands of Ethiopians who were deported from Saudi Arabia are going to do for work in their own country.
Why does Sally defend racism in Israel and the American South?

Is Sally a racist?

It certainly looks like Mrs. Sherri didn't read the article on how horribly the Ethiopians are treated by the Saudis. Maybe when her friends treat the Blacks so terribly is is quite OK with her because she is very silent on the issue of how the lighter-skinned Arabs think of Black people. It's a shame this video was pulled because Mrs. Sherri could see with her own eyes how one Saudi treated some young Black kid. Well we know how they mistreat their Filipina maids so why not little Black kids?

Saudi Arabian Muslim Beating a Little African Child (Video) | sharia unveiled

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