In all seriousness. How should the world deal with China if and when this gets resolved?

Just want to know in all seriousness. Spare me the party line that we shouldn't punish the "Chinese people." Don't waste time with the veer into the identity politics and obfuscating from the issue.

The Chinese government is responsible for infecting the world. We know the doctor that sounded the alarm was forced to take back his claims. We know he was forced to sign a paper. We know this started in Wuhan.

Should we as a world community DEMAND ANSWERS!?!?!

Should the world DEMAND JUSTICE!?

Just the fact that a DOCTOR is even called a WHISTLEBLOWER is disturbing as hell. Take the time to think about that.

Have you taken the time to think about it? Ok, now let us know what is disturbing about that to you.

Justice needs to be DEMANDED from the world....

Again, spare me the identity politics.

Sign Trans-Pacific Partnership...

Who could have seen this happen? Well the the people setting up TPP..

Please give us the actual reasons for not signing it with evidence not the silly
Yeah, well China is not a country to practice that type of economic system with seeing they do not believe in it and have manipulated the system with the suppression of their currency for decades along with selling poisonous products that many just ignore.

I go out of my way to read where my Jean's are made and make sure I buy products made in Central America and Mexico and usually I have to shop at Target for that and when looking for other supplies I read and search for non-Chinese made products.

America need to get off of the Chinese Heroin and work with her neighbors here in this part of the World!
I agree, we should stick with the Americas... we could solve a whole bunch of caravan problems while at it. Goods can be flown or trucked or shipped to get here.... lots of choices.

It'll bring the Americas out of poverty....less problems for us... in the long run....

I have been saying that for decades that we need to focus on our neighbors.

People should look at the cost of living in countries like El Salvador and Guatemala and realize making the product there will be better than having a regime that want to enslave us make it with their slave labor.

People forget China Government still uses a form of Slave Labor in their country and yet many of us are quick to buy their products and why?

Might as well trade with North Korea if we are going to be working with regimes like China!

So we both agree on this but let fact reality once this is over nothing will be done and why?

Americans think with their pocketbooks and not with their head...
Problems with that though. I agree with you, however there are some real things to consider. One, China is a real nuclear power and a real threat from a military standpoint. That is no small thing.

Free trade, at the end of the day prevents wars from breaking out. Especially that one big war that we are all fearing.

Those countries that you mentioned, don't have any sort of military standing. I know that may seem like no big deal, but it is a bigger.factor than we think.

Which, is one giant reason why the world may refrain from blasting China too much. With the left wing stooges like.JoeB, it is all about racism.

Said it before and I will say it again. He is very lucky we will never meet. Had a grandfather executed by fidel castro. Had a brother die as a Marine.

Cannot believe we have to tolerate a person that glowingly pisses on our country as he praises every tyrannical regime for no other reason than they are not white and hates American free market well enough.

I understand China is a Nuclear and Military Superpower but something has to be done once and for all or this will keep on repeating until China has weaken us to the point they take us over...

Look, China has been a growing threat since the Korean conflict and Nixon messed up badly by opening that door to China because you can never trust a regime that still believe in the practices of Maoism and Stalinism.

Soon Hong Kong will be completely back into China clutches and China is eyeing Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines while also working on uniting South Korea under a North Korean type government and then focus on Japan and taking them.

It has been China plan for decades and if the World does not alter China course we as a World might as well raise China Flag in our Nations and bow to the Dragon...

I know I am coming off unhinged but if I am screaming and saying let alter their course then it is for a good reason because China is and has always been a threat to us since the Korean conflict!

So as you pointed out their Military and Nuclear capabilities, well I have to say we must risk angering the Dragon and do what is best for America and not China.

Now if Joe find my comments racist, well Joe find anyone that is white and not worshipping Stalin to be racist while forgetting all of his heroes of the past were racists or race baiting bigots like Stalin and Mao...
Yes, we are North of the rock and south of the hard place. There is no easy answer. The simple fact is condemning China on a mass scale like we are advocating will take unreal courage and total commitment on part of the whole world. Everyone committed in their disdain not for just how they infected us all with their blatant and willful disregard for the world with this disease, but their long well documented history of mass genocide and treatment of their citizens as well as being an intolerant murderous regime for over 50 years. Their genocide and homicidal sins make what the nazis did look like a cloudy day. All to the loud cheers and support of those that claim how they are all for human liberty, all while espousing communism. Just......think about that. Take the time to just.....think about that.

Well, the fact is as a result of people like a JoeB and to lesser degree Care, we see the world will not be united in condemning China for....anything.

They are immediately pulling out their race cards as instructed and actually praising them for how they are helping the world and even claiming they were doing it from the start.

That is what we are dealing with. So, the dream that you are having and I am having will remain just that. Back to blaming Trump and American capitalist white people now.

Care, you and I have had crossed words before but Care also understand my point and so do you...

China Government list is this:

Currency Manipulation

Slave labor

Supporting Cartels in Mexico that produce illegal drugs and Sex and Labor Slave Trade.

North Korea

South China Sea


Selling poisonous products to U.S. buyer.



That is just a short list of China Government crimes and anyone that believe China is a good trade partner is a moron in my eyes.

Also if idiots like Joe think my harsh words against China Government is because of Trump, well I have documented history on this board showing my hate for China Government before Trump took office, this has nothing to do with Trump but with China Government!
I just checked the box of Nitrile gloves in my desk. Made in Malaysia. Is that a critical item to have made in the US? What about face masks, patient drapes, syringes, gowns, and normal saline?
How should we? Bring critical businesses stateside. Of course, determining what is "critical" is a moving target.

How will we? Likely not at all. Americans are addicted to low prices. And one of the biggest factors in determining price is the costs of production (labor+materials). Labor is cheaper over there than it is over here. All of the tariffs in the world aren't going to stop that.

In fact, putting tariffs on seemingly "non-critical" items like lumber likely caused the shortages in paper goods we're all now experiencing.

I am unsure but what I remember we import more Lumber from Canada than China, so slapping tariffs on Chinese lumber is not going to harm us if we import any from China.

Steel on the other hand is a whole different story.

What should be brought back to this country or at least to Mexico and Canada is the production of gloves, maskes and pharmaceutical products along with if we have anything that is made for our Military over there.

Actually we need to close the door to China and say goodbye to them for good!

China has been in a proxy-war with us for decades and many will say no but it is true!

China funds the Cartels in Mexico while also supplying then with the chemicals to operate their ( Cartels ) drug trade business.

China has been for awhile building up in the South China Sea and this was going on during Obama time, so let not a t like China hostility has just started under Trump and before your smartass writes I am blaming Obana, well I am not!

China has been a growing threat for decades and this last incident with the virus should wake the entire World up and finally put China back in it place but most will ignore China threat and then claim we should not punish the Chinese Government!

So critical manufacturing as been listed by me and I would go so far to cutoff all trade and bolster or trade with Mexico, Canada, Central America and South America!

The blob started trade wars with everyone.

Trump’s Lumber Tariff Is Forcing Canada Producers to Idle Mills

This particular tariff helped result in a lack of paper goods.

As for China, the consumers are going to write the book on what happens. Right now, we’re addicted to lower prices. A shrimp platter is already about $18 at some restaurants. Without Chinese Shrimp on the market, the price will go up.

Without Chinese Shrimp?


China Government thanks you for it support and you need to take a picture of your box of gloves to show the board because your credibility was shot with your response!

So you are saying you are fine with China making all your medicines and running factories that can poison you at any time because you want it cheap?

You are fine with buying Chinese made products that the revenue goes back to the Chinese Government that will arrest anyone that tell the truth about a possible Pandemic?

Tell me Candycorn when Obama was President was China a good friend of the U.S. and did Obama have a good relationship with China?

Let see if you are honest because you are claiming all this is because of Trump and when I prove you to be the lying partisan hack you are, well then you will just claim I am lying and then say Shrimp prices will go up.

We import a good majority of our food from Mexico and not China and we should never be importing from China when it come to food consumption because of their miserable ways they operate their factories.

So come on Candycorn keep on spinning for China Government and tell me how you need Shrimp to be cheap and that is why you do not want to cutoff trade with China!

Oh shut the fuck up. Never said anything like that.
Yeah, well China is not a country to practice that type of economic system with seeing they do not believe in it and have manipulated the system with the suppression of their currency for decades along with selling poisonous products that many just ignore.

I go out of my way to read where my Jean's are made and make sure I buy products made in Central America and Mexico and usually I have to shop at Target for that and when looking for other supplies I read and search for non-Chinese made products.

America need to get off of the Chinese Heroin and work with her neighbors here in this part of the World!

Kind of amusing that you mention Heroin... you obviously were never taught about the Opium Wars in whatever Home School you went to.

Is China a bad actor? Um, yeah. And our corporations love them for it. Here's the thing, we have a bunch of products with American names made in China. Even this one.

Just want to know in all seriousness. Spare me the party line that we shouldn't punish the "Chinese people." Don't waste time with the veer into the identity politics and obfuscating from the issue.

The Chinese government is responsible for infecting the world. We know the doctor that sounded the alarm was forced to take back his claims. We know he was forced to sign a paper. We know this started in Wuhan.

Should we as a world community DEMAND ANSWERS!?!?!

Should the world DEMAND JUSTICE!?

Just the fact that a DOCTOR is even called a WHISTLEBLOWER is disturbing as hell. Take the time to think about that.

Have you taken the time to think about it? Ok, now let us know what is disturbing about that to you.

Justice needs to be DEMANDED from the world....

Again, spare me the identity politics.

Make them make all their shit for free for 2 months, then the stateside companies sell that for half price to help stimulate the economy.
That is just a short list of China Government crimes and anyone that believe China is a good trade partner is a moron in my eyes.

Also if idiots like Joe think my harsh words against China Government is because of Trump, well I have documented history on this board showing my hate for China Government before Trump took office, this has nothing to do with Trump but with China Government!

So essentially, you were a racist before Trump normalized it? Okay. Good for you, I guess you did it before it was cool.

China is a great trading partner. They give us quality goods (mostly) at a low cost.

I've told this story before, so let's say it again. When I grew up, we had an American Made TV, which was nearly constantly on the fritz. There was a store on the corner that had a tube tester so you could bring up a bunch of tubes, test them and buy replacements for the bad ones, so it wasn't just us. (This was in the 1970's). by the 1980's, most of that TV production went to Asia. First TV I had (Toshiba) lasted about 18 years before it went out. The one I had after that still worked, but I got rid of it not because it wasn't working fine, but because most channels/shows went from SD to HDTV formats, and I'd be watching shows where two characters would be talking and all you could see was the empty space between them.

I suspect my current TV will last longer than I do.
I agree, that should never have happened, but with Free Trade, and Free Markets that's what happens... deregulation.

Except none of those countries have free markets, free trade, and certainly no deregulation.
I have been saying that for decades that we need to focus on our neighbors.

People should look at the cost of living in countries like El Salvador and Guatemala and realize making the product there will be better than having a regime that want to enslave us make it with their slave labor.

Except those countries don't have the manpower, political stability or resources to do what China does... so there's that.

People forget China Government still uses a form of Slave Labor in their country and yet many of us are quick to buy their products and why?

So do we. Ever hear of the Prison Industrial Complex? We lock up 2 million people providing cheap labor to corporations.

Look, China has been a growing threat since the Korean conflict and Nixon messed up badly by opening that door to China because you can never trust a regime that still believe in the practices of Maoism and Stalinism.

Soon Hong Kong will be completely back into China clutches and China is eyeing Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines while also working on uniting South Korea under a North Korean type government and then focus on Japan and taking them.

Okay, one more time, let's get real. The Chinese Military has only been in the field three times since the Communist took over. 1951 in Korea, 1962 in India and 1979 with Vietnam. They didn't cover themselves in glory in any of those.

Invade the Philippines? Um, yeah. good luck doing that without much of a Navy.

The reality- military conquest is kind of a thing of the past. The cost of conquering one of your neighbors far exceeds the benefits of doing so.

So can we trim down on the hysterics just a bit, Bruce?
Yeah, well China is not a country to practice that type of economic system with seeing they do not believe in it and have manipulated the system with the suppression of their currency for decades along with selling poisonous products that many just ignore.

I go out of my way to read where my Jean's are made and make sure I buy products made in Central America and Mexico and usually I have to shop at Target for that and when looking for other supplies I read and search for non-Chinese made products.

America need to get off of the Chinese Heroin and work with her neighbors here in this part of the World!
I agree, we should stick with the Americas... we could solve a whole bunch of caravan problems while at it. Goods can be flown or trucked or shipped to get here.... lots of choices.

It'll bring the Americas out of poverty....less problems for us... in the long run....

I have been saying that for decades that we need to focus on our neighbors.

People should look at the cost of living in countries like El Salvador and Guatemala and realize making the product there will be better than having a regime that want to enslave us make it with their slave labor.

People forget China Government still uses a form of Slave Labor in their country and yet many of us are quick to buy their products and why?

Might as well trade with North Korea if we are going to be working with regimes like China!

So we both agree on this but let fact reality once this is over nothing will be done and why?

Americans think with their pocketbooks and not with their head...
Problems with that though. I agree with you, however there are some real things to consider. One, China is a real nuclear power and a real threat from a military standpoint. That is no small thing.

Free trade, at the end of the day prevents wars from breaking out. Especially that one big war that we are all fearing.

Those countries that you mentioned, don't have any sort of military standing. I know that may seem like no big deal, but it is a bigger.factor than we think.

Which, is one giant reason why the world may refrain from blasting China too much. With the left wing stooges like.JoeB, it is all about racism.

Said it before and I will say it again. He is very lucky we will never meet. Had a grandfather executed by fidel castro. Had a brother die as a Marine.

Cannot believe we have to tolerate a person that glowingly pisses on our country as he praises every tyrannical regime for no other reason than they are not white and hates American free market well enough.

I understand China is a Nuclear and Military Superpower but something has to be done once and for all or this will keep on repeating until China has weaken us to the point they take us over...

Look, China has been a growing threat since the Korean conflict and Nixon messed up badly by opening that door to China because you can never trust a regime that still believe in the practices of Maoism and Stalinism.

Soon Hong Kong will be completely back into China clutches and China is eyeing Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines while also working on uniting South Korea under a North Korean type government and then focus on Japan and taking them.

It has been China plan for decades and if the World does not alter China course we as a World might as well raise China Flag in our Nations and bow to the Dragon...

I know I am coming off unhinged but if I am screaming and saying let alter their course then it is for a good reason because China is and has always been a threat to us since the Korean conflict!

So as you pointed out their Military and Nuclear capabilities, well I have to say we must risk angering the Dragon and do what is best for America and not China.

Now if Joe find my comments racist, well Joe find anyone that is white and not worshipping Stalin to be racist while forgetting all of his heroes of the past were racists or race baiting bigots like Stalin and Mao...
Yes, we are North of the rock and south of the hard place. There is no easy answer. The simple fact is condemning China on a mass scale like we are advocating will take unreal courage and total commitment on part of the whole world. Everyone committed in their disdain not for just how they infected us all with their blatant and willful disregard for the world with this disease, but their long well documented history of mass genocide and treatment of their citizens as well as being an intolerant murderous regime for over 50 years. Their genocide and homicidal sins make what the nazis did look like a cloudy day. All to the loud cheers and support of those that claim how they are all for human liberty, all while espousing communism. Just......think about that. Take the time to just.....think about that.

Well, the fact is as a result of people like a JoeB and to lesser degree Care, we see the world will not be united in condemning China for....anything.

They are immediately pulling out their race cards as instructed and actually praising them for how they are helping the world and even claiming they were doing it from the start.

That is what we are dealing with. So, the dream that you are having and I am having will remain just that. Back to blaming Trump and American capitalist white people now.
I'm not certain China understood the ramifications... it certainly will hurt them more than the rest of us financially. They had no intention to hurt us all, because hurting us, hurts them.... our economies crashing, crashes their economy... we aren't there to buy from them the way we did, demand is down, worldwide....That means they have no business or less business.

So one thing is certain, and that is their intention of denying it as an epidemic, was not to harm us....

Just like TRUMPs denial to us for weeks, that this virus was a mother f-er, it was going to go down to none with the virus from 15 according to the President, a nothing burger....

Their gov't hid it or denied it, Trump did the same with us....

But it was not because Trump WANTED to harm us... He just thought he could make it all go away with his typical bull skat... He could talk his way out of it.
I agree, we should stick with the Americas... we could solve a whole bunch of caravan problems while at it. Goods can be flown or trucked or shipped to get here.... lots of choices.

It'll bring the Americas out of poverty....less problems for us... in the long run....

I have been saying that for decades that we need to focus on our neighbors.

People should look at the cost of living in countries like El Salvador and Guatemala and realize making the product there will be better than having a regime that want to enslave us make it with their slave labor.

People forget China Government still uses a form of Slave Labor in their country and yet many of us are quick to buy their products and why?

Might as well trade with North Korea if we are going to be working with regimes like China!

So we both agree on this but let fact reality once this is over nothing will be done and why?

Americans think with their pocketbooks and not with their head...
Problems with that though. I agree with you, however there are some real things to consider. One, China is a real nuclear power and a real threat from a military standpoint. That is no small thing.

Free trade, at the end of the day prevents wars from breaking out. Especially that one big war that we are all fearing.

Those countries that you mentioned, don't have any sort of military standing. I know that may seem like no big deal, but it is a bigger.factor than we think.

Which, is one giant reason why the world may refrain from blasting China too much. With the left wing stooges like.JoeB, it is all about racism.

Said it before and I will say it again. He is very lucky we will never meet. Had a grandfather executed by fidel castro. Had a brother die as a Marine.

Cannot believe we have to tolerate a person that glowingly pisses on our country as he praises every tyrannical regime for no other reason than they are not white and hates American free market well enough.

I understand China is a Nuclear and Military Superpower but something has to be done once and for all or this will keep on repeating until China has weaken us to the point they take us over...

Look, China has been a growing threat since the Korean conflict and Nixon messed up badly by opening that door to China because you can never trust a regime that still believe in the practices of Maoism and Stalinism.

Soon Hong Kong will be completely back into China clutches and China is eyeing Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines while also working on uniting South Korea under a North Korean type government and then focus on Japan and taking them.

It has been China plan for decades and if the World does not alter China course we as a World might as well raise China Flag in our Nations and bow to the Dragon...

I know I am coming off unhinged but if I am screaming and saying let alter their course then it is for a good reason because China is and has always been a threat to us since the Korean conflict!

So as you pointed out their Military and Nuclear capabilities, well I have to say we must risk angering the Dragon and do what is best for America and not China.

Now if Joe find my comments racist, well Joe find anyone that is white and not worshipping Stalin to be racist while forgetting all of his heroes of the past were racists or race baiting bigots like Stalin and Mao...
Yes, we are North of the rock and south of the hard place. There is no easy answer. The simple fact is condemning China on a mass scale like we are advocating will take unreal courage and total commitment on part of the whole world. Everyone committed in their disdain not for just how they infected us all with their blatant and willful disregard for the world with this disease, but their long well documented history of mass genocide and treatment of their citizens as well as being an intolerant murderous regime for over 50 years. Their genocide and homicidal sins make what the nazis did look like a cloudy day. All to the loud cheers and support of those that claim how they are all for human liberty, all while espousing communism. Just......think about that. Take the time to just.....think about that.

Well, the fact is as a result of people like a JoeB and to lesser degree Care, we see the world will not be united in condemning China for....anything.

They are immediately pulling out their race cards as instructed and actually praising them for how they are helping the world and even claiming they were doing it from the start.

That is what we are dealing with. So, the dream that you are having and I am having will remain just that. Back to blaming Trump and American capitalist white people now.
I'm not certain China understood the ramifications... it certainly will hurt them more than the rest of us financially. They had no intention to hurt us all, because hurting us, hurts them.... our economies crashing, crashes their economy... we aren't there to buy from them the way we did, demand is down, worldwide....That means they have no business or less business.

So one thing is certain, and that is their intention of denying it as an epidemic, was not to harm us....

Just like TRUMPs denial to us for weeks, that this virus was a mother f-er, it was going to go down to none with the virus from 15 according to the President, a nothing burger....

Their gov't hid it or denied it, Trump did the same with us....

But it was not because Trump WANTED to harm us... He just thought he could make it all go away with his typical bull skat... He could talk his way out of it.

At least you are smart enough to know what Trump was doing is typical Trump speak...

As for China, well I believe their Government would destroy their own economy if they thought it would hurt the U.S. more...

They want to teach us not to stand in their way of Global Dominance in my opinion...
I just checked the box of Nitrile gloves in my desk. Made in Malaysia. Is that a critical item to have made in the US? What about face masks, patient drapes, syringes, gowns, and normal saline?
How should we? Bring critical businesses stateside. Of course, determining what is "critical" is a moving target.

How will we? Likely not at all. Americans are addicted to low prices. And one of the biggest factors in determining price is the costs of production (labor+materials). Labor is cheaper over there than it is over here. All of the tariffs in the world aren't going to stop that.

In fact, putting tariffs on seemingly "non-critical" items like lumber likely caused the shortages in paper goods we're all now experiencing.

I am unsure but what I remember we import more Lumber from Canada than China, so slapping tariffs on Chinese lumber is not going to harm us if we import any from China.

Steel on the other hand is a whole different story.

What should be brought back to this country or at least to Mexico and Canada is the production of gloves, maskes and pharmaceutical products along with if we have anything that is made for our Military over there.

Actually we need to close the door to China and say goodbye to them for good!

China has been in a proxy-war with us for decades and many will say no but it is true!

China funds the Cartels in Mexico while also supplying then with the chemicals to operate their ( Cartels ) drug trade business.

China has been for awhile building up in the South China Sea and this was going on during Obama time, so let not a t like China hostility has just started under Trump and before your smartass writes I am blaming Obana, well I am not!

China has been a growing threat for decades and this last incident with the virus should wake the entire World up and finally put China back in it place but most will ignore China threat and then claim we should not punish the Chinese Government!

So critical manufacturing as been listed by me and I would go so far to cutoff all trade and bolster or trade with Mexico, Canada, Central America and South America!

The blob started trade wars with everyone.

Trump’s Lumber Tariff Is Forcing Canada Producers to Idle Mills

This particular tariff helped result in a lack of paper goods.

As for China, the consumers are going to write the book on what happens. Right now, we’re addicted to lower prices. A shrimp platter is already about $18 at some restaurants. Without Chinese Shrimp on the market, the price will go up.

Without Chinese Shrimp?


China Government thanks you for it support and you need to take a picture of your box of gloves to show the board because your credibility was shot with your response!

So you are saying you are fine with China making all your medicines and running factories that can poison you at any time because you want it cheap?

You are fine with buying Chinese made products that the revenue goes back to the Chinese Government that will arrest anyone that tell the truth about a possible Pandemic?

Tell me Candycorn when Obama was President was China a good friend of the U.S. and did Obama have a good relationship with China?

Let see if you are honest because you are claiming all this is because of Trump and when I prove you to be the lying partisan hack you are, well then you will just claim I am lying and then say Shrimp prices will go up.

We import a good majority of our food from Mexico and not China and we should never be importing from China when it come to food consumption because of their miserable ways they operate their factories.

So come on Candycorn keep on spinning for China Government and tell me how you need Shrimp to be cheap and that is why you do not want to cutoff trade with China!

Oh shut the fuck up. Never said anything like that.

No, I will not shit the fuck up because you did mention Shrimp and it cost would rise if we did not buy it from China!

Why you do not want to respond is because you damn well know when I pulled the Obama card on your sorry ass you realized you had nowhere to run and now want to dictate what I can write like a loser that you are!

You know the gloves you have on your desk is from China and you are only defending China because you believe those like me hate them because of Trump, but I have a record on this board calling China a damn threat when Obama was President!

So no loser I will not shut the fuck up just because you are upset at being proven wrong about China!

It is losers like you that will support an enemy just with the hope you can win in November and to me that is fucking sickening!

So tell me how our food prices will go up if we do not import from China because Shrimp is a food and we import a hell of a lot more food from Mexico than China!

Let me guess you will start hating Mexico because they can help us get off the Chinese cheap shit train!
I have been saying that for decades that we need to focus on our neighbors.

People should look at the cost of living in countries like El Salvador and Guatemala and realize making the product there will be better than having a regime that want to enslave us make it with their slave labor.

People forget China Government still uses a form of Slave Labor in their country and yet many of us are quick to buy their products and why?

Might as well trade with North Korea if we are going to be working with regimes like China!

So we both agree on this but let fact reality once this is over nothing will be done and why?

Americans think with their pocketbooks and not with their head...
Problems with that though. I agree with you, however there are some real things to consider. One, China is a real nuclear power and a real threat from a military standpoint. That is no small thing.

Free trade, at the end of the day prevents wars from breaking out. Especially that one big war that we are all fearing.

Those countries that you mentioned, don't have any sort of military standing. I know that may seem like no big deal, but it is a bigger.factor than we think.

Which, is one giant reason why the world may refrain from blasting China too much. With the left wing stooges like.JoeB, it is all about racism.

Said it before and I will say it again. He is very lucky we will never meet. Had a grandfather executed by fidel castro. Had a brother die as a Marine.

Cannot believe we have to tolerate a person that glowingly pisses on our country as he praises every tyrannical regime for no other reason than they are not white and hates American free market well enough.

I understand China is a Nuclear and Military Superpower but something has to be done once and for all or this will keep on repeating until China has weaken us to the point they take us over...

Look, China has been a growing threat since the Korean conflict and Nixon messed up badly by opening that door to China because you can never trust a regime that still believe in the practices of Maoism and Stalinism.

Soon Hong Kong will be completely back into China clutches and China is eyeing Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines while also working on uniting South Korea under a North Korean type government and then focus on Japan and taking them.

It has been China plan for decades and if the World does not alter China course we as a World might as well raise China Flag in our Nations and bow to the Dragon...

I know I am coming off unhinged but if I am screaming and saying let alter their course then it is for a good reason because China is and has always been a threat to us since the Korean conflict!

So as you pointed out their Military and Nuclear capabilities, well I have to say we must risk angering the Dragon and do what is best for America and not China.

Now if Joe find my comments racist, well Joe find anyone that is white and not worshipping Stalin to be racist while forgetting all of his heroes of the past were racists or race baiting bigots like Stalin and Mao...
Yes, we are North of the rock and south of the hard place. There is no easy answer. The simple fact is condemning China on a mass scale like we are advocating will take unreal courage and total commitment on part of the whole world. Everyone committed in their disdain not for just how they infected us all with their blatant and willful disregard for the world with this disease, but their long well documented history of mass genocide and treatment of their citizens as well as being an intolerant murderous regime for over 50 years. Their genocide and homicidal sins make what the nazis did look like a cloudy day. All to the loud cheers and support of those that claim how they are all for human liberty, all while espousing communism. Just......think about that. Take the time to just.....think about that.

Well, the fact is as a result of people like a JoeB and to lesser degree Care, we see the world will not be united in condemning China for....anything.

They are immediately pulling out their race cards as instructed and actually praising them for how they are helping the world and even claiming they were doing it from the start.

That is what we are dealing with. So, the dream that you are having and I am having will remain just that. Back to blaming Trump and American capitalist white people now.
I'm not certain China understood the ramifications... it certainly will hurt them more than the rest of us financially. They had no intention to hurt us all, because hurting us, hurts them.... our economies crashing, crashes their economy... we aren't there to buy from them the way we did, demand is down, worldwide....That means they have no business or less business.

So one thing is certain, and that is their intention of denying it as an epidemic, was not to harm us....

Just like TRUMPs denial to us for weeks, that this virus was a mother f-er, it was going to go down to none with the virus from 15 according to the President, a nothing burger....

Their gov't hid it or denied it, Trump did the same with us....

But it was not because Trump WANTED to harm us... He just thought he could make it all go away with his typical bull skat... He could talk his way out of it.

At least you are smart enough to know what Trump was doing is typical Trump speak...

As for China, well I believe their Government would destroy their own economy if they thought it would hurt the U.S. more...

They want to teach us not to stand in their way of Global Dominance in my opinion...
They only have global dominance in manufacturing, and they manufacture for us, and Australia and Iran and all the countries they infected. We are the bread, that feeds them.... spreading it to us, hurts their manufacturing, then they fall down in global standing.
Give China 30 days to vacate their man-made islands in the South China Sea or we will officially recognize Taiwan as an independent country and arm them with intermediate range nuclear missiles.

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