In Between Trials

The sh!t's going down.

Did not know this:

Corey was no stranger to controversy prior to the Zimmerman trial and her firing of Mr. Kruidbos.

She had already earned headlines for an odd manipulation of State retirement funds that added several hundred thousand dollars to her own retirement account (and smaller sums to the retirement accounts of several of her staff). She denies there was any wrongdoing in these matters. It was also widely reported, however, that in retaliation for the coverage of the matter by the Jacksonville Times-Union newspaper Prosecutor Corey’s office refused henceforth to communicate with the paper as they had in the past and as they continued to do so with other news outlets. This had all been widely reported before and during the Zimmerman trial.

Perhaps more well known was her interaction with famed Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. Professor Dershowitz had been extremely critical of Corey’s professional conduct in the months leading up to the Zimmerman trial. On June 5, 2012 Professor Dershowitz wrote a newspaper column in which he said that Corey, in response to his criticism had called the Dean of Harvard Law School to complain. When transferred to the Office of Communications, “she proceeded to engage in a 40-minute rant, during which she threatened to sue Harvard Law School, to try to get me disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges against me for libel and slander.” One would expect that Corey’s intent in making such a call was to reduce any negative impact of Dershowitz’s comments–obviously, the effect was quite the opposite. Indeed, this controversy certainly gained Corey (presumably unfavorable) attention at the national level.

Even as close a follower of the Zimmerman trial as me, however, was not aware that before Corey was elected to be the top prosecutor of Metro Jacksonville she had been fired from that State Attorney’s office by her predecessor, Harry Shorstein. Shorstein explains that a law student intern working for Corey and reported to her professor, as part of a standard debriefing at the conclusion of the internship, that Corey was abusive, profane, and unprofessional. Concerned, the law school contacted Attorney Shorstein, who oversaw Corey. Shorstein reprimanded Corey. Corey, in response, called the school and told the Dean that the professor involved should be disciplined for his role in reporting her misconduct. Again the school called Shorstein and reported the matter. Shorstein ordered Corey to apologize to the Dean of the law school as well as to the professor. She failed to do so, was ordered again, again failed to apologize, and was then terminated.

Zimmerman Prosecutor Corey | Investigation | Wrongful Firing
The sh!t's going down.

Did not know this:

Corey was no stranger to controversy prior to the Zimmerman trial and her firing of Mr. Kruidbos.

She had already earned headlines for an odd manipulation of State retirement funds that added several hundred thousand dollars to her own retirement account (and smaller sums to the retirement accounts of several of her staff). She denies there was any wrongdoing in these matters. It was also widely reported, however, that in retaliation for the coverage of the matter by the Jacksonville Times-Union newspaper Prosecutor Corey’s office refused henceforth to communicate with the paper as they had in the past and as they continued to do so with other news outlets. This had all been widely reported before and during the Zimmerman trial.

Perhaps more well known was her interaction with famed Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. Professor Dershowitz had been extremely critical of Corey’s professional conduct in the months leading up to the Zimmerman trial. On June 5, 2012 Professor Dershowitz wrote a newspaper column in which he said that Corey, in response to his criticism had called the Dean of Harvard Law School to complain. When transferred to the Office of Communications, “she proceeded to engage in a 40-minute rant, during which she threatened to sue Harvard Law School, to try to get me disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges against me for libel and slander.” One would expect that Corey’s intent in making such a call was to reduce any negative impact of Dershowitz’s comments–obviously, the effect was quite the opposite. Indeed, this controversy certainly gained Corey (presumably unfavorable) attention at the national level.

Even as close a follower of the Zimmerman trial as me, however, was not aware that before Corey was elected to be the top prosecutor of Metro Jacksonville she had been fired from that State Attorney’s office by her predecessor, Harry Shorstein. Shorstein explains that a law student intern working for Corey and reported to her professor, as part of a standard debriefing at the conclusion of the internship, that Corey was abusive, profane, and unprofessional. Concerned, the law school contacted Attorney Shorstein, who oversaw Corey. Shorstein reprimanded Corey. Corey, in response, called the school and told the Dean that the professor involved should be disciplined for his role in reporting her misconduct. Again the school called Shorstein and reported the matter. Shorstein ordered Corey to apologize to the Dean of the law school as well as to the professor. She failed to do so, was ordered again, again failed to apologize, and was then terminated.

Zimmerman Prosecutor Corey | Investigation | Wrongful Firing

She's a filthy snake. She's already bitten herself more than once, so it's just a matter of time before her own poison finishes her off.
The sh!t's going down.

Did not know this:

Corey was no stranger to controversy prior to the Zimmerman trial and her firing of Mr. Kruidbos.

She had already earned headlines for an odd manipulation of State retirement funds that added several hundred thousand dollars to her own retirement account (and smaller sums to the retirement accounts of several of her staff). She denies there was any wrongdoing in these matters. It was also widely reported, however, that in retaliation for the coverage of the matter by the Jacksonville Times-Union newspaper Prosecutor Corey’s office refused henceforth to communicate with the paper as they had in the past and as they continued to do so with other news outlets. This had all been widely reported before and during the Zimmerman trial.

Perhaps more well known was her interaction with famed Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. Professor Dershowitz had been extremely critical of Corey’s professional conduct in the months leading up to the Zimmerman trial. On June 5, 2012 Professor Dershowitz wrote a newspaper column in which he said that Corey, in response to his criticism had called the Dean of Harvard Law School to complain. When transferred to the Office of Communications, “she proceeded to engage in a 40-minute rant, during which she threatened to sue Harvard Law School, to try to get me disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges against me for libel and slander.” One would expect that Corey’s intent in making such a call was to reduce any negative impact of Dershowitz’s comments–obviously, the effect was quite the opposite. Indeed, this controversy certainly gained Corey (presumably unfavorable) attention at the national level.

Even as close a follower of the Zimmerman trial as me, however, was not aware that before Corey was elected to be the top prosecutor of Metro Jacksonville she had been fired from that State Attorney’s office by her predecessor, Harry Shorstein. Shorstein explains that a law student intern working for Corey and reported to her professor, as part of a standard debriefing at the conclusion of the internship, that Corey was abusive, profane, and unprofessional. Concerned, the law school contacted Attorney Shorstein, who oversaw Corey. Shorstein reprimanded Corey. Corey, in response, called the school and told the Dean that the professor involved should be disciplined for his role in reporting her misconduct. Again the school called Shorstein and reported the matter. Shorstein ordered Corey to apologize to the Dean of the law school as well as to the professor. She failed to do so, was ordered again, again failed to apologize, and was then terminated.

Zimmerman Prosecutor Corey | Investigation | Wrongful Firing

She's a filthy snake. She's already bitten herself more than once, so it's just a matter of time before her own poison finishes her off.

pRick Scott and Pam Bondy appointed her to the Z trial. 'Lection time is coming.

This isn't going to go well....
The sh!t's going down.

Did not know this:

Corey was no stranger to controversy prior to the Zimmerman trial and her firing of Mr. Kruidbos.

Zimmerman Prosecutor Corey | Investigation | Wrongful Firing

She's a filthy snake. She's already bitten herself more than once, so it's just a matter of time before her own poison finishes her off.

pRick Scott and Pam Bondy appointed her to the Z trial. 'Lection time is coming.

This isn't going to go well....

hmmmm--Nancy Grace was once a prosecutor for Fulton County and according to her --her record was impeccable--'never lost', I think I have heard that several times--haven't verified that fact and someday I should.

So--imo--Angela Corey would be a great asset to the HLN team. Not certain she would get her own show right away and she'd have to come up with her own 'merchandise' to market--like NG's handcuff necklace. I hope I never see that necklace on anyone in the public at large.

I wonder how sales are going for the necklace? A new dimension for HLN--why not a complete line of merchandise?
So the SS Common Core came home last night on Amendments and the Constitution and I'm HOPPING mad. Every one of them ends with "change this one... what do you think?"

No SS without mommy so I can say the real deal! I don't have time right now, but I'll take pics after school.

So the SS Common Core came home last night on Amendments and the Constitution and I'm HOPPING mad. Every one of them ends with "change this one... what do you think?"

No SS without mommy so I can say the real deal! I don't have time right now, but I'll take pics after school.


go get em

indoctrination is running deep in the schools now more then ever

when you get time check out the

i pledge to serve obama video shared in a Wisconsin school

Hudson School District apologizes for 'I Pledge' video - KMSP-TV
So the SS Common Core came home last night on Amendments and the Constitution and I'm HOPPING mad. Every one of them ends with "change this one... what do you think?"

No SS without mommy so I can say the real deal! I don't have time right now, but I'll take pics after school.


go get em

indoctrination is running deep in the schools now more then ever

when you get time check out the

i pledge to serve obama video shared in a Wisconsin school

Hudson School District apologizes for 'I Pledge' video - KMSP-TV

The whole thing is ANTI Constitution one Amendment at a time. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I'm calling the school and writing the damn superintendent. We're having a meeting.
So the SS Common Core came home last night on Amendments and the Constitution and I'm HOPPING mad. Every one of them ends with "change this one... what do you think?"

No SS without mommy so I can say the real deal! I don't have time right now, but I'll take pics after school.


go get em

indoctrination is running deep in the schools now more then ever

when you get time check out the

i pledge to serve obama video shared in a Wisconsin school

Hudson School District apologizes for 'I Pledge' video - KMSP-TV

The whole thing is ANTI Constitution one Amendment at a time. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I'm calling the school and writing the damn superintendent. We're having a meeting.

it is a brainwashing program nothing more

you need to get it out of the school
go get em

indoctrination is running deep in the schools now more then ever

when you get time check out the

i pledge to serve obama video shared in a Wisconsin school

Hudson School District apologizes for 'I Pledge' video - KMSP-TV

The whole thing is ANTI Constitution one Amendment at a time. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I'm calling the school and writing the damn superintendent. We're having a meeting.

it is a brainwashing program nothing more

you need to get it out of the school

Yeah, our state is caught somewhere in the indecision middle right now - it was full steam ahead and then there was a change of course.

So NOW I have something else on my To Do list. LOL

Fucking gubbamint.

Gov. Rick Scott reverses course on Common Core assessments | Tampa Bay Times
Watching Tuesday morning Hurley. He's going thru the cases faster than a ST90210 starship on transwarpdrive. :eek:
Thug: "I look like a murderer but I'm not".
Hurley: "Sir, no one thinks you look like a murderer".


This is some funny funny shit.
Thug: "I look like a murderer but I'm not".
Hurley: "Sir, no one thinks you look like a murderer".


This is some funny funny shit.

Is he telling on himself?
Thug: "I look like a murderer but I'm not".
Hurley: "Sir, no one thinks you look like a murderer".


This is some funny funny shit.

Is he telling on himself?

I'm thinking that was a confession.

That stream is funny as heck to listen to.

That last guy had me howling in laughter.

Hurley: Stay 500 feet away from so&so
Moron: But we live in the same house
Hurley: That doesn't matter, stay away from him
Hurley: You need to find someplace else to live.
Hurley: Call the police and have them go with you to get your things.

As Moron is being led away... BUT WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE!!!!

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