In Between Trials

Is he telling on himself?

I'm thinking that was a confession.

That stream is funny as heck to listen to.

That last guy had me howling in laughter.

Hurley: Stay 500 feet away from so&so
Moron: But we live in the same house
Hurley: That doesn't matter, stay away from him
Hurley: You need to find someplace else to live.
Hurley: Call the police and have them go with you to get your things.

As Moron is being led away... BUT WE LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE!!!!

I caught that.

:rofl: :rofl:

Damn, these people drive around on the road with us and VOTE!

“Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the fifth as her appeals have now been resolved,” Zenaida’s attorney, Matt Morgan said on Thursday.

“We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time.”

The deposition is scheduled in Tampa for October 9 and it will be the first time Anthony will be required to answer questions under oath about Caylee’s disappearance.

Casey Anthony Will Be Forced To Testify Under Oath About Daughter Caylee?s Death | Radar Online
On Monday, Harry Reid’s close friend and donor, Harvey Whittemore was sentenced to two years in prison for funneling more than $130,000 in illegal campaign funds to Sen. Harry Reid’s re-election committee in 2007. He received three felony convictions, his sentence includes $100,00 in fines and 100 community service hours. Whittemore was a former Nevada power broker and named the most powerful lobbyist in Nevada who worked for gambling, alcohol and tobacco industries. His nickname was the “64th legislator”.

Reid Supporter Whittemore Gets 2 Years in Campaign Cash Case | RealClearPolitics

A verdict has been reached in the Katherine Jackson/AEG trial. It will be read at 3:30 Pacific Time.

I'll post a live stream if one becomes available.
The mics are alive with the chatter of spectators.

And they just showed a very pretty garden under the Great Seal. :thup:
The jury decided that AEG did hire Dr Conrad Murray, but that he was not incompetent or unfit to perform the work that was required.
Polling the jury. Juror #2 is too dumb to get it. Keeps answering the questions wrong. :lol:

Now Juror #7 is too dumb to get it either. :lol:

Clerk has to keep starting over. :rofl:
The jury decided that AEG did hire Dr Conrad Murray, but that he was not incompetent or unfit to perform the work that was required.

thanks for the live link

You're welcome.

So it seems that after 5 months of testimony, exhibits and music videos, Katherine Jackson gets nothing. As it should be. It was her kid that decided to knock himself out with anesthetics.
Al Sharpton, ?PoliticsNation? Advertisers Targeted in New Boycott - The Daily Beast

Snip said:
“Sharpton is a racial extortionist who has instigated racial animosities, violence, and division in America for the last forty years,” write the boycott’s organizers. “In better times, Sharpton would be stigmatized and condemned for the damage he has done. But today he is a primetime host on MSNBC—the charter cable news network for NBC News, and a favored outlet for the Obama administration’s spin doctors.”

The boycott is part of Truth Revolt, a new project by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a right-wing foundation that has focused on what it calls liberal bias in Hollywood and on college campuses. Truth Revolt, which says its purpose is to “unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding bases,” is led by Ben Shapiro, an editor-at-large for the conservative website Breitbart News and the author, most recently, of Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America.

Another Snip said:
Shapiro also cited as reason for picking Ritz and Mondelez a speech Sharpton gave at Kean College in 1994, in which he said: “Do some cracker come and tell you, ‘Well my mother and father blood go back to the Mayflower,’ you better hold your pocket. That ain’t nothing to be proud of, that means their forefathers was crooks.”

“Sharpton doesn’t dislike all ‘crackers,’” Shapiro writes on the Truth Revolt website.

The group says Sharpton is worthy of a boycott because of his role in the Tawana Brawley case and the Crown Heights riots in New York in the 1980s. He has since run for mayor of New York and for president of the United States, and has become a sought-after political powerbroker in New York and in Washington, D.C., where he has met several times with President Obama.

Asked why the group was dredging up 25-year-old incidents to spur a boycott, Shapiro said Sharpton has not recanted those incidents and that he has gone yet further by leading rallies against George Zimmerman to protest the Trayvon Martin shooting.

“He went down to Sanford and threatened civil disobedience against the city if Zimmerman wasn’t arrested and then used that as fodder for his show,” Shapiro said. “He uses the platform of his show for a racially divisive shakedown of the kind that he [promoted] during the Tawana Brawley case.”
"World War Zimmerman" is the third episode of Season Seventeen, and the 240th overall episode of South Park.

It airs on October 9, 2013.
Federal investigation of George Zimmerman continues despite shutdown | Frederick Leatherman Law Blog

Attorney General Eric Holder has announced that the federal investigation of George Zimmerman will continue despite the government shutdown. The Department of Justice and the FBI are investigating Zimmerman to decide whether to seek an indictment by a grand jury in the middle district of Florida charging Zimmerman with committing a hate crime when he shot Trayvon Martin to death on February 26, 2012.

The United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida is located in Orlando.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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