In Between Trials

it will be interesting how this new trial plays out

her self defense claim was on shaky ground from the beginning

however the instructions according to the appeals court was wrong

it suggested that she needed to be physically attacked in order

to use self defense which is totally false

and perhaps why the jury returned a verdict in less then a 1/2 hour

I don't think she'll win on self defense in the second trial either. She left the house, got the gun from her car, then came back in and fired the shot. By leaving the house, she removed herself from the danger. She could have simply gotten in the car and drove away. Or run to a neighbor's house and called the cops.

By returning and firing the gun, she became the aggressor. She's just lucky her husband didn't have a gun and stand his ground.


however she said she had to return through the house to leave

because the garage door didnt work

it is possible that an abusive mate unplugged the garage door opener

rendering the door in operable

Every electric door opener has a manual release for when the power is out, or if the motor breaks down. Also, every garage has to have windows that can be opened for ventilation per code in case you are working on your car inside the garage.
Also the restraining orders. She couldn't stay away from him.

She was still on a previous domestic.

I'll have to pull up the details.

Good golly! Will they stream it?!!


She was still on a previous domestic.

did she had a current restraining order against her

I can't remember the specifics and I'm out.

This was not her first offense she was on another one with him and she was not supposed to be there. Either because of restraining or the other offense.

I'll pull the docs when I get home.
I can only hope that there is another Mark O'Mara who can strategize and come up with 'something'. Somewhere in the vast wilderness of --'self defense'/your life is in mortal danger--he tried to strangle her and shoved her with force.

And on the other end of the spectrum--? not certain which state--the guy who raped a 14 yr old student has been released after serving 30 days in jail. Neither sentence was just.

What should I learn from these legal examples? If you are in mortal danger--call 911--if LE cannot respond in time --then that is that. Another reason that I would be reluctant to own and use a gun.

I need more coffee--during the Zimmerman trial--many of the same points were raised--in my fog I remember them vaguely. GZ was the aggressor, then Trayvon was the aggressor--in the heat of the moment roles changed. Just too befuddled to get past the point that her husband strangled her--stimulating the response to 'mortal danger'--seems like a skilled attorney could explore that more fully. In the same situation what would I do--he had the children with him--would I think running out of the house to save myself was the right thing to do? Would I have worried about the kids? Doubtful that I would be thinking very clearly.

There really is no room for any attorney to claim she was in mortal danger. The second she walked out the door, that argument was nullified. If she was worried about the kids, a call to the local cop shop will get her the help she needed to rescue the kids in a legal manner. Instead, she decided to go to the car, acquire a gun, and go back inside to 'teach him a lesson'.

She was in the wrong, pure and simple. And she will have to pay for what she alone decided to do.

well- that settles the matter.

Sounds like she will pay dearly. Not so certain I agree--and that is of no importance.

Thank God her poor husband is healthy and able to live his life fully. The State certainly stood its ground...

maybe she will take the deal this time

if she had then she would be 1/2 way through her sentence
Also the restraining orders. She couldn't stay away from him.

She was still on a previous domestic.

I'll have to pull up the details.

Good golly! Will they stream it?!!


She was still on a previous domestic.

did she had a current restraining order against her

I can't remember the specifics and I'm out.

This was not her first offense she was on another one with him and she was not supposed to be there. Either because of restraining or the other offense.

I'll pull the docs when I get home.

She had the restraining order against him.

On Aug. 1, 2010, Alexander was working for a payroll software company. She was estranged from her husband, Rico Gray, and had a restraining order against him, even though they'd had a baby together just nine days earlier. Thinking he was gone, she went to their former home to retrieve the rest of her clothes, family members said.

Marissa Alexander, Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot, Gets New Trial
I don't think she'll win on self defense in the second trial either. She left the house, got the gun from her car, then came back in and fired the shot. By leaving the house, she removed herself from the danger. She could have simply gotten in the car and drove away. Or run to a neighbor's house and called the cops.

By returning and firing the gun, she became the aggressor. She's just lucky her husband didn't have a gun and stand his ground.


however she said she had to return through the house to leave

because the garage door didnt work

it is possible that an abusive mate unplugged the garage door opener

rendering the door in operable

Every electric door opener has a manual release for when the power is out, or if the motor breaks down. Also, every garage has to have windows that can be opened for ventilation per code in case you are working on your car inside the garage.

Every electric door opener has a manual release for when the power is out,

yes of course but that does not mean she knew that

i have had to go open doors for people doing exactly just that

they had been unaware of the mechanical release

it is quite possible she pushed the button

it didnt work

and from her perspective to was "broke"

from what i am gathering this was a problematic abusive relationship

did the victim unplug the door as a control method
Also the restraining orders. She couldn't stay away from him.

She was still on a previous domestic.

I'll have to pull up the details.

Good golly! Will they stream it?!!


She was still on a previous domestic.

did she had a current restraining order against her

I can't remember the specifics and I'm out.

This was not her first offense she was on another one with him and she was not supposed to be there. Either because of restraining or the other offense.

I'll pull the docs when I get home.

She was still on a previous domestic.

did she had a current restraining order against her

I can't remember the specifics and I'm out.

This was not her first offense she was on another one with him and she was not supposed to be there. Either because of restraining or the other offense.

I'll pull the docs when I get home.

She had the restraining order against him.

On Aug. 1, 2010, Alexander was working for a payroll software company. She was estranged from her husband, Rico Gray, and had a restraining order against him, even though they'd had a baby together just nine days earlier. Thinking he was gone, she went to their former home to retrieve the rest of her clothes, family members said.

Marissa Alexander, Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot, Gets New Trial

She had the restraining order against him.

that is even better

in the dysfunctional relationship bid
I can't remember the specifics and I'm out.

This was not her first offense she was on another one with him and she was not supposed to be there. Either because of restraining or the other offense.

I'll pull the docs when I get home.

She had the restraining order against him.

On Aug. 1, 2010, Alexander was working for a payroll software company. She was estranged from her husband, Rico Gray, and had a restraining order against him, even though they'd had a baby together just nine days earlier. Thinking he was gone, she went to their former home to retrieve the rest of her clothes, family members said.

Marissa Alexander, Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot, Gets New Trial

She had the restraining order against him.

that is even better

in the dysfunctional relationship bid

It also begs the question of why did she go there without someone to back her up in case he was there?

At least there's something to give Chubbsy Ubbsey Shellie Z credit for. She had her dad go with her in case George was at the house. :thup:

She had the restraining order against him.

that is even better

in the dysfunctional relationship bid

It also begs the question of why did she go there without someone to back her up in case he was there?

At least there's something to give Chubbsy Ubbsey Shellie Z credit for. She had her dad go with her in case George was at the house. :thup:

It also begs the question of why did she go there without someone to back her up in case he was there?

that came to my mind as well

i am somewhat suspicious of a person having a restraining order against someone

and then associating with that someone

that too is an abusive form of control

are there many court documents to this case on a website somewhere

like the Zimmerman had

it would be interesting to look through them
And Angela Corey is a snake bitch but that's a different story.

Corrine Brown is the D rep idiot that was all on TM then flipped on this.

Hang on I'll find the drama video
[ame=]05.11.12: Rep. Brown + Angela Corey Talk on Marissa Alexander - YouTube[/ame]
Jacksonville woman sentenced to 20 years in prison in 'Stand Your Ground' controversy |

Down at the bottom she was charged too.

This was a volatile relationship. I don't think she can claim self defense in this situation but the sentence she got was insane. Fl has mandatory sentencing that trapped her.

she had barely met the standard for self defense

however she was not convincing enough to receive immunity

she probably should have taken the deal offered
Jacksonville woman sentenced to 20 years in prison in 'Stand Your Ground' controversy |

Down at the bottom she was charged too.

This was a volatile relationship. I don't think she can claim self defense in this situation but the sentence she got was insane. Fl has mandatory sentencing that trapped her.

I think I remember some of this. Sordid relationship--on both sides. Certain the children need better parents, fwiw.

I know they read the statement from the ? husband--father of the children--'I have 5 baby mommas and I put my hands on all of them except one...'

I hope it gets sorted out.

Once again I find myself wondering--what on earth was the attraction between these 2 people? (I wonder that a lot.) Better to be celibate for a lifetime than to get into situations like this, jmo.

as I said earlier--I am in a sour mood today--law and government--and the eternal analyses of the same--which only add to the misery.
and in PA--more deaths from longstanding family disputes

Daughter kills mother and brother, dad kills daughter |

<"They parked at the bottom of a long driveway, and walked up, heavily armed," said Cambria County District Attorney Kelly Callihan.

Josephine Ruckinger was armed with a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun and her husband had a Derringer pistol and a .22-caliber semi-automatic handgun as they approached the Frew family home in Ashville, about 40 miles southwest of State College, according to investigators.

John Frew, his wife Roberta, and their son John Jr., 47, had just returned from dinner out, and were watching TV in the living room of the white mobile home when there was a knock at the door, authorities said.

Police say Roberta, 64, answered the door, and cried out something like "Oh my God, they have guns!" before her daughter shot her at point-blank range. John Jr. then may have attempted to arm himself with a gun, but Jeffrey Ruckinger shot him multiple times in the chest, killing him, police said.

The elder Frew, 67, grabbed a .22 revolver and came out from the bedroom to find the daughter he didn't initially recognize pointing the shotgun at him. Frew fired once, hitting her in the head, then turned and exchanged fire with Jeffrey Ruckinger, killing him. He then called police.

Josephine Ruckinger was still alive when police arrived, but later died at an area hospital. John Frew was not hurt.

Callihan said that the preliminary investigation suggests that the elder Frew and his family were victims "of a pre-planned murder" plot, and that he acted in self-defense. Police also found a can of gas and lighter fluid in the Ruckingers' car.>

what can be said--that hasn't already been said?
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