In Between Trials

What happened????

I left and when I got home the duck completely forgot where her bed is and took a wrong turn so I was running the back forty. Forget whatever I said last time about "smart ducks".
What happened????

I left and when I got home the duck completely forgot where her bed is and took a wrong turn so I was running the back forty. Forget whatever I said last time about "smart ducks".

Everyone is gathered in the courtroom except for the judge. Don't know if it's a question or a verdict.

Oh, wait. She just arrived. It's a second question.
Cornpone refuses to handle her appeal.

Nice Judge says she will appoint a public defender.

Hiccups gets to give a fresh set of fingerprints.
Hey Hiccups, here is your wake-up call...

She really should look at the bright side. At least in prison she won't get clothes that are 2 sizes too small. :thup:
Unbelievable. There are just no fracking words for how stupid people are getting about George.


Police are now turning to agencies at multiple levels to try to extract video from Shellie Zimmerman's iPad, including the Secret Service.

The iPad was broken when George Zimmerman smashed it during a domestic incident last week.

The Zimmermans are divorcing, and the heated argument was over separating belongings.

Lake Mary seeking help with Shellie Zimmerman's iPad | Bay News 9

The damn Secret Service???

This is down right scary, if they are going after this guy, this hard after being found not guilty, how hard are they going to go after others?

It seems like the government is looking for anything, no matter how trivial.

Liberals are all pissed that people dig deep into Obama's life looking for a scandal. Yet, this is all okay?

This guy isn't a public servant, a former public servant, he's not a drug dealer, not a bank robber, not a 1%er, not a hedge fund manager, not a banker. He is an average guy, that may have made a bad judgement call, this is it.

Yet, this guy is hated more than the Boston bomber kid, he is hated more than the Ft. Hood killer. He wasn't involved in the Chicago murders that rack up 13 in a night.

Get a grip people.
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[ame=]Over 9000 Ponies - YouTube[/ame]

[/new troll sock mode]
Unbelievable. There are just no fracking words for how stupid people are getting about George.


Police are now turning to agencies at multiple levels to try to extract video from Shellie Zimmerman's iPad, including the Secret Service.

The iPad was broken when George Zimmerman smashed it during a domestic incident last week.

The Zimmermans are divorcing, and the heated argument was over separating belongings.

Lake Mary seeking help with Shellie Zimmerman's iPad | Bay News 9

The damn Secret Service???


Stop the insanity!
I hope Florida televises this trial. I'd love to hear these two justify this crime...

SEPTEMBER 20--A mentally challenged Florida man who had saved up for months to purchase a copy of "Grand Theft Auto V" was robbed of the video game as he left a GameStop store this week, police report.

After buying the game Tuesday afternoon, Rohan Dawkins was approached in a Delray Beach parking lot by a couple who pulled up in a car. After asking Dawkins for the time, Tommy Davis, 27, grabbed the bag containing the best-selling game, which was released this week.

When Dawkins sought to retrieve the item, Adele Jones, 25, allegedly kicked and punched the 21-year-old Dawkins, according to Delray Beach Police Department reports.

Florida Couple Jailed In "Grand Theft" Robbery | The Smoking Gun

Beating someone up over a stupid game?? :cuckoo:

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