In case any of you are still thinking Trump can beat Hillary.


Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump.

There are literally dozens of them. With RCP's running average showing a roughly 9 point lead for Hillary. So that's a huge amount to ignore. But that's certainly not the 'only' thing you're ignoring.

You're ignoring the polls showing Trump's net favorability with independents being -27 points. More than double any other candidate of either party. And more than 3 times Hillary's. There is no candidate that polls worse with independents than Trump.

You ignore the polls that show that 1 in 4 republicans would vote for Hillary over Trump.

You ignore 54% of those polled indicating they will *never* vote for Trump.

You ignore the 65% unfavorability rating Trump is pulling in the most current favorability polls. That's the worst of any leading candidate in polling history.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with women in the general election.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with hispanics in the general election.

You ignore that the GOP establishment is actively fighting their own leading candidate. An indication of how tepid their support will be after the convention.

You ignore the 36% point lead that Hillary has over Trump among millennials. Not just 'millennials'. But 'likely voter' millennials.

The statistical data you have to ignore is absolutely overwhelming. And in its place you've imagined wishes and feverish hopes. That's not a good indication for your candidate.

I think that any Republican now that says that they will "never vote for Trump" will have a change of heart when faced with the possibility of Crooked Hillary.

And 1 in 4 republicans who are polled say they won't. Now who am I to believe? Your wishes? Or their assessment of their *own* voting?

If asked in a poll a few weeks ago I would say that I would never vote for Trump, however come the harsh reality of November and facing Hillary then it becomes a no brainer.

If you are banking on that then may have a very disappointing November 8th.

I think you're ignoring *way* more than polls indicating that Hillary beats Trump. And that you'll have to ignore a lot more as the election gets closer.

We are both talking in the abstract and have no idea how this will play out. For all we know Crooked Hillary will be indicted and the possibility of a national nightmare will suddenly disappear.

You are saying that the hate of Trump will be greater than the hate of Crooked Hillary.

I am saying the the hate for Crooked Hilliary will be greater than the hate of Trump.

We will see how it plays out in the next few months.

A lot of people have underestimated Trump and regretted it. Crooked Hillary has a lot of baggage to answer for and Trump will not be hesitant to attack her.

Just because Romney was too cowardly to confront Obama on his terrible record and dishonesty to the American people doesn't mean Trump will be the same with Hillary.

Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump.

There are literally dozens of them. With RCP's running average showing a roughly 9 point lead for Hillary. So that's a huge amount to ignore. But that's certainly not the 'only' thing you're ignoring.

You're ignoring the polls showing Trump's net favorability with independents being -27 points. More than double any other candidate of either party. And more than 3 times Hillary's. There is no candidate that polls worse with independents than Trump.

You ignore the polls that show that 1 in 4 republicans would vote for Hillary over Trump.

You ignore 54% of those polled indicating they will *never* vote for Trump.

You ignore the 65% unfavorability rating Trump is pulling in the most current favorability polls. That's the worst of any leading candidate in polling history.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with women in the general election.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with hispanics in the general election.

You ignore that the GOP establishment is actively fighting their own leading candidate. An indication of how tepid their support will be after the convention.

You ignore the 36% point lead that Hillary has over Trump among millennials. Not just 'millennials'. But 'likely voter' millennials.

The statistical data you have to ignore is absolutely overwhelming. And in its place you've imagined wishes and feverish hopes. That's not a good indication for your candidate.

I think that any Republican now that says that they will "never vote for Trump" will have a change of heart when faced with the possibility of Crooked Hillary.

And 1 in 4 republicans who are polled say they won't. Now who am I to believe? Your wishes? Or their assessment of their *own* voting?

If asked in a poll a few weeks ago I would say that I would never vote for Trump, however come the harsh reality of November and facing Hillary then it becomes a no brainer.

If you are banking on that then may have a very disappointing November 8th.

I think you're ignoring *way* more than polls indicating that Hillary beats Trump. And that you'll have to ignore a lot more as the election gets closer.

We are both talking in the abstract and have no idea how this will play out. For all we know Crooked Hillary will be indicted and the possibility of a national nightmare will suddenly disappear.

I'm not speaking in the abstract at all. I'm citing actual polling data. Not random, errant polls. But polling averages, direct favorability ratings, polls broken down by party, age, likelihood of voting, political affiliation, race, gender, whatever you'd like.

And they almost universally come down against Trump. And are almost universally ignored by you in favor of....


Our positions and our evidence are not equal.

You are saying that the hate of Trump will be greater than the hate of Crooked Hillary.

I'm saying that republicans speaking of their *own* voting are a far better indication of how they will vote than you pretending to speak for them.

I'm quoting them. You're quoting yourself. Again, our sources are not equal.
Will they even vote?

That is the question. The only chance that Trump has is if they don't, and in large numbers.

Trump won't get very many minorities, or young people, or even independants. Trump may pick up some of the supporters of other candidates, the "anyone but Hillary" crowd, to which I belong, but it won't be enough for him to even win one state.

That is my take on it.
Hillary won't get any real independents, that is for sure.
The reason these threads keep popping up is because libs are scared to death Trump just might win. The 1st shot she took at him he shut her up immediately. Woof woof.

The reason these threads keep popping up is because libs are scared to death Trump just might win. The 1st shot she took at him he shut her up immediately. Woof woof.


Laughing.....its adorable how desperately you conservatives are trying to convince yourselves that any criticism of your candidate must be 'fear'. Even when the people doing the criticizing are your fellow conservatives.

Life outside the right wing echo chamber must be really uncomfortable for you.
Hillary's own camp has expressed 'concern'. In the middle of the night she wajes up in a cold sweat seeing Barry's face coming out of nowhere to steal HER Presidency...only to be replaced with Trump's face, as she watches 'her turn' afain go down in flames.

The woman and libs' are scared shitless...but bravely try to claim they're not. Whatever helps you sleep at night...
Hillary's own camp has expressed 'concern'. In the middle of the night she wajes up in a cold sweat seeing Barry's face coming out of nowhere to steal HER Presidency...only to be replaced with Trump's face, as she watches 'her turn' afain go down in flames.

The woman and libs' are scared shitless...but bravely try to claim they're not. Whatever helps you sleep at night...

Laughing....and now you're literally feeding yourself your own imaginary bullshit. Making up some hopeless fantasy about how Hillary sleeps and then desperately gobbling down your own creation. Do you rock back and forth when you tell yourself these comforting lies?

Or is only after you see something like Trump's favorability rating with independents.....The dead last of any candidate in either party, his net unfavorability rating more than triple Hillary's.
Hillary's own camp has expressed 'concern'. In the middle of the night she wajes up in a cold sweat seeing Barry's face coming out of nowhere to steal HER Presidency...only to be replaced with Trump's face, as she watches 'her turn' afain go down in flames.

The woman and libs' are scared shitless...but bravely try to claim they're not. Whatever helps you sleep at night...

Laughing....and now you're literally feeding yourself your own imaginary bullshit. Making up some hopeless fantasy about how Hillary sleeps and then desperately gobbling down your own creation. Do you rock back and forth when you tell yourself these comforting lies?

Or is only after you see something like Trump's favorability rating with independents.....The dead last of any candidate in either party, his net unfavorability rating more than triple Hillary's.

Isn't that the media's fault? I mean Hillary is awful. Much worse than tRump for anyone paying attention ... even if you think tRump is bad.
Hillary's own camp has expressed 'concern'. In the middle of the night she wajes up in a cold sweat seeing Barry's face coming out of nowhere to steal HER Presidency...only to be replaced with Trump's face, as she watches 'her turn' afain go down in flames.

The woman and libs' are scared shitless...but bravely try to claim they're not. Whatever helps you sleep at night...

Laughing....and now you're literally feeding yourself your own imaginary bullshit. Making up some hopeless fantasy about how Hillary sleeps and then desperately gobbling down your own creation. Do you rock back and forth when you tell yourself these comforting lies?

Or is only after you see something like Trump's favorability rating with independents.....The dead last of any candidate in either party, his net unfavorability rating more than triple Hillary's.

Isn't that the media's fault? I mean Hillary is awful. Much worse than tRump for anyone paying attention ... even if you think tRump is bad.

So Trump isn't responsible for his own favoriability rating.....its someone else's fault?

What ever happened to the 'personal responsibility' part of the 'party of personal responsibility'?

I would very much love to see it play out like that. Unfortunately I fear that there is a whole lot of baggage that they ha e in Trump that they haven't even used yet.

And don't forget the lies. The democrat party uses lies like it's all they have to use. Lies about racism, bigotry, misgynism, etc., etc. Trump will be handicapped by having to tell the truth.

Trump is great at deflecting the discussion off of him and attacking his opponent.

Hillary's record of dishonesty, incompetency, corruption and lies will be discussed by Trump every day and she has a lot to answer for.

None of us have any idea now how this is going to play out. For instance, Hillary could get indicted and it is a whole new ball game. One thing for sure. This is and will be the most entertaining election in many decades.

One can only hope you are correct.
There is a poll taken among democrats who support Sanders. If Sanders loses, will you vote for Trump against Hillary?

The answer? Not a chance.

Poll: Hillary Clinton's "millennial problem" disappears against Donald Trump

But wait, Trump isnt running, you know, the experts like yourself said he wasnt serious about running...oh, wait, he is running.

Well he couldnt win anything and wouldnt last long and would drop out....he is in the lead by quite a margin.

But he cant shrink the Republican field and unite the....welll, looks like that one is bullshit too.

The one thing that h as been consistent for the last year; when it comes to Trumps opponents successfully predicting what he would or would not do; you would be better letting a drunk monkey do your prognostications, dude.
The World wants to see Hillary against Trump, so the powers that be will make it happen, as it should since by the end of California both will and should have it locked up..

Clinton will beat his ass..
The World wants to see Hillary against Trump, so the powers that be will make it happen, as it should since by the end of California both will and should have it locked up..

Clinton will beat his ass..

It's very hard to beat ass from jail.

That's where she belongs not in the White House.
The World wants to see Hillary against Trump, so the powers that be will make it happen, as it should since by the end of California both will and should have it locked up..

Clinton will beat his ass..

It's very hard to beat ass from jail.

That's where she belongs not in the White House.
The only dumb ass people that believe she will go to jail, are still believing the Earth is still flat, and Santa is real, i guess you forgot what side the President Obama is on:rofl:

Just goes to show how desperate the Retards on the Right are , knowing they don't have shit to beat her:up_yours: So they gotta play she's going to jail card..
The World wants to see Hillary against Trump, so the powers that be will make it happen, as it should since by the end of California both will and should have it locked up..

Clinton will beat his ass..

It's very hard to beat ass from jail.

That's where she belongs not in the White House.
The only dumb ass people that believe she will go to jail, are still believing the Earth is still flat, and Santa is real, i guess you forgot what side the President Obama is on:rofl:

Just goes to show how desperate the Retards on the Right are , knowing they don't have shit to beat her:up_yours:

Hillary Clinton is a crook.

She belongs in jail.
The World wants to see Hillary against Trump, so the powers that be will make it happen, as it should since by the end of California both will and should have it locked up..

Clinton will beat his ass..

It's very hard to beat ass from jail.

That's where she belongs not in the White House.
The only dumb ass people that believe she will go to jail, are still believing the Earth is still flat, and Santa is real, i guess you forgot what side the President Obama is on:rofl:

Just goes to show how desperate the Retards on the Right are , knowing they don't have shit to beat her:up_yours:

Hillary Clinton is a crook.

She belongs in jail.
Well then you go TRY, and arrest her, and see how well that works out for ya, LOL...

Will they even vote?

That is the question. The only chance that Trump has is if they don't, and in large numbers.

Trump won't get very many minorities, or young people, or even independants. Trump may pick up some of the supporters of other candidates, the "anyone but Hillary" crowd, to which I belong, but it won't be enough for him to even win one state.

That is my take on it.
Hillary won't get any real independents, that is for sure.

If the choice is her or Trump, she most certainly will.
There is a poll taken among democrats who support Sanders. If Sanders loses, will you vote for Trump against Hillary?

The answer? Not a chance.

Poll: Hillary Clinton's "millennial problem" disappears against Donald Trump

But wait, Trump isnt running, you know, the experts like yourself said he wasnt serious about running...oh, wait, he is running.

Well he couldnt win anything and wouldnt last long and would drop out....he is in the lead by quite a margin.

But he cant shrink the Republican field and unite the....welll, looks like that one is bullshit too.

The one thing that h as been consistent for the last year; when it comes to Trumps opponents successfully predicting what he would or would not do; you would be better letting a drunk monkey do your prognostications, dude.

Yeah point out where I ever said Trump wasn't seriously running.

Point out where I said Trump couldn't win any primary states.

Point out where I said he can't shrink the primary field.

So far, every single prognostication I have made about Trump has been true. Every single one.
Trump was a joke and couldn't beat Jen bush.

Trump can't get over 50 percent

When the race narrows he won't be able to beat Cruz.

He can't win the evangelicals

He has no path to 1137.

Trump can't possibly beat the hildabeast.

Emphasize the third term Obama, failed obamacare, failed Iran deal, failed job prospects, failed national security, failed hope and change, failed leadership. Just tell the millenials that Obama hosed them to buy votes to get elected. He lied to them to get elected. He sold your future.

Hilary..... Easy. She got the 3 am phone call and was not up to the task. Men under her command died and she did nothing to help them but lie about it. As Marco said, she is not qualified to be commander in chief. She is a pawn of Wall Street and special interests as well as political expediency. She is a divider, ancient, and part of the political establishment. And of course this assumes she won't be indicted....wink wink.

The big difference in this election is that trump is going to fight back. That means all bets are off. Hilary won't know what hit her.

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