In case any of you are still thinking Trump can beat Hillary.

Crooked Hillary is not going to get near the number of votes that President Shit for Brains got back in 2008. There are simply not enough of people in this country that like her. Over 60% of the American people thinks she is dishonest as hell.

Turnout for Crooked Hillary on election day will not be near as good as the Moon Bats will need.

I believe that this election will have a record low turnout. Hillary vs Trump? The two politicians with some of the worst approval numbers in history? People just won't bother.

Usually a disaffected voting public is advantage GOP, but I'm afraid that won't be the case this time.

One in 4 likely republican voters indicate they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump. Trump has a 65% disapproval rating. 54% of voters indicate they'd never vote for Trump. Hillary does better. But not well.

Politically, its like watching a cripple fight.

A poll not too long ago had 20% of the Democrats voting for Trump.

Not in the general election.In the general election about 7% of democrats indicate they will vote for Trump over Hillary......and about 25% of republicans indicate they will vote for Hillary over Trump.

These are not subtle numbers.

In Pennsylvania alone there have been 60K Democrats switch to the Republican party to vote for Trump. Tose are the blue collar voters that like Trump better than Hillary.

Hillary is simply not that well liked with over 60% of Americans thinking she is dishonest.

We will see how this plays out.

Trump loses badly in virtually every general election poll conducted. With more than half of the voters indicating they will never vote for Trump. By about 9 points on average.

Hillary is not a strong candidate. Yet Trump is far, far weaker still.
I don't follow your problem at all. So if you aren't for trump why are you worried that you have to post this kind of material to satisfy yourself I guess? I can't figure you trump haters out. You have all of this anti trump stuff and yet you all post like you have to ensure your intuition is right. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Crooked Hillary is not going to get near the number of votes that President Shit for Brains got back in 2008. There are simply not enough of people in this country that like her. Over 60% of the American people thinks she is dishonest as hell.

Turnout for Crooked Hillary on election day will not be near as good as the Moon Bats will need.

I believe that this election will have a record low turnout. Hillary vs Trump? The two politicians with some of the worst approval numbers in history? People just won't bother.

Usually a disaffected voting public is advantage GOP, but I'm afraid that won't be the case this time.

One in 4 likely republican voters indicate they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump. Trump has a 65% disapproval rating. 54% of voters indicate they'd never vote for Trump. Hillary does better. But not well.

Politically, its like watching a cripple fight.

A poll not too long ago had 20% of the Democrats voting for Trump.

Not in the general election.

In Pennsylvania alone there have been 60K Democrats switch to the Republican party to vote for Trump. Tose are the blue collar voters that like Trump better than Hillary.

Hillary is simply not that well liked with over 60% of Americans thinking she is dishonest.

We will see how this plays out.

Trump loses badly in virtually every general election poll conducted. With more than half of the voters indicating they will never vote for Trump. By about 9 points on average.

Hillary is not a strong candidate. Yet Trump is far, far weaker still.

We don't know how strong he is against the Democrats because he has been very busy cutting down that field of 15 other Republican candidates.

Any comparison poll at this time is meaningless.

I wouldn't say 'meaningless'. But its a long way until the election.

What does the perception of Trump among conservatives and the general public. And Trump is wildly unpopular across broad, vital demographics. The man is a dream GOP candidate from a democratic perspective.

Trump will go after Crooked Hillary like no Republican has ever gone after a Democrat.

Trump will not hesitate to remind everybody of Crooked Hillary's record of dishonesty, lies, corruption and incompetency. Hillary has a lot of baggage she will have to answer for and Trump will attack her relentlessly.

The press has given Crooked Hillary a pass on most of her corruption but Trump will force the focus to be on her.

She will not do as well against Trump as the Moon Bats hope.

That's all wishful speculation. And functionally meaningless for a factual discussion.

When it really gets down to a choice between Hillary and Trump don't count on very many Republicans jumping ship. They hate her more than they distrust Trump.

I don't think you'll see many republicans voting for Hillary, no. But i do think you'll see plenty of Republicans just not showing up on election day.
So Kasich is the man? Give it to the guy with one freaking state and only 17% support?


Oh that makes sooooooooooo much sense. Pick the loser. Better yet. Parachute in Lindsey! That'll work.

New poll high for Trump: He hits 50 percent of all Republicans for first time in tracker which started around Christmas


New poll high for Trump: He hits 50 percent of all Republicans

Nah. The election is functionally Hillary's to lose. The GOP have painted themselves into a corner. If they run Trump, they alienate huge swaths of the electorate, including many in their own party. Which most likely results in a Hillary win. If they don't, they lose many of Trump's supporters for the general election. Which most likely results in a Hillary win.

Trump's net favorability is horrid.


No candidate does worse with independents than Trump. Not by double.
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So Kasich is the man? Give it to the guy with one freaking state and only 17% support?


Oh that makes sooooooooooo much sense. Pick the loser. Better yet. Parachute in Lindsey! That'll work.

New poll high for Trump: He hits 50 percent of all Republicans for first time in tracker which started around Christmas


New poll high for Trump: He hits 50 percent of all Republicans

Nah. The election is functionally Hillary's to lose. The GOP have painted themselves into a corner. If they run Trump, they alienate huge swaths of the electorate, including many in their own party. Which most likely results in a Hillary win. If they don't, they lose many of Trump's supporters for the general election. Which most likely results in a Hillary win.

Trump's net favorability is horrid.


No candidate does worse with independents than Trump. Not by double.

Oddly, the 3 on that list that Trump beats with Republicans are the three that had the best shot against Hillary.
Will they even vote?

That is the question. The only chance that Trump has is if they don't, and in large numbers.

Trump won't get very many minorities, or young people, or even independants. Trump may pick up some of the supporters of other candidates, the "anyone but Hillary" crowd, to which I belong, but it won't be enough for him to even win one state.

That is my take on it.

According to several sources including the NYT he leads across all demographics. His turnout is two million up from where Romney was at the same time in 2012.

AND D's are really down for turn out.

Yes he does, in the Primary. No one says that against Hillary. Except for maybe one poll.

Look, no one wants to keep Hillary out of the White House more than I do, I just don't see Trump being the one to do that.
"Perhaps above all else, the data shows that Mr. Trump has broad support in the G.O.P., spanning all major demographic groups. He leads among Republican women and among people in well-educated and affluent areas. He even holds a nominal lead among Republican respondents that Civis estimated are Hispanic, based on their names and where they live."

Irrelevant. I'm talking about the General Election vs Hillary.
"Perhaps above all else, the data shows that Mr. Trump has broad support in the G.O.P., spanning all major demographic groups. He leads among Republican women and among people in well-educated and affluent areas. He even holds a nominal lead among Republican respondents that Civis estimated are Hispanic, based on their names and where they live."

And if only the GOP were voting in the general election, Trump would be a shoe in.


I wouldn't say a shoe in. He can't even do well enough to have locked up the nomination yet.
Crooked Hillary is not going to get near the number of votes that President Shit for Brains got back in 2008. There are simply not enough of people in this country that like her. Over 60% of the American people thinks she is dishonest as hell.

Turnout for Crooked Hillary on election day will not be near as good as the Moon Bats will need.

I believe that this election will have a record low turnout. Hillary vs Trump? The two politicians with some of the worst approval numbers in history? People just won't bother.

Usually a disaffected voting public is advantage GOP, but I'm afraid that won't be the case this time.

One in 4 likely republican voters indicate they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump. Trump has a 65% disapproval rating. 54% of voters indicate they'd never vote for Trump. Hillary does better. But not well.

Politically, its like watching a cripple fight.

A poll not too long ago had 20% of the Democrats voting for Trump.

Not in the general election.

In Pennsylvania alone there have been 60K Democrats switch to the Republican party to vote for Trump. Tose are the blue collar voters that like Trump better than Hillary.

Hillary is simply not that well liked with over 60% of Americans thinking she is dishonest.

We will see how this plays out.

Trump loses badly in virtually every general election poll conducted. With more than half of the voters indicating they will never vote for Trump. By about 9 points on average.

Hillary is not a strong candidate. Yet Trump is far, far weaker still.

We don't know how strong he is against the Democrats because he has been very busy cutting down that field of 15 other Republican candidates.

Any comparison poll at this time is meaningless.

Trump will go after Crooked Hillary like no Republican has ever gone after a Democrat.

Trump will not hesitate to remind everybody of Crooked Hillary's record of dishonesty, lies, corruption and incompetency. Hillary has a lot of baggage she will have to answer for and Trump will attack her relentlessly.

The press has given Crooked Hillary a pass on most of her corruption but Trump will force the focus to be on her.

She will not do as well against Trump as the Moon Bats hope.

When it really gets down to a choice between Hillary and Trump don't count on very many Republicans jumping ship. They hate her more than they distrust Trump.

I would very much love to see it play out like that. Unfortunately I fear that there is a whole lot of baggage that they ha e in Trump that they haven't even used yet.

And don't forget the lies. The democrat party uses lies like it's all they have to use. Lies about racism, bigotry, misgynism, etc., etc. Trump will be handicapped by having to tell the truth.
I believe that this election will have a record low turnout. Hillary vs Trump? The two politicians with some of the worst approval numbers in history? People just won't bother.

Usually a disaffected voting public is advantage GOP, but I'm afraid that won't be the case this time.

One in 4 likely republican voters indicate they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump. Trump has a 65% disapproval rating. 54% of voters indicate they'd never vote for Trump. Hillary does better. But not well.

Politically, its like watching a cripple fight.

A poll not too long ago had 20% of the Democrats voting for Trump.

Not in the general election.

In Pennsylvania alone there have been 60K Democrats switch to the Republican party to vote for Trump. Tose are the blue collar voters that like Trump better than Hillary.

Hillary is simply not that well liked with over 60% of Americans thinking she is dishonest.

We will see how this plays out.

Trump loses badly in virtually every general election poll conducted. With more than half of the voters indicating they will never vote for Trump. By about 9 points on average.

Hillary is not a strong candidate. Yet Trump is far, far weaker still.

We don't know how strong he is against the Democrats because he has been very busy cutting down that field of 15 other Republican candidates.

Any comparison poll at this time is meaningless.

I wouldn't say 'meaningless'. But its a long way until the election.

What does the perception of Trump among conservatives and the general public. And Trump is wildly unpopular across broad, vital demographics. The man is a dream GOP candidate from a democratic perspective.

Trump will go after Crooked Hillary like no Republican has ever gone after a Democrat.

Trump will not hesitate to remind everybody of Crooked Hillary's record of dishonesty, lies, corruption and incompetency. Hillary has a lot of baggage she will have to answer for and Trump will attack her relentlessly.

The press has given Crooked Hillary a pass on most of her corruption but Trump will force the focus to be on her.

She will not do as well against Trump as the Moon Bats hope.

That's all wishful speculation. And functionally meaningless for a factual discussion.

When it really gets down to a choice between Hillary and Trump don't count on very many Republicans jumping ship. They hate her more than they distrust Trump.

I don't think you'll see many republicans voting for Hillary, no. But i do think you'll see plenty of Republicans just not showing up on election day.

To me it is wishful thinking hoping that anybody that is a Republican nowadays will somehow jump ship and vote for Hillary. That ain't gonna happen.

Hillary will not be able to put toghter the same vile greedy coalition that Obama was able to get.

The Blacks will not turn out in near the numbers to vote for Hillary as they did for Obama.

A lot of the blue collar Democrats will switch to Trump.

Many of the confused college kids and their Marxist professors that voted for Obama will be disillusioned when Bernie drops out and may not even bother to vote.

The hard core Moon Bats will vote for her but Independents are showing a lean towards Trump.

Trump will get the core Republican vote, a great number of Independents, cross over Democrats and a large number of people that normally don't vote.

He will more of a formidable opponent than Hillary could ever envision.

If she can stay of jail until election day Hillary still has a lot to answer for including being part of Obama's failed administration.

I would very much love to see it play out like that. Unfortunately I fear that there is a whole lot of baggage that they ha e in Trump that they haven't even used yet.

And don't forget the lies. The democrat party uses lies like it's all they have to use. Lies about racism, bigotry, misgynism, etc., etc. Trump will be handicapped by having to tell the truth.

Trump is great at deflecting the discussion off of him and attacking his opponent.

Hillary's record of dishonesty, incompetency, corruption and lies will be discussed by Trump every day and she has a lot to answer for.

None of us have any idea now how this is going to play out. For instance, Hillary could get indicted and it is a whole new ball game. One thing for sure. This is and will be the most entertaining election in many decades.
One in 4 likely republican voters indicate they'd vote for Hillary before they'd vote for Trump. Trump has a 65% disapproval rating. 54% of voters indicate they'd never vote for Trump. Hillary does better. But not well.

Politically, its like watching a cripple fight.

A poll not too long ago had 20% of the Democrats voting for Trump.

Not in the general election.

In Pennsylvania alone there have been 60K Democrats switch to the Republican party to vote for Trump. Tose are the blue collar voters that like Trump better than Hillary.

Hillary is simply not that well liked with over 60% of Americans thinking she is dishonest.

We will see how this plays out.

Trump loses badly in virtually every general election poll conducted. With more than half of the voters indicating they will never vote for Trump. By about 9 points on average.

Hillary is not a strong candidate. Yet Trump is far, far weaker still.

We don't know how strong he is against the Democrats because he has been very busy cutting down that field of 15 other Republican candidates.

Any comparison poll at this time is meaningless.

I wouldn't say 'meaningless'. But its a long way until the election.

What does the perception of Trump among conservatives and the general public. And Trump is wildly unpopular across broad, vital demographics. The man is a dream GOP candidate from a democratic perspective.

Trump will go after Crooked Hillary like no Republican has ever gone after a Democrat.

Trump will not hesitate to remind everybody of Crooked Hillary's record of dishonesty, lies, corruption and incompetency. Hillary has a lot of baggage she will have to answer for and Trump will attack her relentlessly.

The press has given Crooked Hillary a pass on most of her corruption but Trump will force the focus to be on her.

She will not do as well against Trump as the Moon Bats hope.

That's all wishful speculation. And functionally meaningless for a factual discussion.

When it really gets down to a choice between Hillary and Trump don't count on very many Republicans jumping ship. They hate her more than they distrust Trump.

I don't think you'll see many republicans voting for Hillary, no. But i do think you'll see plenty of Republicans just not showing up on election day.

To me it is wishful thinking hoping that anybody that is a Republican nowadays will somehow jump ship and vote for Hillary. That ain't gonna happen.

You're clearly not even reading what you're responding to. I'll try this again:

I don't think you'll see many republicans voting for Hillary, no. But i do think you'll see plenty of Republicans just not showing up on election day

Are we on the same page now?

Hillary will not be able to put toghter the same vile greedy coalition that Obama was able to get.

The Blacks will not turn out in near the numbers to vote for Hillary as they did for Obama.

A lot of the blue collar Democrats will switch to Trump.

About 7% per the polls. With more than 3 times that coming from the GOP to vote for Hillary. With those GOP willing to vote for Hillary far more likely not to vote at all. Robbing Trump of desperately needed support and millions of votes.

Again, more than half of voters indicate that they would never vote for Trump.

Trump will get the core Republican vote, a great number of Independents, cross over Democrats and a large number of people that normally don't vote.

Trump polls worse among independents than any candidate of either party. In fact, you could double the net negative favorability rating of any candidate (including Hillary) and it still wouldn't be close to Trump's numbers.

You're ignoring overwhelmingly statistical data and replacing it with wishes and hopes. That's not a good sign.

Again, more than half of voters indicate that they would never vote for Trump.

This may be the key point.

I don't see the Republican core staying away and allowing Crooked Hillary to win by default.

I am not a Trump supporter. I did not vote for him in the primaries and at the end of the day I think he is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal. I disagree with several of his Liberal policies. However, come November and it is a choice between him and Hillary that is a no brainer. I can't see Republicans not voting against Crooked Hillary. She is really hated.

If the Moon Bats are planning on getting a big Republican anti Trump backlash after the convention then they will be very disappointed.

Again, more than half of voters indicate that they would never vote for Trump.

This may be the key point.

I don't see the Republican core staying away and allowing Crooked Hillary to win by default.

Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump. Like I said before those polls are meaningless this far ahead and does not take into consideration the relentless attack Trump will do on Crooked Hillary.

Saying that there is a disagreement between Republicans during the primaries is just the same as saying that Sanders voters will not support Hillary.

What you are ignoring is the fact that Crooked Hillary is losing Democrat and Independent votes to Trump and has very high unfavorably rating.

If you are banking on the Republicans not turning out to vote against Hillary because they dislike Trump more then you are going to be very disappointed. Hillary is very hated in this country.

However, neither one of us really knows how this will play out. Just enjoy the entertainment.

Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump.

There are literally dozens of them. With RCP's running average showing a roughly 9 point lead for Hillary. So that's a huge amount to ignore. But that's certainly not the 'only' thing you're ignoring.

You're ignoring the polls showing Trump's net favorability with independents being -27 points. More than double any other candidate of either party. And more than 3 times Hillary's. There is no candidate that polls worse with independents than Trump.

You ignore the polls that show that 1 in 4 republicans would vote for Hillary over Trump.

You ignore 54% of those polled indicating they will *never* vote for Trump.

You ignore the 65% unfavorability rating Trump is pulling in the most current favorability polls. That's the worst of any leading candidate in polling history.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with women in the general election.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with hispanics in the general election.

You ignore that the GOP establishment is actively fighting their own leading candidate. An indication of how tepid their support will be after the convention.

You ignore the 36% point lead that Hillary has over Trump among millennials. Not just 'millennials'. But 'likely voter' millennials.

The statistical data you have to ignore is absolutely overwhelming. And in its place you've imagined wishes and feverish hopes. That's not a good indication for your candidate.
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Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump.

There are literally dozens of them. With RCP's running average showing a roughly 9 point lead for Hillary. So that's a huge amount to ignore. But that's certainly not the 'only' thing you're ignoring.

You're ignoring the polls showing Trump's net favorability with independents being -27 points. More than double any other candidate of either party. And more than 3 times Hillary's. There is no candidate that polls worse with independents than Trump.

You ignore the polls that show that 1 in 4 republicans would vote for Hillary over Trump.

You ignore 54% of those polled indicating they will *never* vote for Trump.

You ignore the 65% unfavorability rating Trump is pulling in the most current favorability polls. That's the worst of any leading candidate in polling history.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with women in the general election.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with hispanics in the general election.

You ignore that the GOP establishment is actively fighting their own leading candidate. An indication of how tepid their support will be after the convention.

You ignore the 36% point lead that Hillary has over Trump among millennials. Not just 'millennials'. But 'likely voter' millennials.

The statistical data you have to ignore is absolutely overwhelming. And in its place you've imagined wishes and feverish hopes. That's not a good indication for your candidate.

I think that any Republican now that says that they will "never vote for Trump" will have a change of heart when faced with the possibility of Crooked Hillary.

If asked in a poll a few weeks ago I would say that I would never vote for Trump, however come the harsh reality of November and facing Hillary then it becomes a no brainer.

If you are banking on that then may have a very disappointing November 8th.

Then you're ignoring a lot. Even one of the Koch brothers acknowledges that Hillary may be the best choice available.

The only thing that I am ignoring are the polls now that show Hillary beating Trump.

There are literally dozens of them. With RCP's running average showing a roughly 9 point lead for Hillary. So that's a huge amount to ignore. But that's certainly not the 'only' thing you're ignoring.

You're ignoring the polls showing Trump's net favorability with independents being -27 points. More than double any other candidate of either party. And more than 3 times Hillary's. There is no candidate that polls worse with independents than Trump.

You ignore the polls that show that 1 in 4 republicans would vote for Hillary over Trump.

You ignore 54% of those polled indicating they will *never* vote for Trump.

You ignore the 65% unfavorability rating Trump is pulling in the most current favorability polls. That's the worst of any leading candidate in polling history.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with women in the general election.

You ignore how poorly Trump polls with hispanics in the general election.

You ignore that the GOP establishment is actively fighting their own leading candidate. An indication of how tepid their support will be after the convention.

You ignore the 36% point lead that Hillary has over Trump among millennials. Not just 'millennials'. But 'likely voter' millennials.

The statistical data you have to ignore is absolutely overwhelming. And in its place you've imagined wishes and feverish hopes. That's not a good indication for your candidate.

I think that any Republican now that says that they will "never vote for Trump" will have a change of heart when faced with the possibility of Crooked Hillary.

And 1 in 4 republicans who are polled say they won't. Now who am I to believe? Your wishes? Or their assessment of their *own* voting?

If asked in a poll a few weeks ago I would say that I would never vote for Trump, however come the harsh reality of November and facing Hillary then it becomes a no brainer.

If you are banking on that then may have a very disappointing November 8th.

I think you're ignoring *way* more than polls indicating that Hillary beats Trump. And that you'll have to ignore a lot more as the election gets closer.
Trump is doing so badly, he won't get more than a hundred delegates nationwide. New York hates Trump so much that Cruz will bury that joke.

Karl Rove hit it on the head when he predicted that a good night in New York, for Trump would be 30 delegates but it doesn't look that good.

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