In Case You Missed It.....

I cant bear to listn to Obama for 15 seconds because I know every word out of his mouth is a lie.
The truth is we have more poverty in America today than we did in 2009 when Obama took office. That is intentional,. btw.
There is the conservative view on poverty in a nutshell: ignore it, blame it on someone else but above all never, ever do anything to alleviate it.

There is the conservative view on poverty in a nutshell: ignore it, blame it on someone else

Who should it be blamed on?
The economically powerful and their pet politicians.

which is Obama....see we can agree
Don't be dense, generational poverty is the culmination of 40 years of attacks on every policy meant to promote economic stability/mobility by big business and their "business friendly" politicians.

attacks on every policy meant to promote economic stability/mobility

What is "economic stability/mobility"?
Not one person has listened to the panel discussion. Arthur Brooks made a few very salient points.

I wonder what he'd say about the President's command of the subject matter if asked after that encounter?

I gotta tell ya....the man is no empty suit. He has depth. These long form discussions are right up his is unerstandable that so many nutters refuse to invest the time.
our resident Repub-voters RARELY (if ever) click on any source links because they don't ever provide any themselves ;)
Riighhttt and Obama is right there collecting cash and doing their bidding. He loves poverty so much he is importing it faster than any President before. Expenditures on poverty currently are more than defense thus the libs bleat we need more taxes impoverishing more and more. Meaanwhile he hands money to his cronies to do green and fail but hey they got rich overnite
You seem to think all our social ills started in 2008 but that is just the tipping point where consumer credit finally overwhelmed the working class's earning potential. They had been extending easy credit for decades to replace the wages that were declining and propping up the economy in a way that was doomed to eventually collapse. This policy doomed the middle class and the working class the minute it was instituted during the Reagan era. Blaming Obama is like blaming the janitor who has to clean up the mess after a wild frat party.
Since obj declared war on poverty we have spent 22 trillion.....3x the amount spent on all wars since the american revolution and yet we have record numbers in poverty.

Duration of program: April 5, 1933 to June 30, 1942

Nicknames: "Roosevelt's Tree Army", "Tree Troopers", "Soil Soldiers", "Cee's", "3 C's", "Colossal College of Calluses", "Woodpecker Warriors."

Total Men Enrolled: 3,463,766

Juniors, Veterans, and Native American Enrollees: 2,876,638

Territorial Enrollees 50,000 (estimated)

Nonenrolled Personnel: 263,755

Average Enrollee: 18 to 19 years old, 147 pounds, 5' 81/4" tall

Average Weight Gain of Enrollees in First 3 Months: 11.5 pounds

Well-known Actor Enrolled in CCC: Raymond Burr, enrollee at Camp Whitmore, California

Number of Illiterate Enrollees Taught to Read: more than 40,000

Average Number of Camps Operating in U.S. Per Year: 1,643

Total Number of Different Camps: 4,500

Highest Elevation of CCC Camp: 9,200 feet above sea level, in Colorado.

Lowest Elevation of CCC Camp: 270 feet below sea level, Death Valley, California

Camp Locations: every state in the union, plus Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Total Cost: 3 billion dollars

Approximate Cost Per Enrollee Per Year in 1940 for Food, Clothing, Overhead, and Allotments to Dependents: $1,000

Allotments to Dependents: $662,895,000

Number of People Directly Benefited from Enrollees Checks: 12 to 15 million

Value of Work in 1942 Dollars: 2 billion dollars

Miles of Road Built: 125,000

Miles of Telephone Lines Strung: 89,000

Miles of Foot Trails Built: 13,100

Farmland Benefited from Erosion Control Projects: 40 million acres

Stream and Lake Bank Protection: 154 million square yards

Range Revegetation: 814,000 acres

Firefighting Days: more than 6 million

Number of Enrollees Who Died Fighting Fires: 29

Overall Death Rate: 2.25 per thousand

State Parks Developed: 800

Public Campground Development: 52,000 acres

Mosquito Control: 248,000 acres

Number of Fish Stocked: 972 million

Historic Restoration: 3,980 structures

Number of Trees Planted: between 2 and 3 billion

Number of Conservation Related Workdays: 7,135,000

Number of Federal Government Agencies Participating in Some Capacity: 25

Unofficial Motto of the CCC: "We Can Take It!"

The total cost of CCC was about 3 billion dollars. It gave young men meaningful work in return for a pay check. It taught a work ethic and a skill set.
It got young men into physical shape to fight a world war and return to become the great American middle class.
Giving people money in return for sitting on their asses breeds an entitlement mindset, turns our youth into soft, overweight burger flippers at best.
Liberals blame Conservatives for a decline in the middle class. I blame LBJ.
It wasnt wages declining it was galloping home prices, driven by free money handed out like candy, and who profited. Realtors, banks, builders. Now you have entire neighborhoods locked into homes they will never sell for even the price they bought it at
Besides we're saved arent we, I mean look at the unemployment jobs jobs....shouldnt poverty be declining in this golden age of Obama dawning
Besides we're saved arent we, I mean look at the unemployment jobs jobs....shouldnt poverty be declining in this golden age of Obama dawning
Yup lots of jobs. Some people have 3 or 4 of them... 90% of private sector jobs "created" by this POTUS are at or near minimum wage.
This was an outstanding discussion about poverty in America. See if you can watch it if it interests you.

Conversation President Obama Poverty US Video
I cant bear to listn to Obama for 15 seconds because I know every word out of his mouth is a lie.
The truth is we have more poverty in America today than we did in 2009 when Obama took office. That is intentional,. btw.

Good for you The Rabbi

You and the other nutters should refuse to be informed, refuse to know the facts and then spout your opinion anyway.

That'll show 'em.
Besides we're saved arent we, I mean look at the unemployment jobs jobs....shouldnt poverty be declining in this golden age of Obama dawning
Yup lots of jobs. Some people have 3 or 4 of them... 90% of private sector jobs "created" by this POTUS are at or near minimum wage.

Actually, that was a Republcian idea.

Remember when McCain said that if you weren't making enough money you should just get a second job?

Better yet, Romney's idea of just borrowing money from your dad. Hell, it worked just fine for him!
There is the conservative view on poverty in a nutshell: ignore it, blame it on someone else but above all never, ever do anything to alleviate it.

There is the conservative view on poverty in a nutshell: ignore it, blame it on someone else

Who should it be blamed on?
The economically powerful and their pet politicians.

which is Obama....see we can agree
Don't be dense, generational poverty is the culmination of 40 years of attacks on every policy meant to promote economic stability/mobility by big business and their "business friendly" politicians.

attacks on every policy meant to promote economic stability/mobility

What is "economic stability/mobility"?
Permanently poor and disenfranchised. It's how Democrats hope to maintain their hold on power. They keep people poor and dependent on govb't and tell them the GOP is screwing them over.
Besides we're saved arent we, I mean look at the unemployment jobs jobs....shouldnt poverty be declining in this golden age of Obama dawning
Yup lots of jobs. Some people have 3 or 4 of them... 90% of private sector jobs "created" by this POTUS are at or near minimum wage.

Actually, that was a Republcian idea.

Remember when McCain said that if you weren't making enough money you should just get a second job?

Better yet, Romney's idea of just borrowing money from your dad. Hell, it worked just fine for him!
Have you ever gotten a second job to feed your family? Or do you feel that if you can't pay your bills on one salary, the government should make up the difference?
Have you ever borrowed money?
Besides we're saved arent we, I mean look at the unemployment jobs jobs....shouldnt poverty be declining in this golden age of Obama dawning
Yup lots of jobs. Some people have 3 or 4 of them... 90% of private sector jobs "created" by this POTUS are at or near minimum wage.

Actually, that was a Republcian idea.

Remember when McCain said that if you weren't making enough money you should just get a second job?

Better yet, Romney's idea of just borrowing money from your dad. Hell, it worked just fine for him!
Horrors! Suggesting people wanting more money should work more. What is this country coming to??
Let's see...

I posted a link on poverty under Obozo the other day showing Food Stamps are up 49%, and 6,700,000 more Americans are living in poverty.

Did you say Obama has a war or full-blown retreat?
Let's see...

I posted a link on poverty under Obozo the other day showing Food Stamps are up 49%, and 6,700,000 more Americans are living in poverty.

Did you say Obama has a war or full-blown retreat?

Those numbers are bullshit if they are not accompanied by an honest analysis. To put them out there without said analysis is dishonest. Why are you dishonest?
Let's see...
I posted a link on poverty under Obozo the other day showing Food Stamps are up 49%, and 6,700,000 more Americans are living in poverty.
Did you say Obama has a war or full-blown retreat?
Those numbers are bullshit if they are not accompanied by an honest analysis. To put them out there without said analysis is dishonest. Why are you dishonest?

All you had to do was click the link, dummy

Let's see...
I posted a link on poverty under Obozo the other day showing Food Stamps are up 49%, and 6,700,000 more Americans are living in poverty.
Did you say Obama has a war or full-blown retreat?
Those numbers are bullshit if they are not accompanied by an honest analysis. To put them out there without said analysis is dishonest. Why are you dishonest?

All you had to do was click the link, dummy

View attachment 41365

What link is that, genius?
There is the conservative view on poverty in a nutshell: ignore it, blame it on someone else but above all never, ever do anything to alleviate it.

It should be ignored...... much more so than it currently is. It's not MY problem that someone is too lazy, incompetent or just stupid to support themselves. That's what private charities and families are for, not the Federal Government and not most State Governments. The percentage of those in this country who truly deserve help is incredibly SMALL compared to those who actually get it.

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