In debate, Clinton gets no follow-up questions, Trump gets 6

More time should have been spent asking Trump about how he learned to make all those stupid facial contortions he is so fond of making when being viewed on live TV by 84 million people.

Or hold that stupid smile on his face all night....... never mind, that wasn't him...
More time should have been spent asking Trump about how he learned to make all those stupid facial contortions he is so fond of making when being viewed on live TV by 84 million people.

Or hold that stupid smile on his face all night....... never mind, that wasn't him...
Well, she was sharing the stage with a guy acting like a comedian and a clown. Plus, she was watching her opponent continue to make a fool of himself for two hours. She had lots to giggle and smile about.
Trump has to fight lying Hillary, lying Democrats, a biased media, and dozens of traitorous GOP establishment hacks in congress. It will be a miracle if he pulls out a win those are long odds.
Trump has to fight lying Hillary, lying Democrats, a biased media, and dozens of traitorous GOP establishment hacks in congress. It will be a miracle if he pulls out a win those are long odds.
lol It is a miracle he is where he is now, so I wouldn't bet against him.
Well, she was sharing the stage with a guy acting like a comedian and a clown. Plus, she was watching her opponent continue to make a fool of himself for two hours. She had lots to giggle and smile about.

Well......yeah, she didn't pass out on the floor for one. Two, Trump missed a lot of good opportunities that a more experienced debater would have capitalized on. But then again, he's never debated one on one before, so all and all, he did pretty good.

Next debate might be better because Trump missed a lot of things. I'm sure is assistants will remind him of what he needs to catch up on, and hopefully with a more partial moderator that won't totally tilt the debate on one side.
Well, she was sharing the stage with a guy acting like a comedian and a clown. Plus, she was watching her opponent continue to make a fool of himself for two hours. She had lots to giggle and smile about.

Well......yeah, she didn't pass out on the floor for one. Two, Trump missed a lot of good opportunities that a more experienced debater would have capitalized on. But then again, he's never debated one on one before, so all and all, he did pretty good.

Next debate might be better because Trump missed a lot of things. I'm sure is assistants will remind him of what he needs to catch up on, and hopefully with a more partial moderator that won't totally tilt the debate on one side.
The truth that counts will start becoming available when the new polls come out in a day or two. The debate will have meant something or meant very little. The numbers will tell. Plus there are two more debates.
Well, she was sharing the stage with a guy acting like a comedian and a clown. Plus, she was watching her opponent continue to make a fool of himself for two hours. She had lots to giggle and smile about.

Well......yeah, she didn't pass out on the floor for one. Two, Trump missed a lot of good opportunities that a more experienced debater would have capitalized on. But then again, he's never debated one on one before, so all and all, he did pretty good.

Next debate might be better because Trump missed a lot of things. I'm sure is assistants will remind him of what he needs to catch up on, and hopefully with a more partial moderator that won't totally tilt the debate on one side.
I'm guessing part of the problem was that he was told if he attacked her too hard, he would be accused of bullying a woman and since he is trying to win some of the women's vote, he should hold back, and that is what he did, but it was clearly unnatural for him to do it. At the same time, the moderator is a black man who is grilling him hard on race issues, so if he pushes back, once again he is accused of being a bully and a racist. Add to that that Holt stated that he had supported the Iraq war, which isn't true, that stop and frisk was found to be unconstitutional and that is racial profiling, which isn't true, and I think he maneuvered pretty well through this minefield.
The truth that counts will start becoming available when the new polls come out in a day or two. The debate will have meant something or meant very little. The numbers will tell. Plus there are two more debates.

The jobs numbers don't mean much to people. The fact is we have record amount of people not working nor looking for a job and more government dependents to show for it. It's yet another issue Trump didn't even address.

In spite of the polls saying Trump clearly won, I look at it as a tie; nothing gained and nothing lost for both candidates. You are correct, there are a few more debates if Hillary can make them. If it's more fairly moderated, I think Trump will dominate at least the next one.
The truth that counts will start becoming available when the new polls come out in a day or two. The debate will have meant something or meant very little. The numbers will tell. Plus there are two more debates.

The jobs numbers don't mean much to people. The fact is we have record amount of people not working nor looking for a job and more government dependents to show for it. It's yet another issue Trump didn't even address.

In spite of the polls saying Trump clearly won, I look at it as a tie; nothing gained and nothing lost for both candidates. You are correct, there are a few more debates if Hillary can make them. If it's more fairly moderated, I think Trump will dominate at least the next one.
Trump doesn't have to dominate to win the election, he just has to hold his own. If you look at a graph of the polls, it is clear that the only time Clinton got surges in the polls was when Trump made huge blunders like attacking the Hispanic judge or attacking the father of the Muslim soldier. If he just avoids making those kinds of mistakes, he will win the election.
Trump doesn't have to dominate to win the election, he just has to hold his own. If you look at a graph of the polls, it is clear that the only time Clinton got surges in the polls was when Trump made huge blunders like attacking the Hispanic judge or attacking the father of the Muslim soldier. If he just avoids making those kinds of mistakes, he will win the election.

I think Trump is too cautious in what he says. I only watched the first half of the debate, but it seems to me he missed a lot of opportunities. He should have pounded Hillary on increasing taxes and forcing industry to give paid leave to all their employees. That would cost industry a bundle and we need to hold on to what we got in this country when it comes to employers and jobs.

He should have also pointed out the cost of these liberal colleges that make it unaffordable for some Americans to get a higher education. Like Commie Care, the cost is ignored--just send the bill in a different direction which is Hillary's plan. Don't worry about it, we'll just tax the rich some more. Trump should have pointed out that the top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay over 70% of all collected income taxes, and then ask if 70% isn't enough, how much more should they be paying?
Trump doesn't have to dominate to win the election, he just has to hold his own. If you look at a graph of the polls, it is clear that the only time Clinton got surges in the polls was when Trump made huge blunders like attacking the Hispanic judge or attacking the father of the Muslim soldier. If he just avoids making those kinds of mistakes, he will win the election.

I think Trump is too cautious in what he says. I only watched the first half of the debate, but it seems to me he missed a lot of opportunities. He should have pounded Hillary on increasing taxes and forcing industry to give paid leave to all their employees. That would cost industry a bundle and we need to hold on to what we got in this country when it comes to employers and jobs.

He should have also pointed out the cost of these liberal colleges that make it unaffordable for some Americans to get a higher education. Like Commie Care, the cost is ignored--just send the bill in a different direction which is Hillary's plan. Don't worry about it, we'll just tax the rich some more. Trump should have pointed out that the top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay over 70% of all collected income taxes, and then ask if 70% isn't enough, how much more should they be paying?
There were lots of opportunities to attack Clinton, but with very limited time to respond, is it more important to reiterate his positive policy points or to attack her policy points. Trump chose the former and Clinton chose the latter route. That said, I do think he missed some opportunities to draw sharper contrasts between them on policy points and on their histories with respect to some issues and that can be corrected with better preparation.
Surprised that the Republican moderator didn't ask a bunch of softball questions for Trump? I'm kind of surprised these questions weren't asked too. Surprised that Trump's border wall wasn't brought up. Lots of unanswered questions. Maybe they'll hit on these issues in the next debate...
Republican my ass....
Surprised that the Republican moderator didn't ask a bunch of softball questions for Trump? I'm kind of surprised these questions weren't asked too. Surprised that Trump's border wall wasn't brought up. Lots of unanswered questions. Maybe they'll hit on these issues in the next debate...
Republican my ass....
Oh, that's right. Anyone who doesn't polish the Donald's knob is now a rino.
Surprised that the Republican moderator didn't ask a bunch of softball questions for Trump? I'm kind of surprised these questions weren't asked too. Surprised that Trump's border wall wasn't brought up. Lots of unanswered questions. Maybe they'll hit on these issues in the next debate...
Republican my ass....
Oh, that's right. Anyone who doesn't polish the Donald's knob is now a rino.
Pretty much......

He sure as Shiite isn't a damned Republican.
More time should have been spent asking Trump about how he learned to make all those stupid facial contortions he is so fond of making when being viewed on live TV by 84 million people.
Trump has cut down on some of them, my kids used to howl when he did his pouty-face, but he stopped the pouty-face early in the campaign.
There were lots of opportunities to attack Clinton, but with very limited time to respond, is it more important to reiterate his positive policy points or to attack her policy points. Trump chose the former and Clinton chose the latter route. That said, I do think he missed some opportunities to draw sharper contrasts between them on policy points and on their histories with respect to some issues and that can be corrected with better preparation.

That and he needs to shut up when Hil-Liar is talking. It comes off rude, impolite, and it doesn't give him a chance to think of a rebuttal. Some of his best and most comical comebacks in the primaries was when he didn't talk and thought instead. When it comes to being witty, Hillary doesn't even come in second place to Trump. He needs to listen and think instead of talking over her.

When you perpetuate a lie for 6 years about a birth certificate…expect to get called on it.
When you are the first to ever conditionalize the release of your tax records…expect to get called on it.
When you say you know more than the generals about ISIS…expect to get called on it.

But when you lie to Congress about your emails under oath, don't expect to get called on it by a liberal moderator.

According to the Congress and the FBI…it didn’t happen. But oh well…whatchagonnado?

The FBI didn't ask her if she lied to Congress.

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