In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
How many of those actually fit Trump? Just because he is rich and successfully doesn't make him a narcissist, it just makes you a loser in comparison.

Narcissists rarely achieve success, because they think they are perfect to begin with. Trump definitely doesn't have the disorder and you know it. Pathetic.

Got to love the internet psychologists.
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
How many of those actually fit Trump? Just because he is rich and successfully doesn't make him a narcissist, it just makes you a loser in comparison.

"How many of those actually fit Trump? Just because he is rich and successfully doesn't make him a narcissist, it just makes you a loser in comparison"

In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump
Actually, in a lot of cases they were.
List them.

Though of course you're completely correct if you define 'altruism' as 'an attempt to ensure US hegemony'.

That's how leftists douche bags like you define it.

#1. NATO is totally altruistic on our part.
#2. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was almost entirely altruistic
#3. Getting rid of Saddam was totally altruistic.

To name a few.

A Soviet dominated Europe would NOT have been in our interests.

On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.
Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

it's a problem because it's garbage and he knows it's a lie

I know that everything you post is pure idiocy. If you think our motives are sinister, then what's your objection to pulling our troops out if they don't pay?
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

Nice partial walking it back.

So you admit that nearly half the GOP listens to him. That is a good first step back to reality for you.

Now consider that just because a person might have a different first choice for the Primary is NOT the same thing as being "Repulsed by Trump".
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

More douche bag lies. I think it's physically impossible for you to tell the truth.
"In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays"

Trump’s moronic ‘world view’ is further evidence as to why he has no business being president.

The leader of a nation has a moral responsibility to put the interests of his citizens FIRST.

That you find that wrong shows how liberals are defective.

what makes you rabid rightwingnuts defective is you don't understand how the world works... not in trade not in economy not in anything.

and you just listen to this imbecile say nothing.

The idea that a socialist understands how the world works is too absurd for words to describe.
Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

our international aide is part of our diplomacy. if he isn't stupid, then he knows that it isn't about other countries "paying" us.

reality doesn't even enter in to what he says because people like you don't care about reality.

"Diplomacy" is a leftwing term meaning to behave like a sucker, to be taken advantage of. What do we get from our "diplomacy" with West Germany? South Korea? Japan? Are they going to attack us if we pull our troops out?
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Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

it's a problem because it's garbage and he knows it's a lie

I know that everything you post is pure idiocy. If you think our motives are sinister, then what's your objection to pulling our troops out if they don't pay?

Jillian might note that even with the Cold War over, and the threat from the SU gone, no one is asking US to leave.

Undermines the implication of selfish self interest quite strongly.
Actually, in a lot of cases they were.
List them.

Though of course you're completely correct if you define 'altruism' as 'an attempt to ensure US hegemony'.

That's how leftists douche bags like you define it.

#1. NATO is totally altruistic on our part.
#2. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was almost entirely altruistic
#3. Getting rid of Saddam was totally altruistic.

To name a few.

A Soviet dominated Europe would NOT have been in our interests.

On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.

So NATO was 1/3 in our interest and 2/3 in the interests of Europe. However, now it's 100% in the interest of Europe.
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

More douche bag lies. I think it's physically impossible for you to tell the truth.
The fact that Republicans actively oppose Trump is well established as are comments about Trump from global leaders
Actually, in a lot of cases they were.
List them.

Though of course you're completely correct if you define 'altruism' as 'an attempt to ensure US hegemony'.

That's how leftists douche bags like you define it.

#1. NATO is totally altruistic on our part.
#2. Kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was almost entirely altruistic
#3. Getting rid of Saddam was totally altruistic.

To name a few.

A Soviet dominated Europe would NOT have been in our interests.

On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.

So NATO was 1/3 in our interest and 2/3 in the interests of Europe. However, now it's 100% in the interest of Europe.


The same could be said of our alliance with SOuth Korea and Japan.
No one was making the argument that our troops put in place out of pure altruism.
That argument was implied in the idea the US was being taken for a ride.
Why should payment be demanded if they are placed there in the interests of the US?
And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

More douche bag lies. I think it's physically impossible for you to tell the truth.
The fact that Republicans actively oppose Trump is well established as are comments about Trump from global leaders

Trump is the front runner.

Do you understand that?
IMO those forces have been placed around the globe for a variety of reasons, of which self interest AND altruism were both significant portions of the mix.
Categorise the altruism.
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

Uhh... yeah I guess. Actually in such contrast to, oh, the entire rest of the human race.

Need a clue? Here ya go.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
... If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. <<​

--- Sound like anybody you've heard of lately?
What makes Trump different from him?? Obama at least never attacked a mans wife or called a woman a bimbo for taking clothed pictures. Obama is a country destroying piece of shit but Trump is a tantrum throwing liberal child.

Obama condoned the all out assault on Sarah Palin's children. Don't pretend he had nothing to do with it. He was also the one responsible for getting the divorce records of his opponent unsealed in his contest to become a U.S. Senator. That was a particularly sleazy business.

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