In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

our international aide is part of our diplomacy. if he isn't stupid, then he knows that it isn't about other countries "paying" us.

reality doesn't even enter in to what he says because people like you don't care about reality.

LOL, I guess you model your foreign policy after your personal life. You have to pay your friends to be your friends, LOL. A tip, if you're just paying them to be your friend, don't trust them ...
On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.
What a load of self victimising, self serving bullshit.
No one was making the argument that our troops put in place out of pure altruism.
That argument was implied in the idea the US was being taken for a ride.
Why should payment be demanded if they are placed there in the interests of the US?

And to think that libs like to accuse conservatives of being simplistic, LOL.

1. It is completely possible for a relationship to be based somewhat on self interest of both parties and to still be unfair with one party being "taken for a ride".

2. An alliance that WAS founded partially on self interest in the past, as an alliance AGAINST A MAJOR THREAT, LIKE SAY THE SOVIET UNION, might not still be in our interests once the enemy is gone.
In Donald Trumps worldview, everyone listens to him because he is Trump

And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

I love the way liberal douche bags believe everyone is on their side. It'as a special kind of narcissism, I believe.
On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.
What a load of self victimising, self serving bullshit.

And yet you don't go into any details about what the supposed errors are...

"America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays"
Which is the mentality I want my President to have.
An American President should always put America first
That has not been the case for at least the last 50 years.
On the other hand, we were certainly taken advantage of by irresponsible Europeans who knew they could fund their military forces at dangerously low levels knowing that we would take up the slack.

All the while they were aggressively rebuilding their economies on trade surpluses built on unfair trade practices against US while knowing that we would be forced to put diplomatic and military concerns ahead of economic ones.
What a load of self victimising, self serving bullshit.

Truth is "self-victimizing?" Of course, turds like you think the American people deserve to be taken advantage of because America is EVIL.
And yet you don't go into any details about what the supposed errors are...

US troops are placed for the perceived interests of the US. Iraq invasion as altruism, give me a break. The cold war as altruism. Ffs.
Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

Since America doesn't come first for you, what's the appeal of Trump to you?

The same could be said of our alliance with SOuth Korea and Japan.
Hilarity. While you frantically seek allies to hedge in China. You guys are a hoot.

An ally where the Chinese can bring their massive numeric superiority in conventional ground forces to bear is NOT a good ally for US.

I want to take away the massive profits from their unfair trade with US, that they are using to build up their military forces and keep their population satisfied.
#1. Germany
#2. Iraq
#4. South Korea

To name a few.
Hilarity. I'm only surprised you didn't mention the altruistic placing of US troops in Vietnam.
There is always a measure of altruism to our efforts. Just think of the humanity in the number of lives saved by nuking Hiroshima, or by carpet bombing Baghdad. Loosen up,'s not all achieved by love and kindness.
US troops in foreign countries are the outer rim of US home security layers. You're dreaming if you think it's for the benefit of others. Well, we see that right here and now.
And that's pretty accurate thinking on his part. That's why the networks are always trying to interview him: because he brings in a lot of viewers.

It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

More douche bag lies. I think it's physically impossible for you to tell the truth.
The fact that Republicans actively oppose Trump is well established as are comments about Trump from global leaders

Some establishment dead-enders actively oppose Trump. The vast majority of Republicans will vote for him in the general election.
No one was making the argument that our troops put in place out of pure altruism.
That argument was implied in the idea the US was being taken for a ride.
Why should payment be demanded if they are placed there in the interests of the US?

The issue is what good are they doing us now? The answer is nothing. That's why payment should be demanded. If they don't want to pay, then why should be leave them there?

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