In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

IMO those forces have been placed around the globe for a variety of reasons, of which self interest AND altruism were both significant portions of the mix.
Categorise the altruism.

You are too stupid for words. We gain nothing by having troops in German, South Korea or Japan and it costs us hundreds of billions.
It is only accurate in Trumps mind

The rest of the world laughs at Trump

He is a frontrunner in one of the two parties in the most powerful nation on earth.

It is obvious that quite a lot of people listen to him.

Only a man completely blinded by partisan rage could not see that.

Over half the Republican Party is repulsed by Trump

The rest of the world is amused that Americans could seriously consider a candidate like Trump

More douche bag lies. I think it's physically impossible for you to tell the truth.
The fact that Republicans actively oppose Trump is well established as are comments about Trump from global leaders

Trump is the front runner.

Do you understand that?

He is the front runner in a party that violently opposes him. Top Republicans recognize him as the end of their party as they know it
US troops in foreign countries are the outer rim of US home security layers. You're dreaming if you think it's for the benefit of others. Well, we see that right here and now.

ROFL! Yeah, because Germany didn't benefit by not being invaded during the cold war.

You are a special kind of imbecile.
You are too stupid for words. We gain nothing by having troops in German, South Korea or Japan and it costs us hundreds of billions.
They are the outer layer of your home defence system. If you can't see that, well, I'm not surprised.
ROFL! Yeah, because Germany didn't benefit by not being invaded during the cold war.

You are a special kind of imbecile.
The Soviets were never going to be doing any invading. You were fed decades of propaganda and you lapped it up it order to recatapult it.
US troops in foreign countries are the outer rim of US home security layers. You're dreaming if you think it's for the benefit of others. Well, we see that right here and now.

We went over your points seriously and honestly.

We got to a point were you had no answer to challenge my very reasonable and correct arguments.

So you simply revert to repeating your initial argument as though it has not already been addressed.

This is the logical fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. "

It is too bad you don't have the Moral Courage to Admit that your position was indefensible.

Still, compared to other leftists, at least you tried.

Kudos to you.:beer:
#1. Germany
#2. Iraq
#4. South Korea

To name a few.
Hilarity. I'm only surprised you didn't mention the altruistic placing of US troops in Vietnam.

That was largely altruistic. over one million Vietnamese left the country when the communists took over. However, we were also fighting the cold war. The whole world benefited from us resisting Communist expansion, not just us.
Yeah? So what? Why is that a problem?

Mr. Trump’s views, as he explained them, fit nowhere into the recent history of the Republican Party: He is not in the internationalist camp of President George Bush, nor does he favor President George W. Bush’s call to make it the United States’ mission to spread democracy around the world. He agreed with a suggestion that his ideas might be summed up as “America First.”

“Not isolationist, but I am America First,” he said. “I like the expression.” He said he was willing to reconsider traditional American alliances if partners were not willing to pay, in cash or troop commitments, for the presence of American forces around the world. “We will not be ripped off anymore,” he said.

It's called 'sociopathy.'
ROFL! Yeah, because Germany didn't benefit by not being invaded during the cold war.

You are a special kind of imbecile.
The Soviets were never going to be doing any invading. You were fed decades of propaganda and you lapped it up it order to recatapult it.

Generations of European leaders disagreed with you enough to allow hundreds of thousands of American soliders to be stationed in their nations, and to put up with our leadership.
In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

The guy with the ties from China? The one whose hats are made by "rapists"?

Did you just fall off a turnip truck? In Rump's worldview Donald T. Rump comes first, last, and everywhere in between. It's always been that way and we have absolutely no indication whatsoever that it will not always be so.

Yes, in such contrast to Hillary Clinton.

Uhh... yeah I guess. Actually in such contrast to, oh, the entire rest of the human race.

Need a clue? Here ya go.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
... If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. <<​

--- Sound like anything familiar?

Need another clue? How about that Hillary is not running out of the goodness of her heart. Your definition that you posted applies to both of them.

What in the friggety fuck does Hillary have to do with this? Deflect much?

But do go on and demonstrate for us how Hillary (or anybody) has been called out for misogyny an d then gone on a Twitter whine bend about the question, then run away from future debates with that moderator. Do go on and show us where Hillary (or anybody) classed entire nationalities, ethnic groups, religions or genders as "pigs", "rapists", "pussy", "loser", or went into a St. Vitus dance impression of a congenital joint disorder because a reporter called them out for still more bullshit they pulled out of their ass. Do give us a link to where Hillary (or anybody) dissed war POWs because "I like people that weren't captured". Do enlighten us on Hillary's (or anybody's) seventy years of continuous ego-flaggelations about how they have the "biggest", "grandest" "best in the world" toilet paper dispensers. Do wax eloquent on how Hillary (or anybody) waddles around constantly telling themselves "I'm really rich", "I have a very good brain", "I have the steadiest hands", "I have the best words", blah blah fucking blah. Do link us to where Hillary (or anybody) declared "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created". Do list for us where Hillary (or anybody) spends every waking moment figuring out how to get still yet more attention even if it means taking on Birferism or hosting a fucking horseshit TV show.

Every damn one of those points is there in spades. Wake the fuck up.
You made no points.
Generations of European leaders disagreed with you enough to allow hundreds of thousands of American soliders to be stationed in their nations, and to put up with our leadership.
Like the Germans you occupied? Like the French who kicked you out?

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