In Donald Trump’s Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays

Generations of European leaders disagreed with you enough to allow hundreds of thousands of American soliders to be stationed in their nations, and to put up with our leadership.
Like the Germans you occupied? Like the French who kicked you out?
Huh? If we "occupied" Germany during the cold war, then why are you objecting to pulling our troops out? The French left NATO of their own accord. We didn't "kick them out."
We got to a point were you had no answer to challenge my very reasonable and correct arguments.
There's no congratulations like self congratulations.

Anytime you want to pick up where we left off to continue arguing our position go right ahead.

Otherwise, all your posts are just more deflections and distractions.
The explain what "allies" we need to resist Chinese expansionism.
The US is the one seeking allies to 'resist Chinese expansionism' because it believes it is in its interest to do so. It's not doing it on behalf of Vietnam out of altruism, for instance, ffs.
ROFL! Yeah, because Germany didn't benefit by not being invaded during the cold war.

You are a special kind of imbecile.
The Soviets were never going to be doing any invading. You were fed decades of propaganda and you lapped it up it order to recatapult it.

ROFL! Now we get down to it. The Soviet Union never invaded anyone, did it?

Are you an actual communist? Only they are stupid enough to believe the the USSR had no sinister designs on the rest of the World.
The explain what "allies" we need to resist Chinese expansionism.
The US is the one seeking allies to 'resist Chinese expansionism' because it believes it is in its interest to do so. It's not doing it on behalf of Vietnam out of altruism, for instance, ffs.

You're a fool if you think South Korea, Japan and Vietnam aren't afraid of China.
ROFL! Now we get down to it. The Soviet Union never invaded anyone, did it?
Well Poland, in conjunction with Hitler, before they became US allies. Fair enough. Then they occupied the parts of Europe they'd captured, as buffer states. Very much like those other Russians, the US.
The explain what "allies" we need to resist Chinese expansionism.
The US is the one seeking allies to 'resist Chinese expansionism' because it believes it is in its interest to do so. It's not doing it on behalf of Vietnam out of altruism, for instance, ffs.

We aren't "seeking allies." They are seeking us. They want U.S. protection, but they don't want to pay for it.
A Nazi Dominate dominated Europe was seen in the US as a humanitarian nightmare, and this was used by FDR in gathering support for his various policies leading up to the US entry into WWII.

For one example.
And resisted vigorously by the US populace until war was declared by the Axis powers. So much for humanitarian nightmares.
ROFL! Now we get down to it. The Soviet Union never invaded anyone, did it?
Well Poland, in conjunction with Hitler, before they became US allies. Fair enough. Then they occupied the parts of Europe they'd captured, as buffer states. Very much like those other Russians, the US.

They also invaded Finland, and they invaded Poland just after WW I. They also invaded Afghanistan, if you don't recall. You even admit they occupied Eastern Europe for decades.

Only a fool would believe the USSR wasn't a threat.
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The leader of a nation has a moral responsibility to put the interests of his citizens FIRST.
That is why Obama is trying to do something about Global are correct...
You've been duped. He's just using that bullshit to try to make electricity prices skyrocket. It's part of his war on the middle class.

If he was worried about atmospheric CO2 he wouldn't take Air Force 1 to Hawaii to go golfing.
ROFL! Now we get down to it. The Soviet Union never invaded anyone, did it?
Well Poland, in conjunction with Hitler, before they became US allies. Fair enough. Then they occupied the parts of Europe they'd captured, as buffer states. Very much like those other Russians, the US.

Wow... someone is truly clueless.

Commie apologist... or even worse... supporter? Let me guess, you are feeling the Bernout?
Generations of European leaders disagreed with you enough to allow hundreds of thousands of American soliders to be stationed in their nations, and to put up with our leadership.
Like the Germans you occupied? Like the French who kicked you out?


The Germans were given full autonomy in 1955 and the Germans were willing members of NATO for the next 60 years.

At any point they could have kicked our asses out and taken responsibility for their own defense.

The French were assholes.

THey knew that we would still hold the line in Germany, so they could pretend to be standing on their own while actually hiding behind US.

You'll note the despite their constant criticism over the course of the COld War, they never took any steps to try to convince the GErmans to kick US out.

If they thought there was no danger from the Soviets, it would have been a harmless and fun way to humiliate the US and increase their own status.

And yet, they never even tried....
Commie apologist
You have been fed propaganda so long you don't even know it's propaganda. Tell me, who do you think played the major role in defeating Hitler's Third Reich?

How many countries was it that the commie loonies invaded again?

Given that they are no longer around, hard to believe you have still been taken in by the propaganda. Is it the Marxist indoctrination working?

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