In God We Trust

Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

I'd wager he was made to go to a few. :eusa_dance:
The preacher for the church he claims member ship to says he has never seen Trump there. Even Hitler went to church as a kid. It never made him religious.

Would you feel better if he attended Jeremiah Wright's church every Sunday, or no?
Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

I'd wager he was made to go to a few. :eusa_dance:
The preacher for the church he claims member ship to says he has never seen Trump there. Even Hitler went to church as a kid. It never made him religious.

Would you feel better if he attended Jeremiah Wright's church every Sunday, or no?

You say that as if all that anti-Jeremiah Wright rhetoric was more than right wing hyperbole. I know all that is now part of the right wing liturgy as much as the birth certificate is, but like the birth certificate claim, it's based on exaggerated bullshit.
Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

I'd wager he was made to go to a few. :eusa_dance:
The preacher for the church he claims member ship to says he has never seen Trump there. Even Hitler went to church as a kid. It never made him religious.

Would you feel better if he attended Jeremiah Wright's church every Sunday, or no?

There are regular Bible Studies and Prayer meetings in The White House every week.

As I have told other people, Donald Trump like all of us is a Sinner. But people also do not talk about the fact that he accepted Christianity about 5 years ago. After that, his political views changed. And his acceptance of Christianity moved his political views towards Conservatism.

He is still a sinner, but he is a sinner saved by Grace now like all those who are believers in Yahshua.

White House Prayer Sessions Bring God Into Governance

Top Trump administration officials flock to weekly Bible study classes at White House

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Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
My God has said there is only one (1) unforgivable sin and that is to curse him. Sorry 'bout that.

And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.

That devout Christian seems to have missed this commandment

Thou shalt not bear false witness” forbids: “1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbor, to the prejudice of his reputation


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Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
My God has said there is only one (1) unforgivable sin and that is to curse him. Sorry 'bout that.

And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Bush senior's funeral and not a regular church service. Post a picture of them in a regular church on a Sunday. OOPS can't! He's usually golfing at one of his golf clubs on Sundays. Well, maybe all except this Sunday when he was tweeting up a storm about almost everything his diseased mind could think of. And especially about SNL, that was a rerun and he rant tweeted about it when it first aired.....something he seems to have forgotten.

Now today he had to take down time....from friggin what? He was up all weekend and it looks like he didn't sleep. The Adderall snorting will do that to you. It's basically speed, which doesn't allow you to sleep, and two or three days of no sleep produces what he did over the weekend. I guess he needs today to finally sleep from being up all weekend.
The best you got is to take craven shots at a dead Republican who now cannot speak up for himself? Got it!!!
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
My God has said there is only one (1) unforgivable sin and that is to curse him. Sorry 'bout that.

And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

President and First Lady Trump attend Christmas services at the National Cathedral three months ago:

President and First Lady Donald Trump attend services in New Jersey:

President and Mrs. Trump attend services in Florida:

You're saying that President Trump only goes to funerals as a happenstance to his duties? Oh, contraire, mon amie. (To the contrary, dear sir or ma'am) There are many more services he attended. It seems to me this disturbs you. American Presidents have been believing in God since George Washington's first term. He trusts in God. And from what I have seen of his actions, he corrects errors in bad judgment in people who have been accorded public trust in a way that his narcisstic press detractors do not care for, and like you, consider religion bad for whatever personal reason they have against God almighty, who is invisible to them due to their own flawed reckoning. And that's what I think of the arrogance of such militant nonbelief.

Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.

That devout Christian seems to have missed this commandment

Thou shalt not bear false witness” forbids: “1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbor, to the prejudice of his reputation

Apparently you did too, because you do it all day, every day. Look at your Avatar! Holy hypocrisy, Batman! :eek:
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
My God has said there is only one (1) unforgivable sin and that is to curse him. Sorry 'bout that.

And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.
That's exactly what I told him too. it was Bush senior's funeral.
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Bush senior's funeral and not a regular church service. Post a picture of them in a regular church on a Sunday. OOPS can't! He's usually golfing at one of his golf clubs on Sundays. Well, maybe all except this Sunday when he was tweeting up a storm about almost everything his diseased mind could think of. And especially about SNL, that was a rerun and he rant tweeted about it when it first aired.....something he seems to have forgotten.

Now today he had to take down time....from friggin what? He was up all weekend and it looks like he didn't sleep. The Adderall snorting will do that to you. It's basically speed, which doesn't allow you to sleep, and two or three days of no sleep produces what he did over the weekend. I guess he needs today to finally sleep from being up all weekend.
The best you got is to take craven shots at a dead Republican who now cannot speak up for himself? Got it!!!
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.
And My god said your god is a pussy.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

President and First Lady Trump attend Christmas services at the National Cathedral three months ago:

President and First Lady Donald Trump attend services in New Jersey:

President and Mrs. Trump attend services in Florida:

You're saying that President Trump only goes to funerals as a happenstance to his duties? Oh, contraire, mon amie. (To the contrary, dear sir or ma'am) There are many more services he attended. It seems to me this disturbs you. American Presidents have been believing in God since George Washington's first term. He trusts in God. And from what I have seen of his actions, he corrects errors in bad judgment in people who have been accorded public trust in a way that his narcisstic press detractors do not care for, and like you, consider religion bad for whatever personal reason they have against God almighty, who is invisible to them due to their own flawed reckoning. And that's what I think of the arrogance of such militant nonbelief.

How the hell did I take a craven shot at Bush? All I did was mention that the picture was from his funeral. JFC! You guys will grasp at any imagined straw! And he also treated the military guy who escorted them to their seats as his personal valet by handing him his overcoat.

And if trump believes in God so much then why has he publicly stated that he never asks forgiveness for anything? Could it be that he thinks he's too perfect and never does anything wrong enough to ask for forgiveness? He has never corrected any errors because he thinks he never commits any. You really are brainwashed if you honestly believe any of that crap you posted.
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.

That devout Christian seems to have missed this commandment

Thou shalt not bear false witness” forbids: “1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbor, to the prejudice of his reputation
I love internet atheists proclaiming who’s a real Christian and not. Thanks for the good laughs.
This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?
And no more JEWS too. And it's iffy on the Asians unless they accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. (joke)
Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.

That devout Christian seems to have missed this commandment

Thou shalt not bear false witness” forbids: “1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbor, to the prejudice of his reputation

Apparently you did too, because you do it all day, every day. Look at your Avatar! Holy hypocrisy, Batman! :eek:

The only part of that avatar that isn't real is the little dot that covers her nipple. She actually did proudly flop that titty up and down that model's runway. Nothing false about that statement.
Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

Well. He did attend this past Sunday. Second time this year.

He is a really devout Christian. He lives by the tenets set forth in the Bible.

That devout Christian seems to have missed this commandment

Thou shalt not bear false witness” forbids: “1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbor, to the prejudice of his reputation
I love internet atheists proclaiming who’s a real Christian and not. Thanks for the good laughs.

I never said who was or was not a Christian. I only pointed out where many of those who claim to be don't adhere to the more well known requirements of Christianity.
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Bush senior's funeral and not a regular church service. Post a picture of them in a regular church on a Sunday. OOPS can't! He's usually golfing at one of his golf clubs on Sundays. Well, maybe all except this Sunday when he was tweeting up a storm about almost everything his diseased mind could think of. And especially about SNL, that was a rerun and he rant tweeted about it when it first aired.....something he seems to have forgotten.

Now today he had to take down time....from friggin what? He was up all weekend and it looks like he didn't sleep. The Adderall snorting will do that to you. It's basically speed, which doesn't allow you to sleep, and two or three days of no sleep produces what he did over the weekend. I guess he needs today to finally sleep from being up all weekend.
The best you got is to take craven shots at a dead Republican who now cannot speak up for himself? Got it!!!
Well, like the prophecies Say, people shall fall away From God and be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

Ah! I see what you did there! You're having a little fun with Trump. Right?!
Donald and Melania Trump, attending religious services:

That's Trump at a funeral dumb ass. I don't think Trump has attended a regular religious service his entire life.

President and First Lady Trump attend Christmas services at the National Cathedral three months ago:

President and First Lady Donald Trump attend services in New Jersey:

President and Mrs. Trump attend services in Florida:

You're saying that President Trump only goes to funerals as a happenstance to his duties? Oh, contraire, mon amie. (To the contrary, dear sir or ma'am) There are many more services he attended. It seems to me this disturbs you. American Presidents have been believing in God since George Washington's first term. He trusts in God. And from what I have seen of his actions, he corrects errors in bad judgment in people who have been accorded public trust in a way that his narcisstic press detractors do not care for, and like you, consider religion bad for whatever personal reason they have against God almighty, who is invisible to them due to their own flawed reckoning. And that's what I think of the arrogance of such militant nonbelief.

How the hell did I take a craven shot at Bush? All I did was mention that the picture was from his funeral. JFC! You guys will grasp at any imagined straw! And he also treated the military guy who escorted them to their seats as his personal valet by handing him his overcoat.

And if trump believes in God so much then why has he publicly stated that he never asks forgiveness for anything? Could it be that he thinks he's too perfect and never does anything wrong enough to ask for forgiveness? He has never corrected any errors because he thinks he never commits any. You really are brainwashed if you honestly believe any of that crap you posted.

You said something that was a lie, and you're making me responsible for it? What universe it is you are from? Are you a Lilliputian? Oh, wait. Those are the people from Gulliver's Travels who define and punish fraud with death while their Emperor and nobility lie all the time. What was I thinking?
This thread title is the official motto of the United States of America.
Rep.'s Tlaib and Omar were sworn into Congress using the Quran.
Does this mean that they were not duly sworn in as Congressional members?

Our official motto DOES NOT state that 'In Allah We Trust'.

Can someone please clear up this confusion?

Christianity. The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God". The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for "God" than "Allah".

Allah - Wikipedia

You are moving the goalposts of what our forefathers intended.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

"respecting" means "with respect to"..."having to do with"

That is a separation of Church and State. Has been as long as we have been a nation
The Constitution was written so that simple folk such as myself could understand it. Many people will go to the dictionary and find one little alternative meaning and apply it to another's understanding. I think I have a pretty good understanding that you cannot deny me my religion because of what the Constitution guarantees me the free speech of.
No it was written by smart folk. That's not you.
Hmmm. You are not acknowledging several of us that have told you the law in the First Amendment even mentions religion by the word religion. You lied when you said religion had no place in the Constitution, and you lied again when you said religion has no place in the government.

You are a piece of work.
Fuck every one of you that says your a "patriot" and believes in freedom if you think your religion has any place in government.
View attachment 250987
what if you go to hell and I don't lol
Now you are judging people better than yourself suggesting that they are going to hell and you aren't. That's quite a change from your false claim that the word "religion" is not in the Constitution and we quoted verbatim the First Amendment. Only a fool kicks God aside and judges others as going to hell. That is God's job, not anyone else's job.
I'm not against religions or religious people, be it Christianity or anything I just think it is extremely important government and religion don't mix. One of the best things about our country is freedom of religion. If we let a given religion have reign over government a religion you don't like/don't agree with could be in charge some day. Best to keep it separate.
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion. To separate that from the Constitution would put those who think Caesar is God would go after Christians to throw us into the Lion's Den. Our Constitution will remain with the First Amendment as it is written in it. Try to learn to live with it as best you can. Religion is protected in this country. Murdering Christians is against the law here. That's why our fathers put religion in the Constitution, to be sure people like you do not burn Christians at the stake, throw them to the lions, nail them to a cross and drive spears in their sides, etc. Relgious protection protects good people in the United States from bad people who would behead us for no reason at all, except to satisfy a false God.

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