In islam peace can only come through total sharia law

thing with these young muslims is that they can't support the western way because they can see that it is superior to islam and its ways . Some then want to join in in taking down the west . See the youts that were just caught in Canada as they tried to leave Canada so that they could join up with terrorists . Best thing to have done would be to let them leave with no re entry into western lands ever again . Next step after that would be to STOP the importation of any more muslims . Boy , I'm happy that i'm in the USA with its low percentage of muslims . --- RCMP arrests ten youths believed headed to join jihadists in Syria at Montreal airport National Post ---

I have often stated that I came into contact with lots of
muslims more than 45 years ago and since-----therefore
I know some stuff about the "culture". Muslim kids learn the muslim version of history creates in
their minds that civilization began with muhummad. In fact there is an Arabic word which I cannot now remember which describes "before muhummad" as the era of "confusion and chaos" This idea is INGRAINED----education does not help. My take
on muslim kids growing up in "the west" is they are
suffering from Cognitive Dissonance---kids are very
influenced by the ingrained beliefs of their parents ---
even of the beliefs of their parents as children. ---kinda
like Christian children believing that santa flies on a sled
muslim kids and people think they are superior so it gets annoying when they see that they have to escape to western lands just so they can eat and live in civilized conditions .
muslim kids and people think they are superior so it gets annoying when they see that they have to escape to western lands just so they can eat and live in civilized conditions .

I don't think your analysis is-----uhm ---all that good.
In order to understand the problem you need to know
what muslims KNOW. MUSLIMS living under any level
of shariah law-----even a little bit of shariah----ARE THE
LEGAL BIG SHOTS of the land and in the glorious past--
they were even bigger shots in THE CALIPHATE. They were such big shots that even the non-muslims knew them to be SUPERIOR BEINGS and were delighted
to live under their it was an honor-----(I doubt that you believe me------but it's true---they KNOW)
found this article , interesting to me . Iwas looking for the word that describes the socalled Chaos before 'mo' . Anyway , here it is , just some short , interesting to me history . --- The Life of Muhammad and the Birth of Islam ---

the word begins with a 'J' I will find it later----your article seems as if it was written by a conciliatory person
for a junior high school history book or for classic comics
well , I'm just learning but its my impression that muslims , especialy young muslim MALES that have been born in the west don't like seeing their religion and culture as being number 2 in terms of power and influence in the world . Just my thoughts as an older American guy from the western world and the USA where my culture and societies power have ruled the world for the last couple hundred years . He11 , they probably know that they were once a feared entity called a 'caliphate' that were taken down by western powers and so they want to displace and defeat those western powers . --- anyway , heres another link , interesting to me --- The Prologue Arabia Before Islam --- plus it looks like an interesting site that I have to check out a bit more .
probably was a beginners article , but its probably more than most people in the western world know about 'islam' I would guess Rosie !!
probably was a beginners article , but its probably more than most people in the western world know about 'islam' I would guess Rosie !!

yes---but they are both a bit misleading-----LEANING toward
the Islamic POV-----and revised history-----its like an historian bending over backward hoping to achieve "balance"
well , sympathetic or not its more info than I knew and I'd guess that its more info than most people know .
I can't be influenced by sympathetic articles on 'islam' as I have eyes in my head that can see !!
I can't be influenced by sympathetic articles on 'islam' as I have eyes in my head that can see !!

good ---and it is obvious you can read with discernment---
notice the HISTORY presented-------there is actually an
effort to describe Christians as being involved
in Christian sectarian battles ---in Arabia and also
jews as persecuting Christians in Arabia <<<< both are
examples of Islamic revisionist history There is no
glimmer of this history anywhere------if it did happen ---it
would be easy to prove------both Christians and jews in
Arabia were literate. Jews have the GENIZA habit----
preserving of old written documents by burying them in the ground or in caves------Arabia is chock full of written
history------or was----I have no doubt there REMAINS
Muslim kids learn the muslim version of history creates in
their minds that civilization began with muhummad. In fact there is an Arabic word which I cannot now remember which describes "before muhummad" as the era of "confusion and chaos"
The arabic word is "jahilliyyah" (ji-ha-lee-ah) which means "the time of ignorance".

Jahiliyyah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a kinda joke-----with islam the literacy rate in Arabia fell
into the sewer
thanks Sunni , that article I posted mentions 'the time of ignorance ' but doesn't mention the word which I may remember if I try !!
thanks Sunni , that article I posted mentions 'the time of ignorance ' but doesn't mention the word which I may remember if I try !!
Before Muhammad and the Quran was the time of ignorance..

The tribes of arabia were a very unruly group of people.

Drunkenness and immorality was the norm and they practiced female infanticide.

Muhammad, using the Quran as his guide, forbid all of these things and civilized the people. ....... :cool:
yep , think that my beginner article mentions the female infanticide and I didn't know that . Same with the 'kabba' predating 'islam' , after islam it looks to me that all idols or rocks / stones were replaced with one stone / rock / idol . I think that there is one stone in the 'kabba' now whereas before islam there were many stones / rocks .
thanks Sunni , that article I posted mentions 'the time of ignorance ' but doesn't mention the word which I may remember if I try !!
Before Muhammad and the Quran was the time of ignorance..

The tribes of arabia were a very unruly group of people.

Drunkenness and immorality was the norm and they practiced female infanticide.

Muhammad, using the Quran as his guide, forbid all of these things and civilized the people. ....... :cool:

when do you imagine that "civilized thing" will take hold?
yep , think that my beginner article mentions the female infanticide and I didn't know that . Same with the 'kabba' predating 'islam' , after islam it looks to me that all idols or rocks / stones were replaced with one stone / rock / idol . I think that there is one stone in the 'kabba' now whereas before islam there were many stones / rocks .

rock worship was the religion here and there in the whole
region. In fact the beads that muslims hold onto---sometimes in English called "worry beads"-----and sometimes used to kinda count up prayers----constitute a remnant of rock worship.
yep , think that my beginner article mentions the female infanticide and I didn't know that . Same with the 'kabba' predating 'islam' , after islam it looks to me that all idols or rocks / stones were replaced with one stone / rock / idol . I think that there is one stone in the 'kabba' now whereas before islam there were many stones / rocks .
The Kabba is a stone structure that was built on the place where Abraham and his son had erected a small alter dedicated to God thousands of years ago.

Over many centuries the monotheism that Abraham had taught the people was forgotten and the people had fell into the worship of idols.

They had filled the Kabba with hundreds of idols and lost the knowledge of the "One True God".

The first thing that Muhammad did when he conquered Mecca was to go to the Kabba and destroy all of the idols.

A misnomer by many non-muslims is that Muslims worship the large black stone which sits in the corner of the Kabba structure. It is just a rock which was touched by Muhammad and is not an idol nor does it hold any mystical or special powers. ...... :cool:

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