In Jerusalem, Israel now.

No Phoney, you just suck up every piece of zionist propaganda going and regurgitate it like its the truth...
Got get some real life experience of Muslims and then you will be more capable of commenting clearly, without hatred.

You mean like this:


View attachment 40190View attachment 40191

View attachment 40192







Ah I see, Sayshit sucks up all the propaganda and believes every word...

You posed a challenge to "Got get some real life experience of Muslims and then you will be more capable of commenting clearly" and I offered pictures of real life Muslim experiences. Evidently you didn't like what you saw. Neither did I but I thought it might provide some clarity.

Evidently you posted what the media and extremist Zionists want Muslims to be portrayed as...

Would it be ok for me to post images of big nosed, skull capped individuals sitting on a pot of gold?

No probably not...

But then... I have many Jewish friends, have been to Israel... I have many Muslim friends, have traveled extensively across the Arab ME....

I don't have the narrow mindedness of some here who just suck up, blindly, the propaganda BS of extremist Zionists AND extremist Muslims...

No, you are right... I do not like and will not tolerate extremists but that relates to ALL religions, politics, life...

You have pictures of skullcapped sitting on a pot of gold? These aren't antisemitic cartoons from a Nazi or Islamic website, dipweed, they're pictures of Muslims showing us Islam in action.
Everything that does not support your mindless hate for Joooos grates on you, Princess. Get over it or ignore the thread. Problem solved.
I do not HATE Jews at all.....being a lot more educated that most of you,more open minded and travelling the world including Israel.....I have a grasp of reality and truth..............When posters like Teddy make the most ridiculous comments like "I will let you know if I find any UNHAPPY ARABS''.......firstly it's Palestinians....then these comment of mine should be made..........They are merely Teddy's inaccurate Opinion only......Your suggestion of me Hating Jews is too Banal to take seriously..........I more that anyone believe in an Israel and Palestine.........For you and other members of your DISCREDITED Possee,to make judgement on me is totally absurd........Being it is you Fuckers that HATE,Muslims and everyone else ....for that matter. f off HYPOCRITES

Firstly the arabs stole the name in 1960, before that it referred to the JEWS ONLY.

Of course you don't hate Jews, just Zionists, Likud, IDF, Mossad and any other term you can find that does not contain the term Jew.
Jews No Problem at all,Zionists Scum,IDF some of their tactics not so good,Likud...too right wing but you live in a Democracy of sorts and folk can vote for who they want...Next Mossad...Much to be Admired despite some of their behaviour....Git it Phoney. This is the Gospel according to de Liq..See you around Boyo

Steve is hiding his anti semtism by calling it anti Zionism. Same shit different name. You do realize that 99.999% of Jews are Zionists as was Jesus, the Zionist Jew.

Don't forget the arab prophet that invented islam was also a Zionist, until his mental instability blew up.


Ah I see, Sayshit sucks up all the propaganda and believes every word...

You posed a challenge to "Got get some real life experience of Muslims and then you will be more capable of commenting clearly" and I offered pictures of real life Muslim experiences. Evidently you didn't like what you saw. Neither did I but I thought it might provide some clarity.

Evidently you posted what the media and extremist Zionists want Muslims to be portrayed as...

Would it be ok for me to post images of big nosed, skull capped individuals sitting on a pot of gold?

No probably not...

But then... I have many Jewish friends, have been to Israel... I have many Muslim friends, have traveled extensively across the Arab ME....

I don't have the narrow mindedness of some here who just suck up, blindly, the propaganda BS of extremist Zionists AND extremist Muslims...

No, you are right... I do not like and will not tolerate extremists but that relates to ALL religions, politics, life...

You have pictures of skullcapped sitting on a pot of gold? These aren't antisemitic cartoons from a Nazi or Islamic website, dipweed, they're pictures of Muslims showing us Islam in action.
View attachment 40211

Inhumanity spamming again?


is a nationalist and political movement of Jews


Two words that 'destroys' your 'paradise'.....

"Nationalist" and "Political"....

Where is "religion"?

No where!

And that is the MAJOR issue with Zionism... Actually has NOTHING to do with being Jewish!!!

Thanks for that one Phoney!!!!
Ah I see, Sayshit sucks up all the propaganda and believes every word...

You posed a challenge to "Got get some real life experience of Muslims and then you will be more capable of commenting clearly" and I offered pictures of real life Muslim experiences. Evidently you didn't like what you saw. Neither did I but I thought it might provide some clarity.

Evidently you posted what the media and extremist Zionists want Muslims to be portrayed as...

Would it be ok for me to post images of big nosed, skull capped individuals sitting on a pot of gold?

No probably not...

But then... I have many Jewish friends, have been to Israel... I have many Muslim friends, have traveled extensively across the Arab ME....

I don't have the narrow mindedness of some here who just suck up, blindly, the propaganda BS of extremist Zionists AND extremist Muslims...

No, you are right... I do not like and will not tolerate extremists but that relates to ALL religions, politics, life...

You have pictures of skullcapped sitting on a pot of gold? These aren't antisemitic cartoons from a Nazi or Islamic website, dipweed, they're pictures of Muslims showing us Islam in action.
View attachment 40211

Inhumanity spamming again?



If spamming in your little world relates to something being said that YOU don't like then, yeah, call it spamming...

Dumbass! :cuckoo:
is a nationalist and political movement of Jews


Two words that 'destroys' your 'paradise'.....

"Nationalist" and "Political"....

Where is "religion"?

No where!

And that is the MAJOR issue with Zionism... Actually has NOTHING to do with being Jewish!!!

Thanks for that one Phoney!!!!
Sheeeesh what a fuckin' ignorant numbskull. The mission of the mandate was to establish a Jewish Homeland, Zionist organisation was to administer the land.
You posed a challenge to "Got get some real life experience of Muslims and then you will be more capable of commenting clearly" and I offered pictures of real life Muslim experiences. Evidently you didn't like what you saw. Neither did I but I thought it might provide some clarity.

Evidently you posted what the media and extremist Zionists want Muslims to be portrayed as...

Would it be ok for me to post images of big nosed, skull capped individuals sitting on a pot of gold?

No probably not...

But then... I have many Jewish friends, have been to Israel... I have many Muslim friends, have traveled extensively across the Arab ME....

I don't have the narrow mindedness of some here who just suck up, blindly, the propaganda BS of extremist Zionists AND extremist Muslims...

No, you are right... I do not like and will not tolerate extremists but that relates to ALL religions, politics, life...

You have pictures of skullcapped sitting on a pot of gold? These aren't antisemitic cartoons from a Nazi or Islamic website, dipweed, they're pictures of Muslims showing us Islam in action.
View attachment 40211

Inhumanity spamming again?



If spamming in your little world relates to something being said that YOU don't like then, yeah, call it spamming...

Dumbass! :cuckoo:

Perhaps it is you that doesn't like the truth. Stop whining.


is a nationalist and political movement of Jews


Two words that 'destroys' your 'paradise'.....

"Nationalist" and "Political"....

Where is "religion"?

No where!

And that is the MAJOR issue with Zionism... Actually has NOTHING to do with being Jewish!!!

Thanks for that one Phoney!!!!
Sheeeesh what a fuckin' ignorant numbskull. The mission of the mandate was to establish a Jewish Homeland, Zionist organisation was to administer the land.

Zionist - Nationalist & Political Organisation!

Dumbass Roodboy... :cuckoo:

Zionism is about establishing a Jewish Homeland through nationalist and political means!

Remember Uganda!

A far better homeland for Jews!
is a nationalist and political movement of Jews


Two words that 'destroys' your 'paradise'.....

"Nationalist" and "Political"....

Where is "religion"?

No where!

And that is the MAJOR issue with Zionism... Actually has NOTHING to do with being Jewish!!!

Thanks for that one Phoney!!!!
Sheeeesh what a fuckin' ignorant numbskull. The mission of the mandate was to establish a Jewish Homeland, Zionist organisation was to administer the land.

Zionist - Nationalist & Political Organisation!

Dumbass Roodboy... :cuckoo:

Zionism is about establishing a Jewish Homeland through nationalist and political means!

Remember Uganda!

A far better homeland for Jews!

Modern Zionism is based on ancient Zionism, which is based on the Bible, dingbat. Israel has been the religious, cultural and spiritual land for Jews for 3000 years.
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I'm not here for English lessons. I am here to see some pictures of Israel.

Ah. And this is the post I really came here tonite to respond to. I do not know if you really want to see pictures just for the pictures Penelope or if you want to pick them apart to continue your tirade against the Israelis.

Suffice to say, I will probably wait until I get home to post a full on picture thread, but for now here's last nights fireworks:

Pretty cool.

At my house, every year me and my folks light up the independence day star of David (made out of hundreds of little lamps, it lights up the entire street from our roof, it's kinda awesome) and from the balcony we watch the fireworks, usually late evening after the first music show in the central square ends). This year it was very impressive, I must say.

Must be great for you and according to the wandering Jew,Teddy all the Palestinians are not unhappy........this guy is a CREEP
By the way, I realize that this is a political message board and that I made some political remarks in my OP and elsewhere, but really guys?? Do you have to derail even this thread?

This thread is full of truth as being observed on the ground, not conjecture, nor the same old bullshit propaganda bullshit.

Lila tov
So you spew.....take off those rose coloured glasses................
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.

Have a good time and pull some of those Israeli lookers just for me. Look out for monte he might be there as well trying to make a name for himself.
Your meaning of "Pull" is...????????.......because in Britain and Australia it means "TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE".......what the hell are you fcuking talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well lets see if I an let you down easy

I am British and I don't use the term Pull for that, it is actually used to say that you met a young lady and asked her for a date.

In Oz you might get Pulled by the sheep or 'roos you are trying to mount, that is the only Pulling you will be engaged in.
Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better....You Untruthful Whinging P.O.M.E....(Prisoner of Mother England)....LOL Oooo I'm British(Big Deal) and don't use that term for that....Well you'd be the ONLY ONE...LOL

Nope about 95% of the British population use it like that, it is only immature children the use I for bragging and then only because they could not get a girl.
First you say this terminology is not used as I said, Now you say 5% use it as I said, by the end of the day I will get the truth out of you and 95% use it as I said.. .the remaining 5% will be for guys like you who don't know how to PULL......anyhow this term I have never used because it is unsophisticated and DEGRADES WOMEN..........Something only the uncouth like you would use.......You need to show some respect for the fairer sex.

In the end it was YOU that used this term in an extremely immature way........I caught you out Big Time.......YOU need to grow up.steve........and as we say in Paradise ...STOP PULLING (Wanking) thought you were being clever but you forgot Stevie Boy is far too smart for the likes of bow and say sorry to all the nice posters that have had to witness this appaulling behaviour of yours.
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Have a good time and pull some of those Israeli lookers just for me. Look out for monte he might be there as well trying to make a name for himself.
Your meaning of "Pull" is...????????.......because in Britain and Australia it means "TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE".......what the hell are you fcuking talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well lets see if I an let you down easy

I am British and I don't use the term Pull for that, it is actually used to say that you met a young lady and asked her for a date.

In Oz you might get Pulled by the sheep or 'roos you are trying to mount, that is the only Pulling you will be engaged in.
Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better....You Untruthful Whinging P.O.M.E....(Prisoner of Mother England)....LOL Oooo I'm British(Big Deal) and don't use that term for that....Well you'd be the ONLY ONE...LOL

Nope about 95% of the British population use it like that, it is only immature children the use I for bragging and then only because they could not get a girl.
First you say this terminology is not used as I said, Now you say 5% use it as I said, by the end of the day I will get the truth out of you and 95% use it as I said.. .the remaining 5% will be for guys like you who don't know how to PULL......anyhow this term I have never used because it is unsophisticated and DEGRADES WOMEN..........Something only the uncouth like you would use.......You need to show some respect for the fairer sex.

In the end it was YOU that used this term in an extremely immature way........I caught you out Big Time.......YOU need to grow up.steve........and as we say in Paradise ...STOP PULLING (Wanking) YOURSELF
Your meaning of "Pull" is...????????.......because in Britain and Australia it means "TO HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE".......what the hell are you fcuking talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well lets see if I an let you down easy

I am British and I don't use the term Pull for that, it is actually used to say that you met a young lady and asked her for a date.

In Oz you might get Pulled by the sheep or 'roos you are trying to mount, that is the only Pulling you will be engaged in.
Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better....You Untruthful Whinging P.O.M.E....(Prisoner of Mother England)....LOL Oooo I'm British(Big Deal) and don't use that term for that....Well you'd be the ONLY ONE...LOL

Nope about 95% of the British population use it like that, it is only immature children the use I for bragging and then only because they could not get a girl.
First you say this terminology is not used as I said, Now you say 5% use it as I said, by the end of the day I will get the truth out of you and 95% use it as I said.. .the remaining 5% will be for guys like you who don't know how to PULL......anyhow this term I have never used because it is unsophisticated and DEGRADES WOMEN..........Something only the uncouth like you would use.......You need to show some respect for the fairer sex.

In the end it was YOU that used this term in an extremely immature way........I caught you out Big Time.......YOU need to grow up.steve........and as we say in Paradise ...STOP PULLING (Wanking) YOURSELF
Dear Hoss,you cannot ban me for telling the truth........come on now...lift your game and say something a bit more sensible my friend.steve

How you been lately,trust you and yours are all well
Well lets see if I an let you down easy

I am British and I don't use the term Pull for that, it is actually used to say that you met a young lady and asked her for a date.

In Oz you might get Pulled by the sheep or 'roos you are trying to mount, that is the only Pulling you will be engaged in.
Alright then British(is that,English,Irish,Welsh or Scottish) Ziomatic Shit ................Pull in Britain means "TO PULL A CHICK ie TO FIND A CHICK TO FCUK" don't know where you live..............but I reckon you tried to soften what you meant........It won't work because I know better....You Untruthful Whinging P.O.M.E....(Prisoner of Mother England)....LOL Oooo I'm British(Big Deal) and don't use that term for that....Well you'd be the ONLY ONE...LOL

Nope about 95% of the British population use it like that, it is only immature children the use I for bragging and then only because they could not get a girl.
First you say this terminology is not used as I said, Now you say 5% use it as I said, by the end of the day I will get the truth out of you and 95% use it as I said.. .the remaining 5% will be for guys like you who don't know how to PULL......anyhow this term I have never used because it is unsophisticated and DEGRADES WOMEN..........Something only the uncouth like you would use.......You need to show some respect for the fairer sex.

In the end it was YOU that used this term in an extremely immature way........I caught you out Big Time.......YOU need to grow up.steve........and as we say in Paradise ...STOP PULLING (Wanking) YOURSELF
Dear Hoss,you cannot ban me for telling the truth........come on now...lift your game and say something a bit more sensible my friend.steve

How you been lately,trust you and yours are all well
Where's the pictures? Get with the program, bub.

Well, it's not like I will get right up and take close-ups guys. But here's a couple. One in Tiberius the other in Jerusalem:

Very beautiful girls here.
In that I agree with you,but you could be arrested for should front these girls and say,I was told that you Israeli girls are beautiful and they were right....................................It won't be long before they surround you and have a pic/selfie with you....LOL...check out some of the Palestinian girls they too are beautiful....mind you a don't know about taking photos with know what I mean.....I know in Tel Aviv that there are a lot of blond(bottle?) haired femme with stunning deep brown eyes(bedroom eyes) you meet a few more Palis too as they are great people and friendly......keep up the Gallery Teddy it's interesting.steve

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