In Jerusalem, Israel now.

Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Strange then that I have seen muslims acting this way on the streets of Britain, and the very next day selling food from their shops as if nothing had happened. In fact two of the pictures are of muslims in the UK making threats to kill Royalty and politicians. Or didn't you recognise the dope smoking vodka swilling fat Andy Choudray who I believe is under close house arrest for his terrorist activities
Who are you calling Fat, tubby?
Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Mine never lags when I'm at an Israeli beach, jet or no jet!


Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?
Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?

I gots ta tell youz, after those pics from Teddy, I decided to fly to Israel myself and here are some of the pictures I managed to take. I'll be in touch later after I have my humus.

Meet Israel's greatest asset, it's women!




Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?

I gots ta tell youz, after those pics from Teddy, I decided to fly to Israel myself and here are some of the pictures I managed to take. I'll be in touch later after I have my humus.

Meet Israel's greatest asset, it's women!




Mama Mia!!! Notice the short guy on the left in the bottom picture cant keep his eyes off them bazookas.
Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?

I gots ta tell youz, after those pics from Teddy, I decided to fly to Israel myself and here are some of the pictures I managed to take. I'll be in touch later after I have my humus.

Meet Israel's greatest asset, it's women!




Mama Mia!!! Notice the short guy on the left in the bottom picture cant keep his eyes off them bazookas.
I think he's a Titologist Hoss........nothing wrong with that...steve LOL
So, to continue in the theme of my thread; to try to debunk the lies. I am still in Jerusalem. Today I got showed around by an Israeli. Afterwards he was sitting down talking to an Arab in the Muslim quarter. Didn't look like anyone was unhappy there.

Now as I have said, I know the "Palestinians" (those who claim to be) are not happy at all with the state of Israel.

But today while people watching, I have seen plenty of men with 'kippas' walking down the street. I have also seen women in full on burkas. I didn't see anyone spit on them, nor disrespect them at all. Mind you, my apartment is on one of the busiest streets in downtown Jerusalem. I also saw an obvious muslim couple. He wasn't wearing a kippa and she had her head wrapped in the more moderate traditional way with the scarf. They just walked down the street with many obvious Jews with kippas passing them by to and fro.

And Oh. My. God. They were smiling! No body was beating them! Holy crap! Say it ain't so! I thought the Jews hated the Israeli Arabs/Muslims! And the ones with the full on burkha, well of course I couldn't tell if they were smiling or not, but they were certainly not getting beat either.

Talk about some discrimination! Or not. More like talk about a bunch of lies and bullshit you pro-pals. And that is the what and why about those who claim "Palestinian". They have gone down the rabbit hole of lies and bullshit. I do feel sorry for them.
Last edited:
So, to continue in the theme of my thread; to try to debunk the lies. I am still in Jerusalem. Today I got showed around by an Israeli. Afterwards he was sitting down talking to an Arab in the Muslim quarter. Didn't look like anyone was unhappy there.

Now as I have said, I know the "Palestinians" (those who claim to be) are not happy at all with the state of Israel.

But today while people watching, I have seen plenty of men with 'kippas' walking down the street. I have also seen women in full on burkas. I didn't see anyone spit on them, nor disrespect them at all. Mind you, my apartment is on one of the busiest streets in downtown Jerusalem. I also saw an obvious muslim couple. He wasn't wearing a kippa and she had her head wrapped in the more moderate traditional way with the scarf. They just walked down the street with many obvious Jews with kippas passing them by to and fro.

And Oh. My. God. They were smiling! No body was beating them! Holy crap! Say it ain't so! I thought the Jews hated the Israeli Arabs/Muslims! And the ones with the full on burkha, well of course I couldn't tell if they were smiling or not, but they were certainly not getting beat either.

Talk about some discrimination! Or not. More like talk about a bunch of lies and bullshit you pro-pals. And that is what and why about those who claim "Palestinian". They have gone down the rabbit hole of lies and bullshit. I do feel sorry for them.

I will be going to another town later this year on a Saturday, the place I go to is a Methodist church hall. 150 yards down the road is a Synagogue, 200 yards the other way is a mosque. This means the 3 religions present in the M.E. are also present in parts of the UK, and yet there are no mass murders, attacks or violence. We see Orthodox Jews going to the Synagogue passing obvious Muslims going to the mosque and many exchange friendly greetings, and the whole is surrounded by Christians who keep the peace by just being there. We stand in amazement at the way this small area of life gets along without any tensions, even during the worst of Jewish/muslim clashes in the M.E.
Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?

I gots ta tell youz, after those pics from Teddy, I decided to fly to Israel myself and here are some of the pictures I managed to take. I'll be in touch later after I have my humus.

Meet Israel's greatest asset, it's women!




'Dance on the Rifle like a Slut': Pole-Dancing Israeli Female Soldiers Embarrass Generals Again [VIDEO]

Just days after recruits posted revealing snaps of themselves on Facebook, a video of half-naked Israeli female soldiers pole-dancing around an assault rifle has brought further embarrassment to army chiefs.

The 30-second footage leaked online shows the group gyrating provocatively beside each other and also encircling a military-issued firearm.

While some are dressed in their army uniform, some have stripped off for the occasion. Particular focus is given to one woman clad in just a G-string and crop top.

"Dance on the rifle like a slut," one of the women Israeli soldiers can be heard telling another in Hebrew.

The damning footage
Dance on the Rifle like a Slut Pole-Dancing Israeli Female Soldiers Embarrass Generals Again VIDEO
Sorry, Roudy. I was at the beach last Sunday while in Tel Aviv; but I was so full of jet lag I (nor you) could get any enjoyment or pictures out of it. Or I should say, I was too jet lagged to take any pics.
Did you get any pics of the female soldiers with their big bazookas?

I gots ta tell youz, after those pics from Teddy, I decided to fly to Israel myself and here are some of the pictures I managed to take. I'll be in touch later after I have my humus.

Meet Israel's greatest asset, it's women!




'Dance on the Rifle like a Slut': Pole-Dancing Israeli Female Soldiers Embarrass Generals Again [VIDEO]

Just days after recruits posted revealing snaps of themselves on Facebook, a video of half-naked Israeli female soldiers pole-dancing around an assault rifle has brought further embarrassment to army chiefs.

The 30-second footage leaked online shows the group gyrating provocatively beside each other and also encircling a military-issued firearm.

While some are dressed in their army uniform, some have stripped off for the occasion. Particular focus is given to one woman clad in just a G-string and crop top.

"Dance on the rifle like a slut," one of the women Israeli soldiers can be heard telling another in Hebrew.

The damning footage
Dance on the Rifle like a Slut Pole-Dancing Israeli Female Soldiers Embarrass Generals Again VIDEO

Another islamomoron who does not research their source material at all.

IBT ran and owned by Etienne Uzac and Johnathan Davis, with Uzac having attended the LSE a proven anti semitic establishment that teaches its students to attack Israel at all costs. So anything they report should be tyaken with a pinch of salt.
I make a motion that Jerusalem fix a Standard for morals by establishing a custom and Tradition of "harassing a Judge" for your Cause before waging war on fellow men, simply for the sake of a moral of "goodwill toward men".
Fucking Hell Phoney...

Yes, sorry Admin, sorry Teddy... But the utter stupidity of Phoney would make the pope swear!

Where is you link to support you latest BS?????

"about 95% of the British population use it like that"

You don't have one do you....


Phoney is now starting to believe the voices in its head!

Avoid this idiot like the plague until his meds kick in and get him under control!!

See even when I post a link proving what I said you still resort to abuse, typical ISLAMOMORON BEHAVIOUR to silence the voice of truth. What next a visit from the brothers, they will go the way of the last lot.

Jeez Phoney...

The day you post a link supporting ANYTHING you say this board will applaud you!

So, let's see if you can provide a link as requested...

Where is you link to support you latest BS?????

"about 95% of the British population use it like that"

Where is the link to support what you commented? Thus far there is nothing!

Above under this pull - definition of pull by The Free Dictionary

Honestly, its like pulling hens teeth....

Let's see if you can answer this simple question then Phoney...

Where, thats WHERE, in your link does it state "about 95% of the British population use it like that"?

Go on, please tell me!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:
I make a motion that Jerusalem fix a Standard for morals by establishing a custom and Tradition of "harassing a Judge" for your Cause before waging war on fellow men, simply for the sake of a moral of "goodwill toward men".

palestinians attack police and civilians be it with knives, rocks or cars on a constant basis of late.
police in turn have engaged with ultra-orthodox and jews visiting the mount in favor of the palestinians. By court law the mount should be open to all and silent prayer should not be prohibited, but that is not the case in fact.
There is a fear of terrorism but there is also a growing inpatients with the fundamentalists jews trying to dominate the laws and even the identity of who is a jew or Israeli.
Radicals from both sides should be forced to live together in closed communities for ten years or more instead of trying to cause trouble in the rest of the country, or region. They either learn or die by their own hands.
Most people want peace, they want cooperation. It is the radical groups causing trouble for the masses. Even Abbas is giving up on working with hamas and most gazan would leave if they could just to get away from hamas.
There are dangers in both extremes. People need to learn to move more to the middle in all areas. Israel will always have a jewish identity but it doesn't have to dictate to jews what is right for everyone. As with all nations, there is a growing movement away from secular and more to sectarian or pluralistic behavior.
Religion should be a private thing not imposed on other people, even those of the same faith. God should not be forced on people but found in the individual's heart. It should not be worn like a coat to protect against the cold but come from how they treat all humans, from within.
We can wish for peace on earth, but each person has to work to achieve that goal not just pray for some unseen force to create it for us.
Hate has to be allowed to die away, not constantly fanned into a blazing flame that consumes the world.
See even when I post a link proving what I said you still resort to abuse, typical ISLAMOMORON BEHAVIOUR to silence the voice of truth. What next a visit from the brothers, they will go the way of the last lot.

Jeez Phoney...

The day you post a link supporting ANYTHING you say this board will applaud you!

So, let's see if you can provide a link as requested...

Where is you link to support you latest BS?????

"about 95% of the British population use it like that"

Where is the link to support what you commented? Thus far there is nothing!

Above under this pull - definition of pull by The Free Dictionary

Honestly, its like pulling hens teeth....

Let's see if you can answer this simple question then Phoney...

Where, thats WHERE, in your link does it state "about 95% of the British population use it like that"?

Go on, please tell me!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it
Jeez Phoney...

The day you post a link supporting ANYTHING you say this board will applaud you!

So, let's see if you can provide a link as requested...

Where is you link to support you latest BS?????

"about 95% of the British population use it like that"

Where is the link to support what you commented? Thus far there is nothing!

Above under this pull - definition of pull by The Free Dictionary

Honestly, its like pulling hens teeth....

Let's see if you can answer this simple question then Phoney...

Where, thats WHERE, in your link does it state "about 95% of the British population use it like that"?

Go on, please tell me!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it

Phoney you fail with virtually every post you make...


Because you can never back up your dumbass words!

That IS proven time and again!

Ooohh call you what I like and I could get banned?

:ahole-1: hahaha!!!

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