In Jerusalem, Israel now.

I can totally relate Teddy. I was in Israel this year too and was amazed at how everybody lives together normally, with everyone going about worshipping as they chose within mere metres of each other. Walked through the Armenian quarter, Jewish quarter and arab quarter, all the while seeing a mix of people of all faiths working in their shops or praying at the wall, or church and even calls to prayers in the arabic quarter. It was beautiful. Went to Tel-aviv Jaffe and saw the same - everybody eating in the same restaurants. Took my kids to a local kids' playground - muslims and Jews hanging out on a beautiful afternoon.

I call BS to those who talk of apartheid, occupation and genocide.
I can totally relate Teddy. I was in Israel this year too and was amazed at how everybody lives together normally, with everyone going about worshipping as they chose within mere metres of each other. Walked through the Armenian quarter, Jewish quarter and arab quarter, all the while seeing a mix of people of all faiths working in their shops or praying at the wall, or church and even calls to prayers in the arabic quarter. It was beautiful. Went to Tel-aviv Jaffe and saw the same - everybody eating in the same restaurants. Took my kids to a local kids' playground - muslims and Jews hanging out on a beautiful afternoon.

I call BS to those who talk of apartheid, occupation and genocide.
What you hear from the deluded pro Palestinian here is 1/100000 of what happens in Israel.
BTW Teddy in the interests of fairness, I would like to see some pics of some good looking Israeli men. Just no gross comments like Steve's "bedroom eyes" remark (or should I say projection?...eeew). LOL

BTW I am also a zionist and have no problem with it.

Honestly, its like pulling hens teeth....

Let's see if you can answer this simple question then Phoney...

Where, thats WHERE, in your link does it state "about 95% of the British population use it like that"?

Go on, please tell me!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it

Phoney you fail with virtually every post you make...


Because you can never back up your dumbass words!

That IS proven time and again!

Ooohh call you what I like and I could get banned?

:ahole-1: hahaha!!!

Only in your islamomoron fantasy world.
Honestly, its like pulling hens teeth....

Let's see if you can answer this simple question then Phoney...

Where, thats WHERE, in your link does it state "about 95% of the British population use it like that"?

Go on, please tell me!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it

Phoney you fail with virtually every post you make...


Because you can never back up your dumbass words!

That IS proven time and again!

Ooohh call you what I like and I could get banned?

:ahole-1: hahaha!!!

Only in your islamomoron fantasy world.

No dummy... On this forum!

It doesn't and nor does it say that it means to engage in sex, but it does give a list of what the word PULL means in common usage.

Its like trying to educate pork

So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it

Phoney you fail with virtually every post you make...


Because you can never back up your dumbass words!

That IS proven time and again!

Ooohh call you what I like and I could get banned?

:ahole-1: hahaha!!!

Only in your islamomoron fantasy world.

No dummy... On this forum!


Yep your islamomoron fantasy world that does not exist outside of your delusional mind
...Yes I am a Zionist and do not care.
Of Course you Fcuking you would be aware.....I HATE ZIONISTS.......but not Jews,Jews are Great, ZIONISTS ARE FILTH.THEY EVEN TRY TO MAKE OUT ALL JEWS ARE ZIONISTS......WHAT a crock of Shit............Real Jews Detest you Buggers..........

So you eagerly admit you hate the 90% of all Jews who are Zionists but claim you don't hate Jews? How conveeeenient. How about the Christian Zionists who far outnumber the Jews? Do you also find them to be "FILTH?" Having seen you polish the balls of every Nazi skank this board has hosted the past few years do you really believe anyone here believes a word you say?
Must be great for you and according to the wandering Jew,Teddy all the Palestinians are not unhappy........this guy is a CREEP

Most here concur that you are a "CREEP," Princess, and what makes you think Teddy is a "wandering Jew?" Could the reason be that he just doesn't share your mindless hatred?
So, you cannot provide a link to back up your statement?

Then you choose to insult me....

Oh poor Phoney....

Another Phoney Phail...

How much do the Zionists pay you per post?

I do hope it's not too much... You make them look like complete dumbasses!

Maybe we should all start calling you you "Paid Per Post Phoney! :ahole-1:

Upset because I provided a link that supports my claim and you don't like it.

Talk about being insulting look at your own posts

You are the failure as you don't like being shown up much do the islamomorons pay you ?

It cant be much as it makes you and them look even more stupid

Call me what you want but be aware you could be banned for it

Phoney you fail with virtually every post you make...


Because you can never back up your dumbass words!

That IS proven time and again!

Ooohh call you what I like and I could get banned?

:ahole-1: hahaha!!!

Only in your islamomoron fantasy world.

No dummy... On this forum!


Yep your islamomoron fantasy world that does not exist outside of your delusional mind
Dear Hoss,you cannot ban me for telling the truth...

The truth? You mean like your claim that your hatred of "only" the 90% of Jews who are Zionists somehow does not equate to your being an anti-Semitic twit?
P.S. ... Hoss has the authority to ban anyone he considers to be an anti-Semitic twit. Apparently you have been judged, Princess.
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Yeah, like that map you posted as proof there wasn't, and you didn't see it titled LAND OF ISRAEL. :cuckoo:
I should not of used that map...If you look at real maps of the area its called Palestine.

No, real maps identify Israel as "Israel" and I won't bother telling you what is just plain wrong about "I should not of used that map" but I will tell you it says way more about you than you care to admit (or even know) about yourself.
Something that you seem to have a problem with understanding that Jewish is a race and a culture and muslim is just a made religion for made up people.

While there is indeed a Jewish culture there is no Jewish race and Islam has also spawned a culture ... just not necessarily one to be proud of:
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I can totally relate Teddy. I was in Israel this year too and was amazed at how everybody lives together normally, with everyone going about worshipping as they chose within mere metres of each other. Walked through the Armenian quarter, Jewish quarter and arab quarter, all the while seeing a mix of people of all faiths working in their shops or praying at the wall, or church and even calls to prayers in the arabic quarter. It was beautiful. Went to Tel-aviv Jaffe and saw the same - everybody eating in the same restaurants. Took my kids to a local kids' playground - muslims and Jews hanging out on a beautiful afternoon.

I call BS to those who talk of apartheid, occupation and genocide.

Spot on! I cannot stand those who find the need to use 'key words' to attempt to dramatize the situation.

As far as open praying, the only spot where it is not is the Temple Mount. And that is just wrong, wrong, wrong, just like aris2chat said. I was going to go this morning, but decided not to because I already have something taking me to the Old City tomorrow. But again, as much as I want to go to the Temple Mount, I am afraid that I will not at all like some of what I see.

Especially, I expect, those 'helpful' people trying to find a lone tourist as their 'mark' Yeah, it happens. They will come along and offer to help you find something and then expect you to pay them for it and not leave alone until you do. I do not expect much help from the waqf if I end up like that, nor if I have to rudely brush one off.
What you hear from the deluded pro Palestinian here is 1/100000 of what happens in Israel.

And I've noticed that most have never been nor ever want to go. Good for you ostrich heads. But when you think about it, that term fits a pro-pali very well!
And to continue, I have seen plenty of people of 'color' and they are all happy. Now someone said "oh those must be the Ethiopian Jews". Maybe so, and I also do not discount some of the articles and videos we have seen about the ILLEGAL immigrants from Africa to Israel. Good for Israel to stick up for their immigration laws, perhaps better than in the US.
Well continue having a nice time, but your not going to the West Bank or Gaza, and even the west wall on the temple mount and those are where the issues are mainly.
Well continue having a nice time, but your not going to the West Bank or Gaza, and even the west wall on the temple mount and those are where the issues are mainly.

I cannot go into Gaza even if I wanted to. The West Bank I would not go to all by myself. I have been to the Western Wall already this trip and will do so again.

But as I said, I may go the Temple Mount tomorrow and I have reserved a rental car for Wednesday to go to Be'er Sheva and then I want to go to Sderot as well. That would be close enough to Gaza for me.
Now somebody asked for more pics and not the ones of girls. Well, here's one real handsome dude:

Here's another pic taken on Saturday night from my balcony, he's not so handsome, but:

What the heck:

And this is where I want to take myself on Wednesday, through the forested Judean hills:

Again, these are cell phone pics, and obviously so, but when I get home I'll do the massive upload and give you guys the full tour!
Well continue having a nice time, but your not going to the West Bank or Gaza, and even the west wall on the temple mount and those are where the issues are mainly.

He decided to go to Israel, he couldn't have crossed into Gaza from here, duh.
Now somebody asked for more pics and not the ones of girls. Well, here's one real handsome dude:

Here's another pic taken on Saturday night from my balcony, he's not so handsome, but:

What the heck:

And this is where I want to take myself on Wednesday, through the forested Judean hills:

Again, these are cell phone pics, and obviously so, but when I get home I'll do the massive upload and give you guys the full tour!

The last one is amazing
and far as can be than my 'ocean view'.

LOL, cool hat. they gave you a shirt wit dat? XD

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