In Jerusalem, Israel now.

If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.
Wow. Lilpuss

You're a one venomous person. No wonder so many think you're this board's walking satire.

I wouldn't want to take that special honor out of you and Penelope.

It would have embarrassed me. Crown's still yours.

I'm venomous, yes because I do not worship you, so be it.

You're venomous because youre a Jew hater acting surprised that I don't worship the Palestinian terrorists like you do.

Gotta love those.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

I didn't vote for him, for starters. Secondly, nobody talks about kissing anyone's feet. They should recognize Israel and stop the terror, and then we can all live happily ever after. Fin
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

That's stupid, if we really would have wanted to wipe out Gaza completely, we would have done it, and the world would not have said any more than its now saying in Syria. nobody really gives a s***.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

I didn't vote for him, for starters. Secondly, nobody talks about kissing anyone's feet. They should recognize Israel and stop the terror, and then we can all live happily ever after. Fin

You mean they should recognize Israel as a Jewish State, not recognize Israel.
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

That's stupid, if we really would have wanted to wipe out Gaza completely, we would have done it, and the world would not have said any more than its now saying in Syria. nobody really gives a s***.

No you had to stop , the world is watching.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

I didn't vote for him, for starters. Secondly, nobody talks about kissing anyone's feet. They should recognize Israel and stop the terror, and then we can all live happily ever after. Fin

You mean they should recognize Israel as a Jewish State, not recognize Israel.

Yessss, good one, you understand.
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

That's stupid, if we really would have wanted to wipe out Gaza completely, we would have done it, and the world would not have said any more than its now saying in Syria. nobody really gives a s***.

No you had to stop , the world is watching.

The world is watching through glasses of hypocrisy. It won't stop Israel from existing.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

No silly, haven't you ever read when she posts her family's story. She is sabra.
She was born to Hispanic parents, ask her

We come back to that issue again, and I'll again tell you- it's non of your business where I come from or when. Fact stays, I'm Israeli, daughter to fourth generation of Israelis.

Those who don't like to hear this, cover your ears.
Teddy keep the pics coming. I so enjoy them. I took way to few, was too busy living in the moment (and stopping my kids from fighting, hitting each other, etc).

I didn't consider the Temple Mount as I did not want to put my children in danger or myself under stress and to be honest, it wasn't a priority.

Our rental car was not permitted to be driven to gaza or west bank (no insurance there) and I was told that we would need sperate visas so we didn't consider it.

I can see why there is no freedom of movement - clearly terrorists use every opportunity they can to cause harm.

In Israel proper though I felt very safe and enjoyed seeing Israelis, both jewish and Arabic and Christian living side by side.

There is no Apartheid in Israel.
Linkiloo, thank you. And you are correct, I have seen plenty of people from all religions living side by side without hate hear in Israel. It is not at all the way, nor is there the discrimination that the pro-pals would have us believe on this board.

I did do the Temple Mount today, here's the money shot of the Dome of the Crock:

Like I said, once I get home I will compose a more complete thread full of pictures for all to enjoy.
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.
Awesome Teddy, you're the man! Looking forward to your posts.
You have zero knowledge. It's going take you at least 15 years of proper education to make up for your ignorance and stupidity. You can loose the 200 LBS in much less time. Besides, isn't it the biggest honor for every Palestinian woman? Remember, after you blow yourself up, you turn into one of those eternal 72 virgins for the Jihadists to enjoy. And isn't that every woman's dream, Fatima?
You don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", but you're talking about someone else's "proper education"?

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