In Jerusalem, Israel now.

No steve, I know well what I am talking about. I meant the Israeli Arabs. We all know the Palestinians are unhappy. And that is because of their failed leadership. Yes I am a Zionist and do not care.
Do you plan to talk to any Palestinian's and get their side of the story?

And if you do, will you listen with an open mind?
<snip>It's going take you at least 15 years of proper education to make up for your ignorance and stupidity.<snip>
You don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", but you're talking about someone else's "proper education"?

I am sorry, but are you saying that instead of using the possessive spelling of that sound, he should have used the contraction that in long spell would mean "you are"?

Sounds he meant that she owns it, not doing it.
Do you plan to talk to any Palestinian's and get their side of the story?

And if you do, will you listen with an open mind?

I really do not know Bill. I feel as though I have listened enough here to their side of the story by going through the links that folks like you have posted; and yes with an open mind. I have and will talk to plenty of Israeli Muslims (my cab driver this morning claimed no discrimination and his radio was tuned to Quran FM), Israeli Christians, Israeli Negroes and such.

The big problem is that diving down the rabbit hole of the Palestinian side has already shown me, with my open mind, that theirs is a story that claims major victim status without claiming any responsibility at all for any thing they may have done wrong. They are victims all right. But just as much from their leadership as well as anything else. They have been fed lie after lie for years and years now. All the while, their leaders have used them to milk the world for money which was intended to help the masses but has been siphoned off to help their leaders. It is truly sad, but they allowed it to happen to themselves. And continue to do so. Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.
Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.

And the Israelis are not taught that.

Beautiful building isn't it. A real work of history, hopefully for many more centuries.
Linkiloo, thank you. And you are correct, I have seen plenty of people from all religions living side by side without hate hear in Israel. It is not at all the way, nor is there the discrimination that the pro-pals would have us believe on this board.

I did do the Temple Mount today, here's the money shot of the Dome of the Crock:

Like I said, once I get home I will compose a more complete thread full of pictures for all to enjoy.

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News
And the Israelis are not taught that.

No, the Israelis are not taught to be eternal victims. They are taught the whole truth, all the things that they did wrong as well. Next week there is going to be an event on the Jerusalem Light Rail where many Israeli students are going to speak only in Arabic. To show the lack of discrimination and to squash the lie about apartheid as well.

Beautiful building isn't it. A real work of history, hopefully for many more centuries.

Yes, even if the history has now been totally twisted into a lie. That building was built originally for the Christians to commemorate or approximate where the Jewish Temple stood.
Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Challenger, have you ever visited here? I do not have rose colored glasses you jerk.

The rest of your post and links mean nothing. Nothing at all in regards to Israel. You do know that many Moslems will proclaim being happy everywhere in the M.E. Like Gaza. Like Iran. Like Iraq.

None o the people here are afraid of speaking their truth like in the places you tried to twist and mention.

But you are a Rat. According to your avatar. What else can the board expect from a rat.
Is this "message board" nothing but Israeli shills?

Linkiloo, thank you. And you are correct, I have seen plenty of people from all religions living side by side without hate hear in Israel. It is not at all the way, nor is there the discrimination that the pro-pals would have us believe on this board.

I did do the Temple Mount today, here's the money shot of the Dome of the Crock:

Like I said, once I get home I will compose a more complete thread full of pictures for all to enjoy.

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?
Last edited:
Linkiloo, thank you. And you are correct, I have seen plenty of people from all religions living side by side without hate hear in Israel. It is not at all the way, nor is there the discrimination that the pro-pals would have us believe on this board.

I did do the Temple Mount today, here's the money shot of the Dome of the Crock:

Like I said, once I get home I will compose a more complete thread full of pictures for all to enjoy.

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull... Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

The truth has long been out but "people" like you just can't handle the truth.

Quietly East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship 972 Magazine

By Riman Barakat - May 20, 2012

...As an East Jerusalem resident, I am struck by a recent trend: many of my friends and acquaintances who hold Jerusalem identification cards – documents of permanent residency rather than Israeli citizenship – are quietly applying for and obtaining Israeli passports.

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?
Those in the West Bank can visit those in Gaza and vice versa through Israel, in case they have a government's authorization.

So you have them like trapped. Unreal. Oh my God.

Not at all as they have borders with other nations, not just Israel. And there is no International Law that says they must be granted free passage across Israel. So they can always go the long way round, that is if Egypt, Saudi and Jordan will allow them access. Or they can go by sea from Egypt to Lebanon, then pass into Syria and Jordan.

Can I land in America without a visa, get of the plane and travel south to Mexico ?
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

Not quite, he does not want IS or AQ on the borders of Israel so while they are a threat he is playing it cool.
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

You may be able to read what they have said, it is a different matter to understand their meaning. What you do is put your own spin on the words and then add what the arab muslims would do and come up with a fictional outcome.
If hamas fire any more rockets at Israel you can expect hundreds of medium sized bombs to be fired into gaza at the rocket launch areas with out any warning given.
Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

I didn't vote for him, for starters. Secondly, nobody talks about kissing anyone's feet. They should recognize Israel and stop the terror, and then we can all live happily ever after. Fin

You mean they should recognize Israel as a Jewish State, not recognize Israel.

Why is that such a problem when the world recognises Islamic states that have worse human rights records than any other nations.
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

That's stupid, if we really would have wanted to wipe out Gaza completely, we would have done it, and the world would not have said any more than its now saying in Syria. nobody really gives a s***.

No you had to stop , the world is watching.

NO they did not have to stop, and the world would do nothing if they didn't. The UN would make noises right up until they were evicted, and then make toothless threats just as they have with Syria, Iraq and the other Islamic hellholes in turmoil. The Iranians would make threats until Israel destroyed their nuclear facilities and silos, then they would crawl back down their rat holes. It would only be islamomoron propagandists that would be shouting about it in 3 moths time
If you an read Hebrew let us know if this is told truthful. Thank you.

What I read is an edited video. What he said was this- "The Arabs focus their efforts on terrorist wars, we need to strike them painfully, letting them know they can't break us."

The video shows nothing of the second part, only that he "managed" to deal with the Americans (whatever that means). Why was there a need to so confusedly edit the sentences is beyond me.

Even as an Adopted Israeli, You still have no shame or embarrassment over the destruction of a civilian Airport, I wish you Karma

If they weren't such assholes in Gaza, there wouldn't have been any need to prevent them getting an airport, or a just port, or even a palace.

You forget we can read what all your PM's have said throughout the years, PM Bibi wrote the book on terror and his father hated , and I mean hated the Muslims , and all the PM's ever since, the whole goal with the One Million Immigration Plan was to populate and to make it a complete Jewish State, its still the plan, if the world was not watching, a huge bomb would be shot into Gaza, but were all watching now.

That's stupid, if we really would have wanted to wipe out Gaza completely, we would have done it, and the world would not have said any more than its now saying in Syria. nobody really gives a s***.

No you had to stop , the world is watching.

NO they did not have to stop, and the world would do nothing if they didn't. The UN would make noises right up until they were evicted, and then make toothless threats just as they have with Syria, Iraq and the other Islamic hellholes in turmoil. The Iranians would make threats until Israel destroyed their nuclear facilities and silos, then they would crawl back down their rat holes. It would only be islamomoron propagandists that would be shouting about it in 3 moths time

Only in your little Zionist fantasy world Phoney...

Shows what a belligerent, hateful cretin you really are!

You seriously think that the world would sit back and allow Israel to commit genocide?
Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.

And the Israelis are not taught that.

Beautiful building isn't it. A real work of history, hopefully for many more centuries.

Stolen from the Christians so not Arabic in nature. In fact the arabs have no architecture at all it is all stolen from other cultures.
Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Challenger, have you ever visited here? I do not have rose colored glasses you jerk.

The rest of your post and links mean nothing. Nothing at all in regards to Israel. You do know that many Moslems will proclaim being happy everywhere in the M.E. Like Gaza. Like Iran. Like Iraq.

None o the people here are afraid of speaking their truth like in the places you tried to twist and mention.

But you are a Rat. According to your avatar. What else can the board expect from a rat.

The Zionist paradise? or Washington? or Arizona? doesn't matter, not visited any of them and don't intend to; there are far more interesting places in the world.

You may not have rosy lenses in your glasses, but you seem to view your world that way, either that or you are incredibly gullable; as clearly you believe that many Muslims living in Gaza, Iran and Iraq "proclaim" they are happy living there after what the West has done to them. The people I spoke to in Yugoslavia and Spain weren't afraid, they were either just ignorant of what was being done in their name or were "true believers" so I twisted nothing, just stated fact.

Oh, my avatar is that of a Squirrel, not a rat. The fact that you are unable to differentiate between the two speaks volumes about your powers of observation and discernment; either that or your general level of ignorance.

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