In Jerusalem, Israel now.

Did you see this TeddyEarp

Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions

About 2,000 Arab Israelis gathered to protest ongoing housing demolitions in unrecognized Arab villages in Israel, call on government to stop destroying homes.

Hassan Shaalan


04.28.15, 20:19

About 2,000 Arab Israelis, including members of the Joint Arab List, gathered for a protest in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening against the demolition of homes in unrecognized Arab villages.

The protest, held in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, came after the announcement of a general strike in the Arab sector on Tuesday morning.

The strike took place in Arab towns in the north, schools, colleges, public institutions, and banks, with most shops remaining closed, Arab media outlets reported.

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, which represents Arab communities in Israel, said the protest was against growing racism and the acceleration of housing demolitions.


Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions - Israel News Ynetnews
I don't think Teddy went to Israel as a Palestinian goodwill gesture.

No but according to him everyone seemed happy, these people don't .
Is this "message board" nothing but Israeli shills?

Linkiloo, thank you. And you are correct, I have seen plenty of people from all religions living side by side without hate hear in Israel. It is not at all the way, nor is there the discrimination that the pro-pals would have us believe on this board.

I did do the Temple Mount today, here's the money shot of the Dome of the Crock:

Like I said, once I get home I will compose a more complete thread full of pictures for all to enjoy.

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.
Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.

And the Israelis are not taught that.

Beautiful building isn't it. A real work of history, hopefully for many more centuries.

Stolen from the Christians so not Arabic in nature. In fact the arabs have no architecture at all it is all stolen from other cultures.

Stolen architecture?

Architecture has been developed over the millennia in every country and influenced by many different cultures....

Islamic architecture - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stolen from other nations and claimed as their own. As your link says inspired by the former Sassanid and Byzantine models ............. and The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat al-Sakhrah) in Jerusalem (691) is one of the most important buildings in all of Islamic architecture. It is patterned after the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulchre[5] and Byzantine Christian artists were employed to create its elaborate mosaics against a gold background.[1][6] The great epigraphic vine frieze was adapted from the pre-Islamic Syrian style.[7] The Dome of the Rock featured interior vaulted spaces, a circular dome, and the use of stylized repeating decorative arabesque patterns.
The semicircular arch became a popular feature in Islamic structures. Some suggest the Muslims acquired this from the Visigoths in Spain[8] but they may have obtained it from Syria and Persia where the horseshoe arch had been in use by the Persian and Byzantines as early as the 5th century.[9] After the Moorish invasion of Spain in 711 AD the form was taken by the Umayyads who accentuated the curvature of the horseshoe.[
The Great Mosque of Damascus (completed in 715 by caliph Al-Walid I),[11] built on the site of the basilica of John the Baptist after the Islamic invasion of Damascus, still bore great resemblance to 6th and 7th century Christian basilicas.

So as I said all stolen from other nations.

And you think that architecture in the UK came from where exactly?

Let me ask you a question... Marble Arch, London... Where was the architectural influence for that design from?

Let me save you the embarrassment of looking it up and making yourself look like a twat...

It came from Rome and Paris...

So, is that ok? Or is that "stolen architecture"?

You are simply a belligerent, racist prick Phoney!

I suppose you will be voting UKIP next month too! :cuckoo: :asshole:
Is this "message board" nothing but Israeli shills?

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.

I don't go to hate sites, the transfer agreement in on Wiki. Oh yes the Arabs and Nazis wanted to put them in Israel and then take Israel out. Good grief. No he has wrote several books on hitler , Nazis and that, no need to read the bias stuff. I heard it all growing up.
Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.

I don't go to hate sites, the transfer agreement in on Wiki. Oh yes the Arabs and Nazis wanted to put them in Israel and then take Israel out. Good grief. No he has wrote several books on hitler , Nazis and that, no need to read the bias stuff. I heard it all growing up.
Tell us then, how did you happen to go to Wikipedia to know it was there? I am sure you heard it all before growing up how the Jews were so evil. It is so obvious from your posts what an anti-Semite you are. Why not discuss his new book with your other like-minded friends. They will be happy to know that the Nazis and Arabs were very, very friendly, so friendly in fact that after the war many Nazis fled to the Middle East and continued writing their propaganda.
Did you see this TeddyEarp

Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions

About 2,000 Arab Israelis gathered to protest ongoing housing demolitions in unrecognized Arab villages in Israel, call on government to stop destroying homes.

Hassan Shaalan


04.28.15, 20:19

About 2,000 Arab Israelis, including members of the Joint Arab List, gathered for a protest in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening against the demolition of homes in unrecognized Arab villages.

The protest, held in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, came after the announcement of a general strike in the Arab sector on Tuesday morning.

The strike took place in Arab towns in the north, schools, colleges, public institutions, and banks, with most shops remaining closed, Arab media outlets reported.

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, which represents Arab communities in Israel, said the protest was against growing racism and the acceleration of housing demolitions.


Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions - Israel News Ynetnews

Amazing, eh? Despite the fact that they are committed to Israel's destruction the Arabs take full advantage of the rights afforded to anyone in Israel, including the right to PEACEFULLY protest Israeli gov't policies regarding illegal structures.
What a wonderful country!
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Did you see this TeddyEarp

Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions

About 2,000 Arab Israelis gathered to protest ongoing housing demolitions in unrecognized Arab villages in Israel, call on government to stop destroying homes.

Hassan Shaalan


04.28.15, 20:19

About 2,000 Arab Israelis, including members of the Joint Arab List, gathered for a protest in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening against the demolition of homes in unrecognized Arab villages.

The protest, held in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, came after the announcement of a general strike in the Arab sector on Tuesday morning.

The strike took place in Arab towns in the north, schools, colleges, public institutions, and banks, with most shops remaining closed, Arab media outlets reported.

The Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, which represents Arab communities in Israel, said the protest was against growing racism and the acceleration of housing demolitions.


Arabs carry out protest in Tel Aviv over housing demolitions - Israel News Ynetnews

Amazing, eh? Despite the fact that they are committed to Israel's destruction the Arabs take full advantage of the rights afforded to anyone in Israel, including the right to PEACEFULLY protest Israeli gov't policies regarding illegal structures.
What a wonderful country!

The non-whites in the Cape who had representation in the Apartheid Parliament took advantage of their special rights too. The non-whites citizens of the Bantustans did not have the same rights. Is it any different in Israel?
So, to continue in the theme of my thread; to try to debunk the lies. I am still in Jerusalem. Today I got showed around by an Israeli. Afterwards he was sitting down talking to an Arab in the Muslim quarter. Didn't look like anyone was unhappy there.

Now as I have said, I know the "Palestinians" (those who claim to be) are not happy at all with the state of Israel.

But today while people watching, I have seen plenty of men with 'kippas' walking down the street. I have also seen women in full on burkas. I didn't see anyone spit on them, nor disrespect them at all. Mind you, my apartment is on one of the busiest streets in downtown Jerusalem. I also saw an obvious muslim couple. He wasn't wearing a kippa and she had her head wrapped in the more moderate traditional way with the scarf. They just walked down the street with many obvious Jews with kippas passing them by to and fro.

And Oh. My. God. They were smiling! No body was beating them! Holy crap! Say it ain't so! I thought the Jews hated the Israeli Arabs/Muslims! And the ones with the full on burkha, well of course I couldn't tell if they were smiling or not, but they were certainly not getting beat either.

Talk about some discrimination! Or not. More like talk about a bunch of lies and bullshit you pro-pals. And that is the what and why about those who claim "Palestinian". They have gone down the rabbit hole of lies and bullshit. I do feel sorry for them.
To the Obsequious Earp...........Who looks at all, but sees Nothing.......Muslims in the Burkka.....been there for thousands of years.......Why would you assume anyone would be beating them....this is just the myopic American negative attitude.......not middle eastern.........Palestinians tend to close up when people they don't know are around because of informants.........your grasp of the situation for Palestinians in Israel today is stupid at one could be that DUMB........or could they Teddy ???
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Is this "message board" nothing but Israeli shills?

Glad to see your rose tinted glasses are still firmly screwed into your skull. I once travelled to Yugoslavia during the Tito era, and do you know, everyone there was oh so happy. In fact they went out of their way to tell you just how happy they were, living in the Communist paradise. Then there was the holiday in Spain, where everyone was having a party, so it seemed, under their benevolent leader General Franco. Then the world turned and the truth came out...enjoy your holiday.

Belgrade Exhibition Exposes Yugoslav Communist Crimes Balkan Insight

UN presses Spain over Franco-era crimes and mass graves - BBC News

Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.

Now that is funny. You one of the most ignorant SoBs I have ever seen posting anywhere accusing anyone else of not being "a scholarly type".
Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.

Now that is funny. You one of the most ignorant SoBs I have ever seen posting anywhere accusing anyone else of not being "a scholarly type".

And the irony of one such as you referring to ANYONE as being an "ignorant SoB" is remarkably obvious yet flew right over your (pin)head, Princess.
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Amazing, eh? Despite the fact that they are committed to Israel's destruction the Arabs take full advantage of the rights afforded to anyone in Israel, including the right to PEACEFULLY protest Israeli gov't policies regarding illegal structures. What a wonderful country!
The non-whites in the Cape who had representation in the Apartheid Parliament took advantage of their special rights too. The non-whites citizens of the Bantustans did not have the same rights. Is it any different in Israel?

The right of Arabs to PEACEFULLY protest Israeli gov't policies regarding illegal structures is not a special right, Princess, but a right available to all in Israel. If you really are interested in how that right translates into the Arab/Muslim World, see "Aleppo, Syria."
To the Obsequious Earp...........Who looks at all, but sees Nothing.......Muslims in the Burkka.....been there for thousands of years.....

To the monumentally ignorant Liq: Muslims in Burqas have been nowhere for "thousands of years" and just in case you missed it, the Burqa was recently banned in China's largest Muslim city. I missed your outraged POV on that one.
Last edited:
Nah ... we have our share of anti-Israel Nazi types. Why do you ask?

I think the Nazis were all for Israel, they wanted rid of the Jewish takeover , REMEMBER, Hitler even worked with Ben Guion with the transfer agreement. Those Zionists were taking over Germany , just like Russia and now Palestine.

Penelope must have learned about the book The Transfer on the hate sites where the book is very popular. She probably wishes that the Jews didn't trade some equipment for other Jews to save them from going to the concentration camps. Edwin Black wants you especially to push his new book because you think just like a Nazi.

Book Discussion Farhud Roots Arab-Nazi Alliance Video

Nope on the net, didn't even know about the book. Thanks tho. The transfer agreement is not a secret.
Since you don't seem like the scholarly type, I still believe you found it on some hate site or else you would not have known about this book. Throughout the years all the anti-Semites would bring up this book as if the Nazis and the Jews were constantly in bed with each other. Maybe you can tell us why it is so popular on the hate sites. I bet the hate sites don't talk about Edwin Blacks book about the Nazis-Arab alliance.

Now that is funny. You one of the most ignorant SoBs I have ever seen posting anywhere accusing anyone else of not being "a scholarly type".
Who axed ya?
I am sorry, but are you saying that instead of using the possessive spelling of that sound, he should have used the contraction that in long spell would mean "you are"?

Sounds he meant that she owns it, not doing it.
Hey, you're right! I mis-read his statement. Thanks for the correction!
I really do not know Bill. I feel as though I have listened enough here to their side of the story by going through the links that folks like you have posted; and yes with an open mind. I have and will talk to plenty of Israeli Muslims (my cab driver this morning claimed no discrimination and his radio was tuned to Quran FM), Israeli Christians, Israeli Negroes and such.
Quran FM? Now that's an alternative station! Did you ask the cabbie if he's ever listened to KROC?

The big problem is that diving down the rabbit hole of the Palestinian side has already shown me, with my open mind, that theirs is a story that claims major victim status without claiming any responsibility at all for any thing they may have done wrong. They are victims all right. But just as much from their leadership as well as anything else. They have been fed lie after lie for years and years now. All the while, their leaders have used them to milk the world for money which was intended to help the masses but has been siphoned off to help their leaders. It is truly sad, but they allowed it to happen to themselves. And continue to do so. Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.
Palestinian's are victims. They're a population under occupation. They live under martial law and have no control of their future. Ask some people if they think Israel should end the occupation?
...That building was built originally for the Christians to commemorate or approximate where the Jewish Temple stood.

Why would 7th century Christians care where a Jewish temple stood? Got a link to back that up?

With the Persian invasion in 614, followed by the Muslim Siege of Jerusalem in 637, the Dome of the Rock was constructed by the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik between 689 and 691 CE. The Temple Mount had by then been left undeveloped for centuries after another Jewish revolt against Roman rule in the fourth century CE.

Its architecture and mosaics were patterned after nearby Byzantine churches and palaces.[6] The two engineers in charge of the project were Raja ibn Haywah, a Muslim theologian from Beit She'an and Yazid Ibn Salam, a non-Arab who was Muslim and a native of Jerusalem.[6][7]

Shelomo Dov Goitein of the Hebrew University states that the Dome of the Rock was intended to compete with the many fine buildings of worship of other religions. Goitein said:

The very form of a rotunda, given to the Qubbat as-Sakhra, although it was foreign to Islam, attempted to rival the many Christian domes of its time.[9][10]

A.C. Cresswell in his book Origin of the plan of the Dome of the Rock notes that those who built the shrine used the measurements of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The diameter of the dome of the shrine is 20.20 m and its height 20.48 m, while the diameter of the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is 20.90 m and its height 21.05 m

Link: Dome of the Rock - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I really do not know Bill. I feel as though I have listened enough here to their side of the story by going through the links that folks like you have posted; and yes with an open mind. I have and will talk to plenty of Israeli Muslims (my cab driver this morning claimed no discrimination and his radio was tuned to Quran FM), Israeli Christians, Israeli Negroes and such.
Quran FM? Now that's an alternative station! Did you ask the cabbie if he's ever listened to KROC?

The big problem is that diving down the rabbit hole of the Palestinian side has already shown me, with my open mind, that theirs is a story that claims major victim status without claiming any responsibility at all for any thing they may have done wrong. They are victims all right. But just as much from their leadership as well as anything else. They have been fed lie after lie for years and years now. All the while, their leaders have used them to milk the world for money which was intended to help the masses but has been siphoned off to help their leaders. It is truly sad, but they allowed it to happen to themselves. And continue to do so. Why? Because they are taught from an early age that everything is not their fault. All their woes, every bad thing, every bad situation they face; is all laid at the feet of the Jews.
Palestinian's are victims. They're a population under occupation. They live under martial law and have no control of their future. Ask some people if they think Israel should end the occupation?
:disagree: :itsok:
...That building was built originally for the Christians to commemorate or approximate where the Jewish Temple stood.

Why would 7th century Christians care where a Jewish temple stood? Got a link to back that up?

With the Persian invasion in 614, followed by the Muslim Siege of Jerusalem in 637, the Dome of the Rock was constructed by the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik between 689 and 691 CE. The Temple Mount had by then been left undeveloped for centuries after another Jewish revolt against Roman rule in the fourth century CE.

Its architecture and mosaics were patterned after nearby Byzantine churches and palaces.[6] The two engineers in charge of the project were Raja ibn Haywah, a Muslim theologian from Beit She'an and Yazid Ibn Salam, a non-Arab who was Muslim and a native of Jerusalem.[6][7]

Shelomo Dov Goitein of the Hebrew University states that the Dome of the Rock was intended to compete with the many fine buildings of worship of other religions. Goitein said:

The very form of a rotunda, given to the Qubbat as-Sakhra, although it was foreign to Islam, attempted to rival the many Christian domes of its time.[9][10]

A.C. Cresswell in his book Origin of the plan of the Dome of the Rock notes that those who built the shrine used the measurements of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The diameter of the dome of the shrine is 20.20 m and its height 20.48 m, while the diameter of the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is 20.90 m and its height 21.05 m

Link: Dome of the Rock - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Where does it say, "..That building was built originally for the Christians to commemorate or approximate where the Jewish Temple stood."?

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