In new interview, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS

More study or not, it's widespread & with enough reported cases, just like with the serious adverse events & deaths, any prior trial would've been halted.
They stopped a swine flu vax trial back in 1976 after 3 deaths. This has thousands reported & they ignore it. They aren't investigating, so what's that tell you?
Believe what you want. I know these clot shots are more dangerous than the rona flu
No you Know, no such thing, that's simply what you choose to believe.

The Swine Flu Vaccine trial was halted out of an abundance of caution and because of the fact it never reached epidemic levels.

It was later discovered that almost all of the reported deaths were not caused by the vaccine.

No you Know, no such thing, that's simply what you choose to believe.
I believe things when I see the facts & statistics all point to them being true.
Like I said, free country. Trust the govt & the clot shots if you want.
I've seen enough to know they are more dangerous than a flu
I believe things when I see the facts & statistics all point to them being true.
Like I said, free country. Trust the govt & the clot shots if you want.
I've seen enough to know they are more dangerous than a flu
There are no facts or statistics currently that support the claim the vaccines caused more harm than good.

You base this on belief, not fact.
The NIH most recently. This is not new & it's known as VAIDS- Vaccine induced Autoimmune Disease. It has been well documented with other vaccines but then the clot shots came along and said "hold my beer"

Recently, new-onset autoimmune phenomena after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported increasingly (e.g. immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune liver diseases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus). Molecular mimicry, the production of particular autoantibodies and the role of certain vaccine adjuvants seem to be substantial contributors to autoimmune phenomena

This is also from your link but you conveniently left it out:

......... the association between COVID-19 vaccine and autoimmune manifestations is coincidental or causal remains to be elucidated. Here, we summarize the emerging evidence about autoimmune manifestations occurring in response to certain COVID-19 vaccines. Although information pertaining to the risk of autoimmune disease as a consequence of vaccination is controversial, we merely propose our current understanding of autoimmune manifestations associated with COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, we do not aim to disavow the overwhelming benefits of mass COVID-19 vaccination in preventing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.
But then you have this jackass Johnson invoking the possibility of criminal charges and deliberately avoiding any discussion of benefits vs. risk for the purpose of fueling the anti vax hysteria, and then YOU repeat the same shit. You people are despicable. You have blood on your hands!
This is also from your link but you conveniently left it out:

But then you have this jackass Johnson invoking the possibility of criminal charges and deliberately avoiding any discussion of benefits vs. risk for the purpose of fueling the anti vax hysteria, and then YOU repeat the same shit. You people are despicable. You have blood on your hands!
"You're killing us!" :rolleyes: Get over it Mary.
I know an intelligence test to weed out the morons when I see it.
Vague disclaimers to appease the gatekeepers of info mean less than nothing.
Get as many as you want. Clots for all!
"In new interview, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS"

Nope. Actually, that's not what he said. In response to that statement from an interviewer, Johnson actually said:

“Let me challenge you there, that’s way down the road,” Johnson said. “You’ve gotta do one step at a time. Everything you say may be true, but right now the public views the vaccines as largely safe and effective, that vaccine injuries are rare and mild. That’s the narrative, that’s what the vast majority of the public accepts. So until we get a larger percentage of the population with their eyes open to ‘woah, these vaccine injuries are real, why?’ You’ve got to do it step by step, you can’t leap to crimes against humanity, you can’t leap to another Nuremberg trial.”

Fromthe cite provided in the OP.

Bottum line is that his intent was to sow fear and doubt about the vaccine, and to further vaccine hesitancy.
"You're killing us!" :rolleyes: Get over it Mary.
I know an intelligence test to weed out the morons when I see it.
Vague disclaimers to appease the gatekeepers of info mean less than nothing.
Get as many as you want. Clots for all!
The problem here is clear
1. Either you people are so stupid that you actually believe the anti vax propaganda

2.Or, you know that it is all bullshit but you are so dishonest and unethical and push the antivax anyway to promote your political agenda, AND you are so stupid as to think that we are so stupid that we will believe the stupid shit that you inflict on us.

In any case, I can only conclude that you people are STUPID
The problem here is clear
1. Either you people are so stupid that you actually believe the anti vax propaganda

2.Or, you know that it is all bullshit but you are so dishonest and unethical and push the antivax anyway to promote your political agenda, AND you are so stupid as to think that we are so stupid that we will believe the stupid shit that you inflict on us.

In any case, I can only conclude that you people are STUPID
How many more times can you fit stupid in there? :auiqs.jpg:
You are part of a brain washed & scared cult, ready to believe any BS an authoritarian-type figure will tell you to keep the delusional narrative going.
They have you all convinced an experimental gene therapy masquerading as a legitimate vaccine will keep you safe from a flu-like illness proven to mostly affect the elderly & obese suffering from multiple comorbidities.
They tell you this vaccine is safe, effective & will keep you from contracting or dying from the disease. These are all false claims. They have admitted they were false.
Yet you continue to defend the clot shots that are making people sicker & saving no one.
I can only conclude you people are SHEEP
Sounds familiar. Fauci was running the HIV program in the 80s, testing experimental drugs on kids.
How many more times can you fit stupid in there? :auiqs.jpg:
You are part of a brain washed & scared cult, ready to believe any BS an authoritarian-type figure will tell you to keep the delusional narrative going.
They have you all convinced an experimental gene therapy masquerading as a legitimate vaccine will keep you safe from a flu-like illness proven to mostly affect the elderly & obese suffering from multiple comorbidities.
They tell you this vaccine is safe, effective & will keep you from contracting or dying from the disease. These are all false claims. They have admitted they were false.
Yet you continue to defend the clot shots that are making people sicker & saving no one.
I can only conclude you people are SHEEP

Yep, they will bow down and worship every word they're told from govt or their authoritarian leaders. No questions asked.
How many more times can you fit stupid in there? :auiqs.jpg:
You are part of a brain washed & scared cult, ready to believe any BS an authoritarian-type figure will tell you to keep the delusional narrative going.
They have you all convinced an experimental gene therapy masquerading as a legitimate vaccine will keep you safe from a flu-like illness proven to mostly affect the elderly & obese suffering from multiple comorbidities.
They tell you this vaccine is safe, effective & will keep you from contracting or dying from the disease. These are all false claims. They have admitted they were false.
Yet you continue to defend the clot shots that are making people sicker & saving no one.
I can only conclude you people are SHEEP
Holy shit! That is as STUPID as STUPID gets. Thank you for confirming the fact that you anti vaxxers are just plain STUPID
BS, you are relying on wishful thinking or gaslighting here. Conservatives are thrilled that a Senator is talking truth about clot shots & we are not backing down on abortions.
I totally support what Johnson said & I am all for banning baby murder/infanticide.
RINOs don't count for sh!+. We consider them worse than the Dems.
Nice try though
Some denialists still think they are for an abortion ban but they're not keeping their emotions under control. America may have to learn the hard way that abortions are sometimes necessary and sometimes just a woman's right.
Holy shit! That is as STUPID as STUPID gets. Thank you for confirming the fact that you anti vaxxers are just plain STUPID

Some denialists still think they are for an abortion ban but they're not keeping their emotions under control. America may have to learn the hard way that abortions are sometimes necessary and sometimes just a woman's right.
I agree that they are sometimes necessary & would be the woman's right to choose if it's her life or the babies. That's all. Sorry if that isn't ban enough for you progressives but I believe the woman has every right to life in that instance.
BS, you are relying on wishful thinking or gaslighting here. Conservatives are thrilled that a Senator is talking truth about clot shots & we are not backing down on abortions.
I totally support what Johnson said & I am all for banning baby murder/infanticide.
RINOs don't count for sh!+. We consider them worse than the Dems.
Nice try though
See post 24
"In new interview, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson says it ‘may be true’ that COVID vaccines cause AIDS"

Nope. Actually, that's not what he said. In response to that statement from an interviewer, Johnson actually said:

“Let me challenge you there, that’s way down the road,” Johnson said. “You’ve gotta do one step at a time. Everything you say may be true, but right now the public views the vaccines as largely safe and effective, that vaccine injuries are rare and mild. That’s the narrative, that’s what the vast majority of the public accepts. So until we get a larger percentage of the population with their eyes open to ‘woah, these vaccine injuries are real, why?’ You’ve got to do it step by step, you can’t leap to crimes against humanity, you can’t leap to another Nuremberg trial.”

Fromthe cite provided in the OP.

What part of "Everything you say may be true" do you not understand?

Instead of calling the conspiracy fucktard on his AIDS bullshit, Johnson gave him credence.
You can see the video exchange here:

The tards are getting dumber and dumber by the day. The Trump Vaccine makes you magnetic! The Trump Vaccine implants you with a chip! The Trump Vaccine gives you AIDS!

Ron Johnson is a full blown retard.
AIDS is too much of a worst case stretch and worst case is where emoting liberals live and not thinkers. It’s not the worst case outcome of AIDS but it IS a weakening of the immune system which extends common cold recovery to 3-4 weeks instead of 3-4 days
Let’s not allow liberals to run wild with the AIDS stuff as that distracts from the reality
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