In Obama's Six Years as President, he has...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
1) Increased the national debt by 52%, or $6.103 trillion, outpacing Bush by $254 billion, $1.903 trillion of the $8.006 trillion so far being accrued was in Bush's final year in office.

2) Granted 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty.

3) Lied about Obamacare.

4) Impeded (or downright stopped) investigations into Fast and Furious and the IRS targeting scandal

5) Lied about Benghazi.

6) Failed to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

7) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over his strategy in Iran and Syria.

8) Failed to approve the Keystone XL pipeline even after the State Department declared that it would have a minimal impact on the environment.

9) Denounced Bush's warrantless wiretapping, but proceeded to preside over the biggest surveillance state any democracy has ever known, and hid documented cases of Fourth Amendment violations.

10) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over Obama's strategy in Iran and Syria.

11) Not stopped the "War on Drugs."

12) Covered up instances of torture.

13) Killed 2,400 civilians via drone strikes.

14) Presided over the first downgrade of the US credit rating.

And the list goes on and on...the question now, is to those who voted this man into office twice. Don't you wish you had that vote over again?
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The libs on this site hate Republicans more than they love Obama. They know he's dogshit. They know he's incompetent. They know he's fucked up the chances for the Democrats ever to win another elecition. But they'll have their dicks/tits cut off before they admit any of that. It's "yay, my team" and nothing more.
The man is an extremist I think, with no management skills, and he is a closet racist to boot, a possible Muslim at heart in which (might explain his foreign policy blunders), his lies and everything else in that regard. I knew Obama was a slickster from the get go (I could see it), but it just blows me away as to how weak this nation was when it elected him. The nation was ripe for his coming, and he fell right into place because of it all. We get what we deserve, because we sold ourselves out, and we set the who situation up for the fall to finally come. The hope was I think, is that he would conform eventually, but has he at all ?
No dear, it's just getting harder for them to make up the shit they have about him, like he saved the Auto Industry. when they (GM) are being sued for faulty parts and causing 100s of deaths, He killed Bin laden. well the truth has been coming out on that too and expect people to keep falling for it. they voted his party out of POWER in just SIX YEARS of his rein of terror. Hard to spin for him anymore
The libs on this site hate Republicans more than they love Obama. They know he's dogshit. They know he's incompetent. They know he's fucked up the chances for the Democrats ever to win another elecition. But they'll have their dicks/tits cut off before they admit any of that. It's "yay, my team" and nothing more.

I think they're just embarrassed to admit what a colossal failure he's been.

I mean seriously, not one damn initiative of his has been accomplished smoothly and effectively.

His most succusful program has without doubt been TARP, and frankly all he did was continue what was already in place.

Nothing else he's done, from cash for clunkers, to the ACA has accomplished what he promised it would. Nothing.

No one on this site, or anywhere else for that matter, could honestly look at his track record and say "yep good President" I mean it's just not possible that anyone is that stupid.

So the other conclusion is , as I said, they are embarrassed that he's been a total failure and so must lie, both to themselves and everyone around them.

I feel sorry for them . I'm no longer going to "debate" with them, instead I'll simply ignore the worst offenders, but I do feel sorry for them.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it. Just because you prefer your house ******* to others doesn't change the reality.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it. Just because you prefer your house ******* to others doesn't change the reality.

Rice and Carson are not colossal failures.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it. Just because you prefer your house ******* to others doesn't change the reality.

Rice and Carson are not colossal failures.
Neither is Obama, he was elected to the most powerful position in the world, twice. Be careful where you fling partisan shit, it hits others that you care about.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it. Just because you prefer your house ******* to others doesn't change the reality.

Rice and Carson are not colossal failures.
Neither is Obama, he was elected to the most powerful position in the world, twice. Be careful where you fling partisan shit, it hits others that you care about.

Go lecture someone who cares.

The dupes that voted him in are now the ones staying home.

If you can find another token to run like he did...well, good luck.

Otherwise put someone up who is serious about leading the country by example.

He has been, is, and will continue to be a colossal failure.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it.
An Affirmative Action Failure through and through.

Even with the Franco "pub obstructionists", he's done a pathetic job of leading this country.

Most of us know he really could care less what we think.

He's right out of the Al Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" school of thought.
Rice and Carson are AA, don't push it. Just because you prefer your house ******* to others doesn't change the reality.

Rice and Carson are not colossal failures.
Neither is Obama, he was elected to the most powerful position in the world, twice. Be careful where you fling partisan shit, it hits others that you care about.

Go lecture someone who cares.

The dupes that voted him in are now the ones staying home.

If you can find another token to run like he did...well, good luck.

Otherwise put someone up who is serious about leading the country by example.

He has been, is, and will continue to be a colossal failure.
Testy toddler, go take a nap. Reality is not to your liking, obviously.
1) Increased the national debt by 52%, or $6.103 trillion, outpacing Bush by $254 billion, $1.903 trillion of the $8.006 trillion so far being accrued was in Bush's final year in office.

2) Granted 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty.

3) Lied about Obamacare.

4) Impeded (or downright stopped) investigations into Fast and Furious and the IRS targeting scandal

5) Lied about Benghazi.

6) Failed to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

7) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over his strategy in Iran and Syria.

8) Failed to approve the Keystone XL pipeline even after the State Department declared that it would have a minimal impact on the environment.

9) Denounced Bush's warrantless wiretapping, but proceeded to preside over the biggest surveillance state any democracy has ever known, and hid documented cases of Fourth Amendment violations.

10) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over Obama's strategy in Iran and Syria.

11) Not stopped the "War on Drugs."

12) Covered up instances of torture.

13) Killed 2,400 civilians via drone strikes.

14) Presided over the first downgrade of the US credit rating.

And the list goes on and on...the question now, is to those who voted this man into office twice. Don't you wish you had that vote over again?

I stopped very soon.

"Increased the national debt by 52%"

Tell me what bills Obama passed that created this increase of spending or you suck at politics.

Try to use math. Not just laws you think he passed. He had the least spending growth of any president since the 50's last election.

But you don't know the difference between spending, increased spending and reduced spending do you?
1) Increased the national debt by 52%, or $6.103 trillion, outpacing Bush by $254 billion, $1.903 trillion of the $8.006 trillion so far being accrued was in Bush's final year in office.

2) Granted 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty.

3) Lied about Obamacare.

4) Impeded (or downright stopped) investigations into Fast and Furious and the IRS targeting scandal

5) Lied about Benghazi.

6) Failed to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

7) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over his strategy in Iran and Syria.

8) Failed to approve the Keystone XL pipeline even after the State Department declared that it would have a minimal impact on the environment.

9) Denounced Bush's warrantless wiretapping, but proceeded to preside over the biggest surveillance state any democracy has ever known, and hid documented cases of Fourth Amendment violations.

10) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over Obama's strategy in Iran and Syria.

11) Not stopped the "War on Drugs."

12) Covered up instances of torture.

13) Killed 2,400 civilians via drone strikes.

14) Presided over the first downgrade of the US credit rating.

And the list goes on and on...the question now, is to those who voted this man into office twice. Don't you wish you had that vote over again?

Why are YOU lying?
He also reversed our GDP growth rate by 9 percentage points, from a -6% pct growth to a +3% growth,

if we're using the OP's reasoning. What other president has ever accomplished that?
Try to use math. Not just laws you think he passed. He had the least spending growth of any president since the 50's last election.

Relativism. How tiresome.

First the math:

52% of 11.657 trillion is 6.103 trillion.

Then my rebuttal (and more math):

1) In relative terms, Reagan increased the debt by 186%, to $2.8 trillion, an increase $1.86 trillion from the $998 billion deficit when Carter left office.

2) In just one year from any point between 2009 and 2012, just one of Obama's budget deficits came close to or met the entire debt that Reagan accrued in his 8 years in office.

3) As of now, Obama has spent nearly three times as much as Reagan in just 6 years, at 6.103 trillion as compared to 1.68 trillion in 8 years.

4) Additionally, if Obama had spent $6.103 trillion in 1980 dollars, he would have outspent Reagan by $438 billion, or $2.118 trillion, moreover converting Reagan's debt to 2014 dollars, would still mean Obama would outspend Reagan by $1.263 trillion.

A) Reagan (1981-1989, 8 years): $1.68 trillion in 1980 dollars = $1.68 trillion

B) Obama (2009-present, 6 years): $6.103 trillion in 1980 dollars = $2.118 trillion, or +$438 billion more than Reagan


A) Obama: $6.103 trillion debt in 2014 dollars = $6.103 trillion

B) Reagan: $1.68 trillion debt in 2014 dollars = $4.840 trillion, or -$1.263 trillion less than Obama

5) Now, if we convert Obama's $6.103 trillion to 1954 dollars (during the Eisenhower administration), that equals roughly $691 billion, and Eisenhower only added $23 billion to the debt when he left in 1961. Meaning if Obama were president in 1954, he would have added 30 times that amount.

A) Eisenhower (1954-1961, 7 years): $23 billion debt in 1954 dollars = $23 billion

B) Obama: $6.103 trillion in 1954 dollars = $691 billion, or +668 billion more than Eisenhower


A) Obama: $6.103 trillion debt in 2014 dollars = $6.103 trillion

B) Eisenhower: $23 billion debt in 2014 dollars = $199.5 billion, or -$5.903 trillion less than Obama

6) Now for some fun facts: From 1934 to 1945 (11 years), Franklin Roosevelt increased the debt by 1,048%. But he only added $236 billion to the debt from $23 billion amassed after Herbert Hoover left office in 11 years. That's right. That would only be one quarter, or at least roughly a third of any of the deficits Obama incurred between 2009 and 2014. For good measure:

A) Roosevelt (1934-1945, 11 years): $236 billion debt in 1934 dollars = $236 billion

B) Obama: $6.103 trillion debt in 1934 dollars = $345 billion, or +$109 billion more than Roosevelt


A) Obama: $6.103 trillion debt in 2014 dollars = $6.103 trillion

B) Roosevelt $236 billion debt in 2014 dollars = $4.181 trillion, or -$1.922 trillion less than Obama

7) If Obama had added $6.103 trillion to the $259 billion debt at the end of Roosevelt's administration, that would be a 2,256% increase (not a typo), or roughly three times more than Woodrow Wilson at 727%, twice more than Roosevelt, and 20,343% more than was added by any of the previous presidents dating back to George Washington percentage wise.

That is where your math falls apart.

Yes, yes, and do tell us how you don't sympathize with either party. You sound a lot like a liberal to me.

Now to the bills he signed since 2009:

Signed Legislation The White House

(Work your way back to page one to get to 2014, and remember, any legislation that appropriates money in which he signed is counted as debt, as he approved the amount spent.)

Now, I'll will put the paddle down, cause I can't in good conscience whoop you anymore, or someone might call the cops.
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Obama inherited Bush's $450 billion deficit. In FY, revenues fell by $420 billion.

That means that $870 billion - for starters - of the 2009 deficit was in place without anything done by Obama.

Add to that the increases in mandatory spending that kicked in automatically in 2009, because of the recession,

and you see that Obama had little to do with the 1.4 trillion deficit in 2009.
1) Increased the national debt by 52%, or $6.103 trillion, outpacing Bush by $254 billion, $1.903 trillion of the $8.006 trillion so far being accrued was in Bush's final year in office.

2) Granted 5 million illegal immigrants amnesty.

3) Lied about Obamacare.

4) Impeded (or downright stopped) investigations into Fast and Furious and the IRS targeting scandal

5) Lied about Benghazi.

6) Failed to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

7) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over his strategy in Iran and Syria.

8) Failed to approve the Keystone XL pipeline even after the State Department declared that it would have a minimal impact on the environment.

9) Denounced Bush's warrantless wiretapping, but proceeded to preside over the biggest surveillance state any democracy has ever known, and hid documented cases of Fourth Amendment violations.

10) Pressured Chuck Hagel into resignation for expressing frustration over Obama's strategy in Iran and Syria.

11) Not stopped the "War on Drugs."

12) Covered up instances of torture.

13) Killed 2,400 civilians via drone strikes.

14) Presided over the first downgrade of the US credit rating.

And the list goes on and on...the question now, is to those who voted this man into office twice. Don't you wish you had that vote over again?

You repeated one of those.

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