In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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I refuse to "understand" what he was saying - at least to the extent that I don't care what he may have been trying to say or whatever else he was thinking. I only care about his words and what they mean in American English.

And that makes you intolerant person who ends up banning books and blacklisting people who you don't agree with politically.
So, you're calling me a liar?

Or, is there a chance that you haven't been following along?

I believe I called you intolerant, not a liar. I have no doubt you sincerely believe your intolerance is right...just as the Hollywood people who blacklisted those who had been Communists thought their actions were right.
As you point out, I nearly quoted the guy.

I'm not sure how that becomes hyperbolic.

When you go from quoting him to creating the idea that he labeled homosexuality to be not just sin, but a source of sin, it becomes hyperbole.

Another thing that intolerant people do to bolster their positions.
Good lord! Read the quote. He said, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," etc.

All sins...but, no suggestion they were created by homosexuality. That's why your post became hyperbolic
Tolerating intolerance only leads to intolerance, tolerating intolerance encourages intolerance. Calling intolerance intolerance is the only honest reaction to intolerance. Robertson's intolerance is wrong, his racist nonsense just plain stupid for a man who is around my age. Pretending intolerance is only an act of partisans excuses evil, and while Robertson is not evil, the sort of characterizations he engages in are the foundations of evil. Check history sometime.

Teaching Intolerance

The New Religious Intolerance | Boston Review

"We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal." Karl Popper

So, you support censorship and blacklisting people because you don't agree with their political beliefs? I had no idea you had so much in common with Joe McCarthy.
There isn't some big context issue here. And, I didn't say he said it is the root of all sin - he said it was a root of sin.
He labeled homosexuality to be not just sin, but a source of sin, and he equated it with drunkenness and terrorism.

The only thing to downplay is your hyperbole!

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour
As you point out, I nearly quoted the guy.

I'm not sure how that becomes hyperbolic.

You took it out of context and put your own spin on his exact words.
He did not claim homosexuality was the root of all evil for cripes sake.
He said he loves everyone regardless of what he feels their shortcomings are.

Dude! You just contradicted yourself! What you're talking about ^^ is not what you're talking about here:

When you go from quoting him to creating the idea that he labeled homosexuality to be not just sin, but a source of sin, it becomes hyperbole.

Another thing that intolerant people do to bolster their positions.
Good lord! Read the quote. He said, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," etc.
There isn't some big context issue here. And, I didn't say he said it is the root of all sin - he said it was a root of sin.

Actually, to be accurate, you said "source of sin". And, as I said before, when you create the idea that he labeled homosexuality to be not just sin, but a source of sin, it becomes hyperbole.
Attaching your hatespeech to a religious book does not secure it any special status that requires others to,

by silence or inaction, tacitly agree with you.


Talk about gay.

I am not surprised you don't consider this hateful:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -

The far left poster uses a far left blog site for their hate filled posts.
The far left poster uses a far left blog site for their hate filled posts.

The Self Feeding Troll has demonstrated he can't understand the topic, nor can he do anything but distract and derail the conversation. I don't even bother to read his ranting's, much less the stuff he steals from other sources.

Talk about gay.

I am not surprised you don't consider this hateful:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -

The far left poster uses a far left blog site for their hate filled posts.

At least you're admitting that what Robertson said was hate speech. lol
And that makes you intolerant person who ends up banning books and blacklisting people who you don't agree with politically.
So, you're calling me a liar?

Or, is there a chance that you haven't been following along?

I believe I called you intolerant, not a liar. I have no doubt you sincerely believe your intolerance is right...just as the Hollywood people who blacklisted those who had been Communists thought their actions were right.
Again, you're accusing me of lying when I repeatedly said just the opposite in this thread.

I've consistently stated that this guy has every right to be allowed to say what he said. He just doesn't have the right to expect everyone to ignore him.

The opposition to his statements isn't a House Anti-homosexual Activities Commission hearing. Nobody is making lists of fellow travelers to exclude from work.
When you go from quoting him to creating the idea that he labeled homosexuality to be not just sin, but a source of sin, it becomes hyperbole.

Another thing that intolerant people do to bolster their positions.
Good lord! Read the quote. He said, “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men," etc.

All sins...but, no suggestion they were created by homosexuality. That's why your post became hyperbolic
?? What do you think "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there..." could possibly mean?

And, if he DIDN'T mean exactly what it sounds like, he's had interviews where he could have fixed that - because he is not being denied his right to speech.
So, you're calling me a liar?

Or, is there a chance that you haven't been following along?

I believe I called you intolerant, not a liar. I have no doubt you sincerely believe your intolerance is right...just as the Hollywood people who blacklisted those who had been Communists thought their actions were right.
Again, you're accusing me of lying when I repeatedly said just the opposite in this thread.

I've consistently stated that this guy has every right to be allowed to say what he said. He just doesn't have the right to expect everyone to ignore him.

The opposition to his statements isn't a House Anti-homosexual Activities Commission hearing. Nobody is making lists of fellow travelers to exclude from work.

When you can show anyone said that he should be ignored, you'll have a point. It has been said OVER AND OVER that GLAAD was within their rights to point out how they feel about his comments and A&E were within their rights as employers to take the action they chose to take. The objection is to GLAAD's apparent preparation to blacklist him. THAT is where they become intolerant.

And, are you saying it was ok to blacklist the Hollywood 10, but wrong to look for "fellow travelers"? That's an odd position to take.
Duck Dynasty GQ interview: Is Phil Robertson right about what the Bible says about homosexuality?

I thought this was a pretty good summary. Imo, you have to take the OT with a grain of salt (-: especially because of Lot's daughters.

But, Phil, like Apostle Paul, doesn't say homosexuality is itself a sin, but that failing to believe in God causes one to engage in immoral/sinful behavior. However, one cannot read any "old" document without trying for some historical context. Paul was preaching to the Hellenistic church (NOT THE branch of christianity derived from Jews). The social practice was young males would practice homosexuality, and after they married a female, a adult male would continue having sex with younger male(s). Paul's view of christian society was essentially communal. Christians sought to seperate themselves from the social norms so as to maximize their ability to seek God.

Daily Bible Study - Paul's View of Marriage

In short, if you take Phil literally (which is a good idea considering his literalists view of the bible) he's not making any comparision beween homosexuality and bestiality.

However, it's logically consistent to conclude that the Apostle Paul was not commenting upon same sex committed relationships.
I am not surprised you don't consider this hateful:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson: Five more debate-worthy quotes -

The far left poster uses a far left blog site for their hate filled posts.

At least you're admitting that what Robertson said was hate speech. lol

No saying that the far left posters here are showing their hatred for anyone that is not far left and follows the religion without question or hesitation (like you).

Then using a far left blog site to help promote their hatred.
?? What do you think "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there..." could possibly mean?

*shaking head*

If you are CHOOSING to believe that, we'll just have to agree to disagree because I can't change willful ignorance.

sexual preference in the vast majority of cases is also a lifestyle choice.

sex altogether is lifestyle choice. you won't die if you abstain from sex.

No, but it ain't much of a life. .

it depends. people do not have a uniform libido. even the same person does not have the same libido throughout life. That's one of the myths from 60s - all you want to do is to have sex. Not true in the vast majority of the lifetime. And if it is still for you - I feel sorry for you as it clearly clouds your reasoning :D

But that's awesome, though. I think it would be great if funditards all refrained from sex and didn't reproduce.

Because, honestly, that's what the Bible says to do.

Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. -- 1 Corinthians 7:27

But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none. -- 1 Corinthians 7:29

In short, the Bible doesn't want you to get married, really.

Oh, wait, but that's not a rule you people actually follow.

that's none of your business, nazi leftard :lol:

you can't impose what you would like on others. Even if you really, really, REALLY want to :lol:
When you can show anyone said that he should be ignored, you'll have a point. It has been said OVER AND OVER that GLAAD was within their rights to point out how they feel about his comments and A&E were within their rights as employers to take the action they chose to take. The objection is to GLAAD's apparent preparation to blacklist him. THAT is where they become intolerant.

And, are you saying it was ok to blacklist the Hollywood 10, but wrong to look for "fellow travelers"? That's an odd position to take.
The blacklist came from US government action against those who were guessed to have certain political beliefs. The 10 were heroes who refused to testify concerning their own political beliefs and to testify against their friends and acquaintances before our government. Our government was tracking down fellow travelers, so anyone who seemed to support these people had a very real right to fear government action against themselves. Hollywood didn't have the balls to stand up against our government.

GLAAD is NOT our government. Need I say more?
Hmmmm, wonder how many Christians would like to see that?

I personally would find it distasteful and intolerant.

that's because you are a leftard. Being constantly "offended" and finding everything which does not agree with your leftards' agenda to be "intolerant" is your modus operandi.
It is not the only one possible under the sun. And let me tell you more - it is not the best one either:D

Is that to distinguish liberals from conservatives? Is that why no conservatives called for Martin Bashir to be fired? lolol.
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