In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

Nice guys can't find nice girls for free under Any form of Capitalism!

I can and I have.
you are a storyteller; two months is all you can muster.

And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.
I can and I have.
you are a storyteller; two months is all you can muster.

And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.

Really? How many ch money do I have? And have I always had money?

Or are you just making up stories?
you are a storyteller; two months is all you can muster.

And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.

Really? How many ch money do I have? And have I always had money?

Or are you just making up stories?
everybody who has Money can get a girlfriend easier than You.
This thread was started by someone who thinks that "morality" has something to do with whether one is male or female, when it should be one standard of "morality" for everyone, a college girl or boy, a person serving in the military, everybody not married yet. Why do these threads degenerate so quickly? The OP brought forth evil when he targeted female people rather than discussing human kind as a whole, the male half included. Does anyone out there actually think that people like trump, or even pence, were virgins on their [first] wedding nights?

Please cut the crap on this whole sexual-warfare deal. Male people and female people have sexual intercourse for the same reasons and motivations, dingbats.

BTW: just what kind of a person pays for sex? Seems like a total loser.
And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.

Really? How many ch money do I have? And have I always had money?

Or are you just making up stories?
everybody who has Money can get a girlfriend easier than You.

You speak as if you know.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.

I get a lot of laughs at this site already. I like that.
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
damsels in distress, need to be under someone's "control".

Women don't need to be under anyone's control. And the "damsel in distress" is just your fantasy.
don't know History, either right winger.

I mean is "right winger" supposed to be a pejorative or something? It makes me laugh anyway.
How about this. Living with a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic". Being a man. "Toxic"

Living with a society full of men who are hobbled by addictions to porn. So they are unable to perform otherwise.

And a bunch of other stuff. We're in late-stage Rome territory now, no doubt about that.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.

There are types of masculinity that can be toxic. And those same types of masculinity were acceptable not so very long ago. But we, as a society, have grown wiser.
Such as what?

Such as the violent masculinity. Responding with violence to every slight.

Right and there have always been men like this. If they're criminal you deal with them; if they are just you enlist them for war. But now in super-touchy 2018 we have to hyperventilate about everything instead of showing a little decent common sense.
So we need to go back to the days when they were barefoot and pregnant?

My intention in creating this thread was to highlight what I thought is an unequal situation men are suffering in passive sexuality.
"men are suffering in passive sexuality."

You can't be serious? Men are blissfully happy. If they can't put their hard pipe in a hole, they will use both hands. Problem solved.
Why do we keep having a debate over female people and their sex lives, but not the sex lives of male people?. Isn't the proper debate over human sexual morality? What exactly does "morality" mean to human kind?
Nice guys can't find nice girls for free under Any form of Capitalism!

I can and I have.
you are a storyteller; two months is all you can muster.

And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

What does believing in a economic system have anything at all to do with this conversation?
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.

Really? How many ch money do I have? And have I always had money?

Or are you just making up stories?
everybody who has Money can get a girlfriend easier than You.

You speak as if you know.
i understand Capitalism better than the whole and entire, right wing.
The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
damsels in distress, need to be under someone's "control".

Women don't need to be under anyone's control. And the "damsel in distress" is just your fantasy.
don't know History, either right winger.

I mean is "right winger" supposed to be a pejorative or something? It makes me laugh anyway.
yes, fake news right wingers.
a society full of men who still want to be men, but an America full of men who can't act like men because their generation has told them this is "toxic".
What kind of things are you referring to as "toxic," SweetSue92 ?

Their masculinity, apparently, is "toxic", see. "Toxic masculinity". So they must have workshops about it and the like.

There are types of masculinity that can be toxic. And those same types of masculinity were acceptable not so very long ago. But we, as a society, have grown wiser.
Such as what?

Such as the violent masculinity. Responding with violence to every slight.

Right and there have always been men like this. If they're criminal you deal with them; if they are just you enlist them for war. But now in super-touchy 2018 we have to hyperventilate about everything instead of showing a little decent common sense.
y'all know how to talk and make appointments.
Nice guys can't find nice girls for free under Any form of Capitalism!

I can and I have.
you are a storyteller; two months is all you can muster.

And yet, you have been unable to show one post I made that is a story I told. Funny how that works.
dude; we subscribe to Capitalism not You. Every story teller who tells better stories than You but has less money and no girlfriend, confirms my point and denies and disparages Your point.

What does believing in a economic system have anything at all to do with this conversation?
economics. That is why I don't take the right wing seriously. Fake news is all they usually have.
BTW: just what kind of a person pays for sex? Seems like a total loser.

Seems like a total loser ..,.

oh really, christian and not letting them pay for it is your pride and enjoyment - in life.


to bad he did not find you first before they put him to death - protecting the christian congregations.
BTW: just what kind of a person pays for sex? Seems like a total loser.

Seems like a total loser ..,.

oh really, christian and not letting them pay for it is your pride and enjoyment - in life.


to bad he did not find you first before they put him to death - protecting the christian congregations.

I am completely confused by your comment. What do you mean? Who is this guy? What does anyone's religion have anything to do with this topic?
I haven’t told stories here. But I do well enough with women that I don’t have to rely on cheap manipulations.
all you do is tell stories; your arguments are worthless.

anybody with the amount of money you have, can do just as well. old news under Any form of Capitalism.

Really? How many ch money do I have? And have I always had money?

Or are you just making up stories?
everybody who has Money can get a girlfriend easier than You.

You speak as if you know.
i understand Capitalism better than the whole and entire, right wing.

YOu claim to understand a lot of things and know a lot of things. But the proof is in your begging women.
I know history well enough. I know your history of deflecting very well too.
virginity and chastity belts used to be a requirement for wo-men due to their "lack of morals".

No, those were used because the men were insecure. They fucked around so they assumed she would too.
you don't know what you are talking about right winger. fake news is all you know.

Knights in shining armor were not, Insecure.

If they did not trust the one they loved, yes they were. Many of those "knights in shining armor" were far from pure. After taking a city they would rape and pillage.
just fake news. wo-men have no morals.
Says it all for you. INCEL?
BTW: just what kind of a person pays for sex? Seems like a total loser.

Seems like a total loser ..,.

oh really, christian and not letting them pay for it is your pride and enjoyment - in life.


to bad he did not find you first before they put him to death - protecting the christian congregations.

I am completely confused by your comment. What do you mean? Who is this guy? What does anyone's religion have anything to do with this topic?

Daniel often posts pseudo-intellectual nonsense when he ha nothing viable to say. Its his way of deflecting. Or trying to deflect.
Why do we keep having a debate over female people and their sex lives, but not the sex lives of male people?. Isn't the proper debate over human sexual morality? What exactly does "morality" mean to human kind?
I will tell you this...several months ago in one of these threads about....I think, abortion and responsibility...I submitted that men are responsible for keeping their naughty parts under control. OMIGOD! You'd think I'd been torturing kittens..........

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