In Scotland, Trump Built a Wall. Then He Sent Residents the Bill.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Yes he will make things great for his rich buddies , and that doesn't include you, rubes

ALMEDIE, Scotland — President-elect Donald J. Trump has already built a wall — not on the border with Mexico, but on the border of his exclusive golf course in northeastern Scotland, blocking the sea view of local residents who refused to sell their homes.

And then he sent them the bill.

David and Moira Milne had already been threatened with legal action by Mr. Trump’s lawyers, who claimed a corner of their garage belonged to him, when they came home from work one day to find his staff building a fence around their garden. Two rows of grown trees went up next, blocking the view. Their water and electricity lines were temporarily cut. And then a bill for about $3,500 arrived in the mail, which, Mr. Milne said, went straight into the trash.
I'm sure there is some real truth in there somewhere. I'll fail this with the surge in phony hate crime stories. Progress often reqiures change. People resist change. Change is often great in long run.
Looks like the libs are recirculating the same old shit now since they can't scrape up enough new ones. That golf course needed approval from the governments.
Media must be getting desperate, digging up shit from almost 7 years ago. As a note, the homeowner in question's property is in the middle of the course, Trump had every right to fence the whole thing in (save the enter/exit easement from the home [which actually looks more like a military bunker than a home, but to each their own tastes]

I'd research what happened before and after the fencing.
Aww, Trump built a wall and bloacked someone's view.

Hillary refused requests for more security at an embassy, and refused to pull them out entirely when every other country already removed their people because of the known danger from Muslim barbarians. Hillary got people killed, but Trump is the bad guy because he blocked someone's view on their property.

Carry on, dipshit.

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