In the Absence of God; Human rights cannot exist.

We don't sacrifice ourselves for others.

Which would demonstrate the point.

An assertion that bears to be proven . . .

Well, if the proposition that you're arguing against is that rights are instinctual, you're right; but not for these reasons you bring. Rights are rational; they are contingent upon our rational faculty--not instincts.

Animals don't go to war; your point is meaningless if it rest upon the notion that they do.

Nope. Animals have principles, they are just not rational principles. What separates us from animals is not that we have princples and they don't, but rather that we are capable of rational principles and they aren't.

Only to the superstitious.

People sacrifice themselves for others every single day. Our soldiers go on missions they know to be suicidal in order to save other soldiers.

Animals don't go to war because they are instinctual animals. It makes no sense to war on other animals if your own group is safe. Hence my assertion that our commendable behavior is NOT based upon instinct.
People sacrifice themselves for others every single day.
I wouldn't count suicide, because the presumption is that the human beings we're discussing are healthy.

Our soldiers go on missions they know to be suicidal in order to save other soldiers.
No they don't.

Animals don't go to war because they are instinctual animals.
We're instinctual animals too--just not exclusively so.

It makes no sense to war on other animals if your own group is safe. Hence my assertion that our commendable behavior is NOT based upon instinct.
Right. There's no point in applauding the tenor when he sneezes--what of it?
Being as the word itself, "rights" was not "God" decreed, but rather, as are all words, created by humans- and being as the idea behind what that word is defined as, was created by humans, and being as the idea of a god or deity was, again, created by humans...I fail to see the point of the OP's argument.

If you believe in Creationaism, then this relates to you: I doubt Adam or Eve decided one day that they have basic inherent "rights" due them by nature itself. Considering they had no frame of reference, this is an absurd idea.

If you are an Evolution junkie, I sincerely doubt the two legged humanoid creature that preceded us had the grand idea one day that they had the right to...whatever. The idea of rights themselves evolved out of persecution. No persecution, no need for a definitive idea of "rights". Had this been utopia, we would not be having this discussion.

In summary- human rights, as they are understood, have absolutely nothing to do with God, and everything to do with being human. To lump them together under one heading makes no sense.

IMO of course. (which I'm quickly learning means very little here, but I obviously enjoy typing)
Adam and Eve didn't have to worry about rights, because they were the only two, they walked daily with God, nothing was denied them...except the fruit of the tree.
Then please, help me understand. When did the concept of human rights come into play? I know for certain it was not written into the Torah. I also know it was not written into cuneiform or hieroglyphics or any other ancient language or text.

Which can only lead one to realize it was an evolution of human existence, not "from God". Please do correct me if I am wrong.
Then please, help me understand. When did the concept of human rights come into play? I know for certain it was not written into the Torah. I also know it was not written into cuneiform or hieroglyphics or any other ancient language or text.

Which can only lead one to realize it was an evolution of human existence, not "from God". Please do correct me if I am wrong.
I am suspecting you are unclear on what rights are, what evolution means, and how they work.
People sacrifice themselves for others every single day. Our soldiers go on missions they know to be suicidal in order to save other soldiers.

Animals don't go to war because they are instinctual animals. It makes no sense to war on other animals if your own group is safe. Hence my assertion that our commendable behavior is NOT based upon instinct.

It is taught, learned and expected of people.
So what is your point?
I am suspecting you did not read my last post in this thread.
You are suspecting wrong.

Being as the word itself, "rights" was not "God" decreed, but rather, as are all words, created by humans- and being as the idea behind what that word is defined as, was created by humans, and being as the idea of a god or deity was, again, created by humans...I fail to see the point of the OP's argument.
That's primarily because the OP failed to establish this point by any means.

If you believe in Creationaism, then this relates to you: I doubt Adam or Eve decided one day that they have basic inherent "rights" due them by nature itself. Considering they had no frame of reference, this is an absurd idea.
The point of rights became apparent later on in the story with the murder of Abel.

If you are an Evolution junkie, I sincerely doubt the two legged humanoid creature that preceded us had the grand idea one day that they had the right to...whatever.
If this creature you're referencing was not rational, you're not making any sesible point.

The idea of rights themselves evolved out of persecution. No persecution, no need for a definitive idea of "rights". Had this been utopia, we would not be having this discussion.
Rights have meaning without persecution. And if you're suggesting that there is some "rights" gene that was selected for according to classic evolutionary theory, then you have no idea what rights are, what evolution is or how either of them work.

In summary- human rights, as they are understood, have absolutely nothing to do with God, and everything to do with being human. To lump them together under one heading makes no sense.
This is a fair assertion, but it's validity is in no way connected to what you've contributed.

IMO of course. (which I'm quickly learning means very little here, but I obviously enjoy typing)
There's a reason for this.
They don't, however, go to war for other groups of animals when those animals are threatened. You don't see groups of wildebeest running to the rescue of the gazelles, for example.

[ame=]YouTube - Sympathetic Hippo[/ame]

This was shown around the world on tv.
It's another God of the Gaps fallacy.

There is no such logical fallacy... this is a fabrication of no basis in fact or reason, drawn from the ideological ether by the Humanist movement.

There is plenty of science to explain animal and human behaviours.

ROFLMNAO... There is science and there is evidence and there are opinions from and of both... BUT NEITHER can show eveidence of ANY KIND which supports the assertion that there is no God...


It should be noted that this is an ACTUAL Logical fallacy... specifically argumentum ad ignoratiam... or the appeal to ignorance. Essentially demanding that because the opposition has no data proving their thesis, that this absence of data (ignorance) disproves the theory. The fact is that the scope of human knowledge doesn't begin to even approach the level wherein one could reasonably reach such a conclusion.
There is no such logical fallacy... this is a fabrication of no basis in fact or reason, drawn from the ideological ether by the Humanist movement.

ROFLMNAO... There is science and there is evidence and there are opinions from and of both... BUT NEITHER can show eveidence of ANY KIND which supports the assertion that there is no God...


It should be noted that this is an ACTUAL Logical fallacy... specifically argumentum ad ignoratiam... or the appeal to ignorance. Essentially demanding that because the opposition has no data proving their thesis, that this absence of data (ignorance) disproves the theory. The fact is that the scope of human knowledge doesn't begin to even approach the level wherein one could reasonably reach such a conclusion.

God of the gaps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing we know can show there is a god. Nothing we know can show there is no god. But in terms of burden of proof I would think it would be easier to prove there is a god rather than to prove there is no god.

I'm not ignorant of the fallacy that asserts that since someone can't produce contradictory evidence of a proposition that the proposition is thus proven.
I try to avoid it. But if you think that God of the Gaps relies on if no evidence for p, then p, you need to think again.

ROFLMNAO... I realize that the left considers Wikipedia to be the Oracle of all knowledge... but the fact is that it's not and in this particular case, it's absolutely wrong. Wikipedia is a source which uses the input of users as source and anyone that has EVER tried to source WIKI in a formal debate has felt the sting of inescapable loss where their losing argument rested on that invalid resource.

Nothing we know can show there is a god.

ROFLMNAO... CLASSIC ad Ignorantiam... The conclusion rests solely on the 'nothing'... The presumption here is that we arein a position TO KNOW.

Consider this: it's 1500 BC... 'nothing we know can show proves that there is are unseen forces compelling all matter to fall towards the center of the earth... thus gravity does not exist.'

But in terms of burden of proof I would think it would be easier to prove there is a god rather than to prove there is no god.

Indeed sir... But one can't prove anything to those who will not be convinced.

I'm not ignorant of the fallacy that asserts that since someone can't produce contradictory evidence of a proposition that the proposition is thus proven. I try to avoid it.

I suggest less 'trying' and more DOING... since your entire argument here is one long Ignorantiam fallacy.

But if you think that God of the Gaps relies on if no evidence for p, then p, you need to think again.

There's no such fallacy... you've been completely mislead, again.
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Pub you’re getting a bit confused. I don’t know if you’re realised it but USMB, as entertaining as it is, isn’t the Oxford Union. This is not formal debate, this is exchange of opinion.

When I make a reference to God of the Gaps it means a couple of things.

1.I know that the idea of “God the Gaps” exists, I didn’t make it up.

2.Other people know the idea of “God of the Gaps” exists, the fact that there is a Wikipedia entry on it demonstrates that it is known.

If you Google the term you’ll find it has a few entries explaining its meaning in Christian apologetics and how the idea has been generalised into casual secular discussions.

Nothing we know can show there is a god. An appeal to ignorance? No, of course not, just a simple statement that bumps against Anselm and Aquinas and anyone else that ever advanced a teleological argument for the existence of a god.

When Sir Christopher Wren died and was buried in St Paul’s Cathedral, which he designed and built, his epitaph read:

Subtus conditur Hujus Ecclesias et Urbis Conditor, CHRISTOPHERUS WREN; Qui vixit annos ultra nonaginta, Non sibi, sed bono publico. Lector, si monumentum requiris, Circumspice.

Underneath lies buried Christopher Wren, the builder of this church and city; who lived beyond the age of ninety years, not for himself, but for the public good.--Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you

That’s a fair claim, there was the evidence all around.

But the argument that says, look at the universe, someone or something must have created it, therefore it was created by a deity, is just an assumption. It’s a matter of belief.

Now to your gravity argument. It’s not that in 1500 BCE gravity didn’t exist, it’s that in 1500 BCE we probably didn’t even think of it. We just knew that if we dropped a stone axe it would fall to the ground. Later on gravity wasn’t discovered, it was explained.

Indeed sir... But one can't prove anything to those who will not be convinced.

Apparently not. :D
Pub you’re getting a bit confused. I don’t know if you’re realised it but USMB, as entertaining as it is, isn’t the Oxford Union. This is not formal debate, this is exchange of opinion.

No kiddin'?

So you feel that outside of formal debate, that invalid sources are okey dokey... given, no doubt to the principle that the bullshit you're shoveling needs every advantage it can get.

Hey Diur, you work it out anyway ya need to... I've noted that you feel it necessary to lean on dubious resources and the reasons why, so if you're good with that, it works for me.

Just know that such a notion undermines your every post, stripping you of what little credibility you may have otherwise enjoyed... and we can move right on to the next logical train-wreck you've set for consideration.

When I make a reference to God of the Gaps it means a couple of things.

1.I know that the idea of “God the Gaps” exists, I didn’t make it up.

2.Other people know the idea of “God of the Gaps” exists, the fact that there is a Wikipedia entry on it demonstrates that it is known.

If you Google the term you’ll find it has a few entries explaining its meaning in Christian apologetics and how the idea has been generalised into casual secular discussions.

Diur I believe I stipulated to the mythical "God of Gaps" fallacy existing... I merely meant to convey that the notion is nonsense; a fabrication designed to color the humanist position credible; meaning that the thesis underlying the projection is invalid; thus it is not a valid example of a logical fallacy; thus there is no such logical fallacy as the "God of Gaps"... this despite the rumors to the contrary.

It is a perspective drawn by a dishonest broker, designed to discredit the opposition by distracting from the argument and appealing to that which is not at issue; thus the erroneous assertion of the God of Gaps being a valid logical fallacy, is a fallacious appeal in and of itself. But let's not quibble over facts... as such is not central to any leftist argument.

Nothing we know can show there is a god. An appeal to ignorance? No, of course not, just a simple statement that bumps against Anselm and Aquinas and anyone else that ever advanced a teleological argument for the existence of a god.

When Sir Christopher Wren died and was buried in St Paul’s Cathedral, which he designed and built, his epitaph read:

Subtus conditur Hujus Ecclesias et Urbis Conditor, CHRISTOPHERUS WREN; Qui vixit annos ultra nonaginta, Non sibi, sed bono publico. Lector, si monumentum requiris, Circumspice.

Underneath lies buried Christopher Wren, the builder of this church and city; who lived beyond the age of ninety years, not for himself, but for the public good.--Reader, if you seek his monument, look around you

That’s a fair claim, there was the evidence all around.

But the argument that says, look at the universe, someone or something must have created it, therefore it was created by a deity, is just an assumption. It’s a matter of belief.

ROFL... Oh Diur, you absolutely kill me...

So the good Mr. Wren you claim built the church and city... I say BULLSHIT! I can show that this arch and that Wall; this street and THAT house were built at a time and place where Mr. Wren is known to be elsewhere. Thus (Using your own humanist reasoning... that this biological and that chemical and this and that physical cause and effect were responsible for : (Insert any assigned evidence of God here) thus the claim that Mr. Wren created the SPC is discredited...

See how that works? Now you may claim that the Cathedral and surrounding architecture was a result of the guidance, leadership and or inspiration of Mr. Wren and in truth you would be correct... as such is historically incontestable; but if you break the creation of SPC down to its root elements you'll find that there were hundreds of craftsmen, apprentices, masons and carpenters scattered througout the project who individually labored under his influence and direction... now take it to the absurd and discuss the physical, biological, chemical and electrical reactions of trillions upon trillions of cells which comprised those inividuals and then focus down to an exponentially greater number of atoms... which, through very predictable processes, ultimately resulted in what would at first glance appear to be a Cathedral, but what actually amounts to a random collection of atoms in various configurations, alinged and connected, correlated and set in that which could at any moment change to something totally distinct and this a function of random happenstance... which only appears to be a function of an organized effort... an 'inspired creation.'

Get the idea?

Oh sure... you can SAY that the grave marker and the historical evidence proves C. Wren built SPC... but scientific evidence clearly shows that such COULD have occured quite naturally and definitely occured in the certain absence of one C. Wren...

Now to your gravity argument. It’s not that in 1500 BCE gravity didn’t exist, it’s that in 1500 BCE we probably didn’t even think of it.

Now... NO SHIT? Are ya sure? Because I saw on the Discovery channel...


We just knew that if we dropped a stone axe it would fall to the ground. Later on gravity wasn’t discovered, it was explained.


Now guess what... if we think we understand, but we really don't... I mean even though we REALLY BELIEVE in gravity... but the doctrine of Gravity, the understanding of gravity that we are presently buying into... WITH THE BEST OF INTENTIONS... if that's wrong... GRAVITY DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN... it just keeps on advancing its certain characteristics, or principles... how ever ya want to look at it.

Indeed sir... But one can't prove anything to those who will not be convinced.

Apparently not. :D

While that's cute Diur... to be truly FUNNY it needs to have some element of truth and for you to imply that you've advanced a viable argument on this thread... well that's delusion of the highest order. You've rolled out one fallacious dead horse after another and while I'd like to throw ya a bone here... you've been throughly checked. You have absoltuely nowhere left to go.

But look Mate... don't feel bad; if you were to go to Oxford and find the absolutely brightest socialist fucks on the planet... the up and comers, the real whiz kids... and true believers to boot; they wouldn't do any better than you; and this is because your ideology is a lie and there's no means to make it truth.
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