In the dead of night the Senate passes $1.2 trillion government funding bill, sending it to Biden

This is a big reason why I can't support the GOP. That party consists of weaklings that constantly cave in to the opposition at the detriment of the American people. Our two party system has become a farce and it is way past time to change it. This is a big reason that I usually vote for 3rd party candidates. your vote doesn't matter. Why post here? Your opinion is irrelevant.
You’re in for a lot of disappointment in Jan 25
What disappointment would that be? I know what you think. A Trump victory and an all Republican Congress. :)
Ain't gonna happen, kiddo. Even if by some miracle Trump pulls out a win, you'll have a divided Congress.

More of the same.
career politicians your vote doesn't matter. Why post here? Your opinion is irrelevant.
Voting either Republican or Democrat doesn't help the American people. Too many career politicians taking special interest money to line their pockets. Keep voting this way and continue to watch our country slide into the abyss.
Yep, however, there are some other issues that need to be addressed before that can happen.
The first and biggest....are taxes. Then we can talk about spending. Of course you'll have to see two wars ended first before that can happen.
1. What "cover" does the Budget give Matt Gates?
2. What about taxes? IMHO we need more revenue. Here are my new revenue options:
  • Close tax loop-holes +$1.5T
    Fix SS net zero (raise cap & ages 1-year)
    Fix Medicare net zero (raise tax & co-pay)
    Send Medicaid to the states +$500b
  • Add new 0.2% transaction tax +$150b
  • Add new remittance tax +$6b
  • Remove Capital Gains Tax loop-hole +$100b/yr
    Send Welfare to the states +$1.3T
    Send Education to the states +$300b
    Eliminate all personal tax deductions +??????? (keep business deductions)
    Collect all taxes owed +$400b

RFK Jr is a threat to both political parties and they are doing their best to undermine his campaign. Americans have been brainwashed into supporting the major parties at their detriment.
career politicians

Voting either Republican or Democrat doesn't help the American people. Too many career politicians taking special interest money to line their pockets. Keep voting this way and continue to watch our country slide into the abyss.
So you should be pushing for TERM LIMITS
I'm sure that after this vote many of the politicians of both parties will toast each other at a cocktail party.
This is a big reason why I can't support the GOP. That party consists of weaklings that constantly cave in to the opposition at the detriment of the American people. Our two party system has become a farce and it is way past time to change it. This is a big reason that I usually vote for 3rd party candidates.
Translation: there is THEM and US. They get rich, live large right now no matter what. They now arrest, bankrupt and torture those not willing to let them continue on.
That's the House vote......Try to keep up. ;)

As far as DEI.....Cut a head off the leftist dem Hydra and another grows in it's place.

Ahso, it was a given to pass the Senate, but here's the roll call...




WASHINGTON — The Senate voted 74-24 early Saturday morning to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government funding bill after heated last-minute negotiations caused senators to breach the midnight deadline to avert a shutdown.

But the funding lapse was brief and technical, having no meaningful impact as the White House said it has "ceased shutdown preparations" due to a Senate agreement, which came after Republicans demanded votes on a series of amendments.

The legislation, which passed the House on Friday morning by a vote of 268-134, now goes to President Joe Biden, who has said he'll sign it into law. It completes a turbulent government funding process during the divided government, featuring a year of haggling, six months of stopgap bills and intense partisan clashes over money and policy along the way.

Once Biden signs the package into law, the full government will be funded through the end of September, after Congress passed a previous $459 billion tranche of money earlier this month. The total spending level for the fiscal year is $1.659 trillion.

Passed in the dead of night as usual....The Firm wins again....America loses.

I can't find a for or against list yet but you can bet it's the usual gop pukes that voted for it.


That is only a little over 100 days of Potatohead's debt. Very stupid to fund the government with borrowed money instead of cutting back on spending.

Idiots in Congress of both parties. Anybody that voted for a Democrat or RINO is a moron.

The 17th Amendment was a big screw up. The Senate should be appointed by the States to look after the State's rights, not be an extension of the House of Representatives.
It matters so much that your "republicans" just proved that they are indistinguishable from the "democrats" that they allegedly oppose.

They just showed that your vote is 100% worthless, and your opinion is irrelevant.
1. There are always RINOs and guys "owned" by their donors.
When the dollar collapses you'll see how responsible BOTH parties were. (neither cut spending)

2. My vote kept democrats from controlling the House and spending even more, duh.

3. Everyone's opinion is irrelevant, duh.
I'm sure that after this vote many of the politicians of both parties will toast each other at a cocktail party.
Agreed. And no one with 1/2 a brain is willing to risk a try for any office for themselves (all around them) to be destoyed by MSM, bankrupted and jailed. Quite the setup they have going. Trump was the last best only hope then the launched a virus and rigged 2020. No one will rock the boat again.
View attachment 921245

That is only a little over 100 days of Potatohead's debt. Very stupid to fund the government with borrowed money instead of cutting back on spending.

Idiots in Congress of both parties. Anybody that voted for a Democrat or RINO is a moron.

The 17th Amendment was a big screw up. The Senate should be appointed by the States to look after the State's rights, not be an extension of the House of Representatives.
They're not idiots...They're now straight-up stealing with both hands.
1. There are always RINOs and guys "owned" by their donors.
When the dollar collapses you'll see how responsible BOTH parties were. (neither cut spending)
If you mean the near entirety of the GOP, yes.
2. My vote kept democrats from controlling the House and spending even more, duh.
There's zero evidence to support that claim....In fact there's scads of evidence to the contrary, in the years 2000-06.
3. Everyone's opinion is irrelevant, duh.
There you have it.
1. What "cover" does the Budget give Matt Gates?
2. What about taxes? IMHO we need more revenue. Here are my new revenue options:
  • Close tax loop-holes +$1.5T
    Fix SS net zero (raise cap & ages 1-year)
    Fix Medicare net zero (raise tax & co-pay)
    Send Medicaid to the states +$500b
  • Add new 0.2% transaction tax +$150b
  • Add new remittance tax +$6b
  • Remove Capital Gains Tax loop-hole +$100b/yr
    Send Welfare to the states +$1.3T
    Send Education to the states +$300b
    Eliminate all personal tax deductions +??????? (keep business deductions)
    Collect all taxes owed +$400b

The moderates who voted for the bill give MTG, Roy, Gaetz and their ilk the cover to bluster on the steps of the Capitol. The moderates take the bullet so the fringe can complain and move for the Speaker's removal.

On taxes, a lot of your list here, I agree with.
For SS, remove the caps for both contribution and income level but leave the age alone (you should be able to retire if you've paid into the system and want to).
I'm pretty sure Medicaid money is already sent to states that vote for it and want it. There are a lot of red states that just won't do it.

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