in the latest battle for the soul of America, the only way to beat Trump is to nominate Joe Biden!

Robert E. Lee wasn’t “great.” He was a slave owner. He fought to preserve slavery. That brutal racism still plagues this country and still directly shapes the lives of Black Americans.

When you praise Lee, you're praising bigotry.
Biden in 1972: i became suicidal, went to the streets at night looking for fight, lost faith in God...after my wife died in car crash...i didn't want to be a Senator life was over

the poor soul!
So like a typical Democrat, he joined with Obama, to fuck all of the US citizens so he could share in his sorry ass misery. Thanks Joe...
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
What's good about Joe?

You do realize he's Establishment right?

Do you really believe that's what the American people want, or need right now?

Do you really believe the American want:

- near double digit unemployment
- dependency on foreign oil
- The government keeping more of the paycheck.
- Open Borders
- Appeasement as to what the rest of the world wants?

Finally, Trump isn’t Establishment yet here you are complaining about a candidate who is Establishment.
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
Yeah right.
A few weeks ago you were crooning for Beto.
What happened to the party of diversity? Coughs up another male, pale and stale party elitist like a cat with a hairball .
I still like Beto. ANYONE BUT TRUMP!
Uh huh.
How many pro Trump threads did you post again?

Some of us pay attention to this stuff.
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
Yeah right.
A few weeks ago you were crooning for Beto.
What happened to the party of diversity? Coughs up another male, pale and stale party elitist like a cat with a hairball .
I still like Beto. ANYONE BUT TRUMP!
Uh huh.
How many pro Trump threads did you post again?

Some of us pay attention to this stuff.
i'm an equal opportunity critic. some things i agree with Trump on, some things i disagree with.
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
Yeah right.
A few weeks ago you were crooning for Beto.
What happened to the party of diversity? Coughs up another male, pale and stale party elitist like a cat with a hairball .
I still like Beto. ANYONE BUT TRUMP!
Uh huh.
How many pro Trump threads did you post again?

Some of us pay attention to this stuff.
i'm an equal opportunity critic. some things i agree with Trump on, some things i disagree with.
Me thinks you just like to stir shit up.
The circus that follows is always entertaining however.
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads.
"On CNN, a descendant of Robert E Lee just called the president a white supremacist, and said when his words are watched from the future looking back, that will be undeniable."
being president is common sense, folks. you have to have a good heart like Joe, but it's common sense!
"On CNN, a descendant of Robert E Lee just called the president a white supremacist, and said when his words are watched from the future looking back, that will be undeniable."
Why is it that people of color who live in countries other than the United States, have 3rd world shitholes? Why are inner cities like those 3rd world shitholes?
Soros will only run an genuine, accredited anti American Jihadist, someone who was never proud of the country, a crossdresser involved in the Failed Coup.

When the dust clears, the only First Lady who stands to pee will be their nominee
I can’t believe it’s 2019 and we’re fighting about the fucking civil war. It was bad. The south lost. The North won. Can we be done with yet another spectacular moment of trumpian stupid?
Historians consider Robert E. Lee a mediocre General who - Lost despite a massive home field advantage - Wasted thousands of his own soldiers’ lives to extend a campaign he knew was lost out of vanity - Rejected multiple post-war opportunities from Grant to help reunite the USA
In 2008, who could win wasn’t as much on people’s minds. This time, who can win and who can beat Donald Trump is Democrats’ number one criteria...I really do think it’s different because of Donald Trump. Democrats have never felt the intensity that they feel right now about getting rid of someone they believe ruined the country and violates every value they have.
What's good about Joe?

You do realize he's Establishment right?

Do you really believe that's what the American people want, or need right now?

What the American people want right now, what they NEED right now, is Donald J. Trump to be elected to a 2nd term.

The economy is booming and America is on the road back. Hurling the nation and the world into a New Green Economic Grave would be catastrophic. Do we really need for Minority Youths to be sent back to the ranks of the idle looking for trouble? Now, so many more of the young urbanite are working, and not hanging out on the street corners of the Ghetto, drinking fine wine and smoking expensive newports.
Biden will be gone about mid way through the process. I am actually surprised that Beto appears to be toast.

Clinton will be the nominee. Harris as VP.

I'm thinking Harris is going to be in there one way or another either as P or VP candidate.

You almost gotta laugh. After parading a clown car full of socialists and wierdoes it seems the left finally feels comfortable with America's crazy old uncle. Go Joe, the hypocrite left loves the way you handle women.
"On CNN, a descendant of Robert E Lee just called the president a white supremacist, and said when his words are watched from the future looking back, that will be undeniable."
I can’t believe it’s 2019 and we’re fighting about the fucking civil war. It was bad. The south lost. The North won. Can we be done with yet another spectacular moment of trumpian stupid?
The south lost. The North won. Can we be done with yet another spectacular moment of trumpian stupid?
The Democrats lost, the Republicans won. Can we be done with yet another spectacular moment of Liberal Stupidity?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

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