In the UK, you could be jailed for 15 years for looking at Bare Naked Islam


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Why lefts hate the Second Amendment and always outlaw the private possession of guns. Because they can enforce anything they please to enslaved folks. Would UK's commies dare to issue such 'laws' if Brits would have guns?Probably not.
LV shooting was definitively a False Flag action purposing abolishment of the Second Amendment. Look what can happen if folks are disarmed.Crazy leftist whores fighting for Sharia law in UK and punish patriots more worst as Lenin, Hitler or Stalin ( all three were liberal socialists and against private possession of guns )

People who watch videos which expose terrorist propaganda online (much of which is found at BNI) could face up to 15 years behind bars, Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced, in a move designed to tighten laws tackling radicalization. How about reading the quran online? There’s hardly a book that matches the quran for incitement to violence and the killing of billions of people who are not believers in Islam. Not to worry, only people who attempt to expose what the quran preaches will go to jail.

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In the UK, you could be jailed for 15 years for looking at Bare Naked Islam


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