In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 43 51.2%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 24 28.6%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 20.2%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
You're delusional, gramps. This shows Trump got votes...

Drawing your own charts now Faun ? HA HA HA. Oh, man. We're gonna have a field day with this one, guys.

Well, my chart (DIFFERENT THAN YOURS) shows a flat red line. Somehow you have come up with a chart showing a red line that is slightly vertical (although still much less votes than Biden's vertical line).
How is that, Faun ?

Also, my charts have a SOURCE listed What's your source, Faun ? The Faun powerpoint/photoshop kitchen ? :rolleyes:

And my source (FiveThirtyEight) is well-rated by Media Bias Fact Check >>



And I guess your little concoction that you thought you could slip by us, can't be rated by MBFC, since they don't rate stuff people concocted on their own.
His "evidence" is a joke.
Its all hearsay from butt hurt crybaby Trump supporters and all the judges in America rejected it.

These people literally think Trump has this magic evidence that will make him president, but all the judges (and other people with credibility) in America are "paid off" and ignoring this election changing evidence

He's a child that can't admit he lost.
You know NOTHING about my evidence, MR QUIZ ZERO. And are you going to concoct charts of your own too ? Looks like that's becoming the next step in leftist propaganda spin methodology.
You mean the evidence you couldn't prove? Like your bullshit claim that 35,000 fake ballots were injected into the election for each Democratic candidate in Pima County?
Wow. How many times have I debunked that BS line now, and here he is, still pushing it. HA HA HA HA. Oh man, the Faun clown show is on, folks.

Are you saying Trump DIDN'T say this...??

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Interesting how I described in DETAIL how your silly post has no substance, and you come right back with the same silly post again, Sorry pal, it was OBLITERATED in Post # 391.

You can't come back with the same BS line that was just SHREDDED a few minutes ago. I'm gettng a look at how really weak poster you are, Faun.
Your “evidence” is about as useless as you are.
Oh, so you claim to have read it, do you ? Otherwise, you wouldnt know anything about it, right ? Right XC ? Right ? Right ? :biggrin:

I'll venture a guess that you're just as airhead on it as Faun, and his little teddy bear, banker boy.
His "evidence" is a joke.
Its all hearsay from butt hurt crybaby Trump supporters and all the judges in America rejected it.

These people literally think Trump has this magic evidence that will make him president, but all the judges (and other people with credibility) in America are "paid off" and ignoring this election changing evidence

He's a child that can't admit he lost.

True, but he's also crazy. He's claiming Trump didn't get a single vote in the 4am batch in Wisconsin...

True, but he's also crazy. He's claiming Trump didn't get a single vote in the 4am batch in Wisconsin...

View attachment 765475
The web of lies these people need to support their other lies is beyond belief, especially now that all the attorneys are being censured for lying to the court and the Dominion Lawsuit is exposing the behind the scenes emails from Fox news exposing other lies.

You need to answer these questions:

Why are Jenna Ellis (and the other Trump lawyers) getting censured for lying to the courts???
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied to the courts??

If she is innocent, why does she not just simply prove her innocence??? Now is her chance to present your bullshit evidence so she can prove her innocence, yet she does not do it, instead admitting she lied and has no evidence??? (how can that be?)

Why would every court in the US reject Trump's supposed evidence, wouldn't the US courts want to know the truth about election fraud? Why did numerous judges say there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud. Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"

Why do Ivanaka Trump, AG Barr, GOP election officials, all the people at Fox news, and Dept of justice and Homeland security all say no fraud? Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"

Protectionists talks way too much bullshit talk to keep avoiding these questions.
Last edited:
Wow. How many times have I debunked that BS line now, and here he is, still pushing it. HA HA HA HA. Oh man, the Faun clown show is on, folks.


Zero times.

A batch of votes apparently came in at 8:06. I say apparently since you didn't prove that either. Like everything else, you just said it and expect others to believe it merely because you said it. But then, with absolutely no proof at all, you simply, idiotically declared illegal ballots for Democratic candidates were "injected" into that batch.

Interesting how I described in DETAIL how your silly post has no substance, and you come right back with the same silly post again, Sorry pal, it was OBLITERATED in Post # 391.

You can't come back with the same BS line that was just SHREDDED a few minutes ago. I'm gettng a look at how really weak poster you are, Faun.

Because nothing you say can erase Trump recommending the shutdowns. It will never go away just because you find it inconvenient.

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
more normal than the trash that rioted at the Capitol and beat cops, based on total lies. You people look like fools on those Jan 6th Insurrection videos.
ya dig

I guess you're just a dumbshit huh? How many leftists riot, beat up and kill cops in comparison?

That's right dumbass, there is no comparison.

Hey dumbfuck, how many people were charged for an insurrection?
Because nothing you say can erase Trump recommending the shutdowns. It will never go away just because you find it inconvenient.
Trump did what his medical experts advised.
That little coxucker Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab.
Place the blame where it belongs.
Trump did what his medical experts advised.
That little coxucker Fau-Chi caused the pandemic by funding GOF research at the Wuhan Lab.
Place the blame where it belongs.

I am placing the blame where it belongs. The buck stops at the president's desk, not with their advisors. Trump's was the final voice in making those recommendations which came out of his mouth.

Making up charts of your own now, Faun >
Wanna see how Crazy Democrats are ? Read Faun's posts.
True, but he's also crazy. He's claiming Trump didn't get a single vote in the 4am batch in Wisconsin...

View attachment 765475
:puhleeze: >>> FAKE CHART - where did it come from ? My guess is Faun created it, with powerpoint, photoshop or both. My charts are linked to a reliable source.

The more Faux tries to push this FAKERY, the more he loses credibility. Not my problem. :biggrin:

It's the chart YOU posted. Same source. I merely but the blue line BEHIND the red line which shows Trump got votes in that batch.
HAHA HA. NO, it is NOT the chart I posted. It is DIFFERENT than mine. My chart has a flat line for Trump. It also has a source ((FiveThirtyEight), well-rated by Media Bias Fact Check. Yours has no source because you fabricated it to try to push your lies about the vote counts.

You are despicable, Faux. You should resign from this forum. Hang your head in shame for the scam you've been trying to perpetrate here. Good thing I caught you.

In the old days, they had a special penalty for guys like you >>
I am placing the blame where it belongs. The buck stops at the president's desk, not with their advisors. Trump's was the final voice in making those recommendations which came out of his mouth.
He sticks to this silly thing, even though it's been shot to pieces 100 times. :slap:
Zero times.

A batch of votes apparently came in at 8:06. I say apparently since you didn't prove that either. Like everything else, you just said it and expect others to believe it merely because you said it. But then, with absolutely no proof at all, you simply, idiotically declared illegal ballots for Democratic candidates were "injected" into that batch.
Everybody knows what the Wisconsin & Michigan charts I posted, represent, including the phonies who create scenarios to try to make something different out of them.

Going back to the title of this thread, this is how truly CRAZY these loose screws are.
Making up charts of your own now, Faun >
Wanna see how Crazy Democrats are ? Read Faun's posts.

:puhleeze: >>> FAKE CHART - where did it come from ? My guess is Faun created it, with powerpoint, photoshop or both. My charts are linked to a reliable source.

The more Faux tries to push this FAKERY, the more he loses credibility. Not my problem. :biggrin:

Nope, that's YOUR chart. Only with the blue line in the back in the a.m..

HAHA HA. NO, it is NOT the chart I posted. It is DIFFERENT than mine. My chart has a flat line for Trump. It also has a source ((FiveThirtyEight), well-rated by Media Bias Fact Check. Yours has no source because you fabricated it to try to push your lies about the vote counts.

You are despicable, Faux. You should resign from this forum. Hang your head in shame for the scam you've been trying to perpetrate here. Good thing I caught you.

In the old days, they had a special penalty for guys like you >>

The data for the chart I showed is also from fivethirtyeight.

Don't blame me because you're too ignorant to read a chart.

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