In Trying to Fire Mueller, Trump Digs His Own Legal Grave

It's all about the intention, not the outcome. If someone pours gasoline in a building, and then lights it with a match, but the fire later goes out, they still charge him with trying to burn down the building, whether he succeeded or not
He actually has to do someting, moron, not just think about it. I can think about murdering someone all day long, and even tell someone "I'd like to kill that guy," but until I take some concrete steps, I haven't broken any laws.

Like the arsonist in my example, Trump ordered the white house staff to write the letter firing Comey, and the white house lawyers (McGahn in particular) got a copy of the letter, and he told Trump it would be problematic, and Trump had a new better letter to fire Comey made up, based on Sessions and Rosensteins recommendation letters

So you had an intentional act of ordering the letter to fire Comey written.
It's all about the intention, not the outcome.
As goes obstruction of justice and other crimes having mens rea as part of a prosecutor's burden of proof, yes.

There was an interesting episode of Law and Order, where a hit man shot a guy in bed. So they were going to charge him with murder. But the coroner's autopsy found that the guy died of a heart attack hours before the guy shot him, so they couldn't charge him with murdering somebody who was already dead.

But under New York law, they charged him with attempted 1st degree murder, which carries the same penalty as 1st degree murder
There was an interesting episode of Law and Order...the coroner's autopsy found that the [victim] died of a heart attack hours before the guy shot him, so they couldn't charge him with murdering somebody who was already dead. But under New York law, they charged him with attempted 1st degree murder, which carries the same penalty as 1st degree murder
That they could not so charge him is a function of actus reus, not mens rea.

There was an interesting episode of Law and Order...the coroner's autopsy found that the [victim] died of a heart attack hours before the guy shot him, so they couldn't charge him with murdering somebody who was already dead. But under New York law, they charged him with attempted 1st degree murder, which carries the same penalty as 1st degree murder

While I know something about jurisprudential theory, I don't know enough about NY law to say whether, given the circumstances as you've described them, such a charge would prevail at trial. I can foresee ways in which it could, but I know too that all of those ways are mighty "heavy lifts," for there are many things that need to be shown that someone who shot a corpse did so intending to be the cause of the former person's (i.e., one who is no longer a person because they are dead) demise. Of course, in "television land," no matter how much basis in fact a fictional program has, it's not nearly so difficult as it is in real life to prevail in such matters.
...and the attempted liberal distraction of America from the FBI's treason continues. .
Mr. Utter Incompetence has stomped your

liberal asses and your corrupt media into total stupidity......
The Orange Dooshbag is president only because voters grew complacent.

They refused to believe American voters could be stupid enough to elect the Orange Shitbag.

You Communists sure didn't turn complacent.

You fucking traitors colluded with Russia to thwart our elections and corrupted the FBI to tamper with elections and attempt a coup on a sitting president.

Digenova condemned the FBI for working so closely with the controversial Fusion GPS, a political hit squad paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to create and spread the discredited Steele dossier about President Trump. "Without a justifiable law enforcement or national security reason, he says the FBI "created false facts" so that they could get surveillance warrants. Those are all crimes. He ads, using official FISA-702 'queries' and surveillance was done to create a false case against a candidate, and then a president."

"The FBI now has to be completely reconstructed from the ground up, the men and woman at the FBI are great people, that is not who we are talking about, we are talking about people like James Comey, McCabe, Strzoke, Page, Baker,Rosenstein and others. There is a huge civil liability for these and other individuals.

"It is also now very clear that the 'Russian Collusion' was a complete fabrication by the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS, and Senior DOJ & FBI officials. There is literally no evidence whatsoever that has ever been produced of any Trump / Russia collusion and the Christopher Steel Dossier is not at all credible; in fact Rod Rosenstein himself wrote in his appointment letter and memorandum about it that there is no evidence of any crime by Donald Trump, but 'for political reasons there should be an investigation'. The truth is that the appointment of a Special Council was completely unnecessary, there was no need or justification of it.}

You Communist fucks tried to overthrown the United States government, but you failed.

Do you know what happens to traitors who stage a coup and fail?

Hey, they would offer you a cigarette as you stand against the wall commie; but smoking is bad for you...

trump supporter are the ONLY traitors in this country, asshole. You're the only ones afraid of getting to the truth.

If the Russians DID interfere with our elections, we have to know it. What are you afraid of? Do you think the dooshbag you love will be found to have stolen the election?

Don't be afraid of the truth, little one. The big bad Truth won't hurt you. But your new Jesus wannabe, trump, could very likely give you a big bad STD. He's a sleazy Pig, you know.

The sleazy pigs are on the left....

The truth will come out...

President Donald J. Trump is kicking liberal ass....
It's all about the intention, not the outcome. If someone pours gasoline in a building, and then lights it with a match, but the fire later goes out, they still charge him with trying to burn down the building, whether he succeeded or not
He actually has to do someting, moron, not just think about it. I can think about murdering someone all day long, and even tell someone "I'd like to kill that guy," but until I take some concrete steps, I haven't broken any laws.

Like the arsonist in my example, Trump ordered the white house staff to write the letter firing Comey, and the white house lawyers (McGahn in particular) got a copy of the letter, and he told Trump it would be problematic, and Trump had a new better letter to fire Comey made up, based on Sessions and Rosensteins recommendation letters

So you had an intentional act of ordering the letter to fire Comey written.
I'm glad you like examples that prove you're a dumbass.

If I buy a gun, I still haven't killed anyone. To be charged with attempted murder, i actually have to point a loaded gun at my intended victim and pull the trigger. If the police stop me for drnk driving on the way to his house, they can't charge with attempted murder.

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But under New York law, they charged him with attempted 1st degree murder, which carries the same penalty as 1st degree murder
So? You can't charge a guy with murder if he didn't actually kill anyone.

Isn't that what I just said. Geeeezzzzzzzzzz
You are saying you can, dumbass, but you're so fucking stupid that you posted an example that proves your theory wrong.

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