In unexpected snub California Democrats refuse to endorse Feinstein for relection

Before U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein could finish her speech at the California Democratic Party convention Saturday, the music began playing to indicate she had used her allotted time.

She kept talking. The music got louder. "I guess my time is up," Feinstein conceded as what sounded like a 1940's movie score continued playing.

Without missing a beat, supporters of her opponent, State Sen. Kevin de León echoed her statement in a chant: "Your time is up! Your time is up!," a not so subtle reference to Feinstein's 25 years in the U.S. Senate.

It was a sign of things to come. The grassroots Democratic activists gathered at the party's annual convention in San Diego this weekend implicitly rebuked the state's senior U.S. Senator by denying her the party's endorsement for her re-election bid.

Feinstein finished far behind de León, the top Democrat in the state Senate. De León received 54 percent of delegates' votes to just 37 percent for Feinstein. It takes 60 percent to receive an endorsement.

boos from the liberal crowd. She lost the party endorsement to her opponent John Van de Kamp but got the nomination anyway, ultimately losing the November election to Pete Wilson.
Feinstein, De León Present Sharp Contrasts at Democratic Convention

She is right wing. You know, it's the big umbrella crap.

Kevin de León? Is he a descendant of that Latin white male invader Ponce de León? The Conquistador?

California...subjugating women to the patriarchy again....
"Dianne Feinstein, 84, has spent her 4 full terms in the US Senate with great loyalty & servitude to the CIA & NSA & various wars. She now wants her 5th full term. But the California Dem Party just refused to endorse her; they prefer her opponent by 54-37%" - Wacky Glenn Greenwald
she's not radical enough for them, maybe it was when she acknowledged that there was no proof of collusion...


SAN DIEGO — Despite over a quarter-century representing California in the Senate, Dianne Feinstein in a humiliating setback was denied the endorsement of the California Democratic Party on Saturday, signaling a shift away from moderates at the highest levels of the state political infrastructure.

State Sen. Kevin De León, offering the strongest challenge to Feinstein since her election, garnered 54 percent of the vote of nearly 3,000 delegates gathered here at the state convention, compared to just 37 percent for Feinstein. The state party endorsement gives candidates coveted placement on state party mailers and can raise the profile of candidates who may have a deficit in fundraising.
California Democratic Party declines to endorse Dianne Feinstein in re-election bid

You gotta be kidding me. One of the DimocRAT leaders in the Senate and her hometown party hacks are turning their backs on her!

Will they do the same thing to Queen Nancy? Not a word about it in the article @ California Democratic Party won't endorse Dianne Feinstein that you need to disable your adblocker to read.
If Pelosi isn't "radical" enough to suit the California Democrat Party, we have a real problem here folks.
De Leon is a total screwball. The Senate is better off with Di Fi
California just needs to get it over with and cede from The Union.

Feinstein seemed to at least on he surface have some ethics, as imperfect as she was.

I didn’t agree with her politics, but I’d The Democrat Party has no place for her, they are now no different than The Nazi party which began to take over The Weimar Democrat Republic by pushing Identity Politics and Monolithic Agendas.

That woman was all about surveillance and crap.
They picked an anchor baby over Feinstein, his mother was an illegal from Guatemala, he recently testified that half his family is at risk of deportation under Trump. So basically Mexico is trying to take over the U.S. Senate.
He didn't have enough. He absolutely did better than she did.
Liberal elites thought they could control the voting vermin they needed to stay in power, but they cannot.

Now the parasites are destroying the host.

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