Inauguration ceremony begins with laying of wreath at tomb of the unknowns

The Trump family is truly beautiful, they look like the American version of the royal family. It will be good to have class and style in the White House again.

I prefer the natural grace, class, dignity, humor and intelligence of the current occupants of the White House and will miss that when they are gone. We Americans don't need a royal family, or royal pretenders.

Botox and facelifts, tummy tucks and boobie lifts, bellicosity and self-affirmation can only go so far :D
remember when he was chewing gum and walking with a limp at a leaders conference? But if burger king etiquette is your thing...
The Trump family is truly beautiful, they look like the American version of the royal family. It will be good to have class and style in the White House again.
Some leftist hack somewhere out there is declaring this act to be a very reliable indicator of Trump's totalitarian nationalistic & hyper-jingoistic tendencies as said by Theodore Adorno in his cultural Marxist classic, "The Authoritarian Personality".
The Trump family is truly beautiful, they look like the American version of the royal family. It will be good to have class and style in the White House again.

I prefer the natural grace, class, dignity, humor and intelligence of the current occupants of the White House and will miss that when they are gone. We Americans don't need a royal family, or royal pretenders.

Botox and facelifts, tummy tucks and boobie lifts, bellicosity and self-affirmation can only go so far :D
remember when he was chewing gum and walking with a limp at a leaders conference? But if burger king etiquette is your thing...
Have a point in there you dumb broad?
I prefer the natural grace, class, dignity, humor and intelligence of the current occupants of the White House and will miss that when they are gone. We Americans don't need a royal family, or royal pretenders.

Botox and facelifts, tummy tucks and boobie lifts, bellicosity and self-affirmation can only go so far :D
remember when he was chewing gum and walking with a limp at a leaders conference? But if burger king etiquette is your thing...
not working
Too cool for you
and apparently too smart for you. Do you need me to show you how to post an image, snowflake?
Come here, take my hand..
It's not my fault your computer sucks or you don't know how to get rid of spyware.
It seems the Democrats will continue their sore loser attitude, even in this thread.

Pathetic, and it's not going to help you win future elections to act like such crybabies.

It wasn't real classy of them to send little Baron off the plane all by himself with what looked like a family fresh off the trailer park schlepping down the steps behind the poor kid.
I don't see how anyone could say trump has class... but after all, the precedent has been set! Thanks leftists!

I disagree. I think the Obama's had class and dignity. You can bitch about policy all you want and have a point there.
The Trump family is truly beautiful, they look like the American version of the royal family. It will be good to have class and style in the White House again.

I prefer the natural grace, class, dignity, humor and intelligence of the current occupants of the White House and will miss that when they are gone. We Americans don't need a royal family, or royal pretenders.

Botox and facelifts, tummy tucks and boobie lifts, bellicosity and self-affirmation can only go so far :D

I think you mean the ghetto family that includes the president's she-man wife.
The Trump family is truly beautiful, they look like the American version of the royal family. It will be good to have class and style in the White House again.

I prefer the natural grace, class, dignity, humor and intelligence of the current occupants of the White House and will miss that when they are gone. We Americans don't need a royal family, or royal pretenders.

Botox and facelifts, tummy tucks and boobie lifts, bellicosity and self-affirmation can only go so far :D
You mean you prefer black assholes who have facilitated murder, racism, and death in the face of a scandalized, and disgusted, nation.

The Trumps have all the dignity, beauty and grace. True, diverse, hardworking, intelligent and appreciative. Our new first family is awesome. But they need to get a PitBull for the white house.
I don't see how anyone could say trump has class... but after all, the precedent has been set! Thanks leftists!

I disagree. I think the Obama's had class and dignity. You can bitch about policy all you want and have a point there.
Chewing gum and walking with a limp at a world leaders conference isn't class. Its pathetic.
So it is class to talk of women's pussies and to mock the handicapped. Jeepers!
Much classier for presidents to get blowjobs under the Oval Office Desk from interns thirty years younger, and then unleash your wife aka Democratic candidate on them as your attack dog, don't you think?
"I'm proud to be an American" is being played at Inauguration, and I'm shedding tears of happiness and pride.

It's been a tough eight years for us real Americans, but now we have a President who understands us.

Our long national nightmare is finally over.
Been a long time since I enjoyed an inauguration ceremony. This is soo cool!!

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