Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

and they still pay dues to a good for nothing outfit called unions.

I'll pay 3% of my wages if it means I make 15% more than everyone else.
but you don't, and that's what is sad. there are no statistics to show that difference. At least none you've posted.

All I need to do is remember you guys crying that they made more. More than Toyota and Honda workers.

Lets just take one small thing that union workers get that you don't. They get pensions. If your non union buddy at Nissan doesn't get one then he makes less.

You fools don't see what's happening. You will though.

Nissan Is Growing Like Crazy In Tennessee, And Most New Hires Are Long-Term Temps

Although you won't judge Republicans nearly as harshly as you do Democrats. Example Bush = Great Recession and Obama (without being given stimulus) 2% growth and you have the balls to say Obama was the worse? LOL
Pensions? pensions are unsustainable. you know this right? I laugh at goofs like you.

But paying a CEO $40 million when he leaves the company is sustainable?

Drudge: Roger Ailes Leaving Fox in $40 Million Severance Deal
It's good work if you can get it. That's mostly options and on the heads of the BOD. The heads of unions get paid pretty well too.
There has been 16 years of Democrat Presidential rule since Reagan. The labor unions were their voting block. And you want to blame Republicans for that?

I'm not going to argue with you because you believe things even without evidence. You are the perfect example of a sheep.
You are not going to argue with me over this because you realize that you have already lost.
Nope. I've had these arguments 20 years ago. I thought the discussion was over but now here you guys are again making those same bad arguments.

I can't stop you. Do whatever it is you want. I'm going to get my popcorn and sit back and watch.
What bad argument? That Democrats threw the coal miners and pipeline construction unions under the bus? That argument didn't exist 20 years ago. It is time to update your argument.

Lets see your results.
I just gave you two examples.
Lol, wrong
Lee Harvey Oswald's Motivation in the Kennedy Assassination
Oswald was a self-proclaimed Marxist since adolescence who defected to the USSR in 1959 on his own initiative, offering to trade on his military experience with the Marines. Oswald's ideal of a Soviet utopia was immediately soured by bureaucratic indifference, causing Oswald to adopt revolutionary Marxism as opposed to institutionalized Leninism, perhaps inspired by some Cuban students he befriended while living in Minsk. By the time Oswald and his Russian-born wife Marina leave the USSR in June 1962, Oswald sees in the Castro revolution a truer form of socialism — one not corrupted by Soviet Communist Party Officials and their perks.

Assassination Archive and Research Center


Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Hey stupid? Lee Harvey Oswald was a devout marxist/communist. And killing Kennedy did not change power - the Democrats remained in power. It just transferred from Kennedy to LBJ. Epic fail. Epic lie.
That was fake news. What, do you think fake news is new?
LOL... we have a jumper on the Huey P. Long bridge here in NOLA.... wonder if it is a Snowflake.
That and truth. We didn't have to get violen to win in 2006 or 2008. We simply had to let Republicans be themselves.

in industries where union density is high, even non-union firms pay their workers more to meet the standards set by unions.
It's almost like you are unaware of the changing demographics of the Democratic Party over the last 8 years.

It's almost like you want to ignore the GOP's history with labor and wages. And just because Trump said he's anti NAFTA doesn't mean the GOP are. But did you even ask your representative how he/she feels about NAFTA? No you did not.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized),

Enough talk. So far Trump is 2000 jobs in the hole on day one.

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs
Ignore it why would I want to do that? You tell me their history of labor and wages? That it should be market driven? You want government to set it?

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term, ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton. Prior to sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment

The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

Many American small businesses depend on exporting their products to Canada or Mexico under NAFTA. According to the U.S. Trade Representative, this trade supports over 140,000 small- and medium-sized businesses in the US.

According to the Economic Policy Institute, California, Texas, Michigan and other states with high concentrations of manufacturing jobs were most affected by job loss due to NAFTA. EPI economist Robert Scott estimates some 682,900 U.S. jobs have been "lost or displaced" as a result of the trade agreement.

I want to see the GOP fix NAFTA
Well... you got a populist president who talked the protectionist talk. We'll have to see if he and Congress walk the walk. Expect prices to go up if they do.
I was listening to him on the way home. I hope I'm wrong and he does what he says
I'll pay 3% of my wages if it means I make 15% more than everyone else.
but you don't, and that's what is sad. there are no statistics to show that difference. At least none you've posted.

All I need to do is remember you guys crying that they made more. More than Toyota and Honda workers.

Lets just take one small thing that union workers get that you don't. They get pensions. If your non union buddy at Nissan doesn't get one then he makes less.

You fools don't see what's happening. You will though.

Nissan Is Growing Like Crazy In Tennessee, And Most New Hires Are Long-Term Temps

Although you won't judge Republicans nearly as harshly as you do Democrats. Example Bush = Great Recession and Obama (without being given stimulus) 2% growth and you have the balls to say Obama was the worse? LOL
Pensions? pensions are unsustainable. you know this right? I laugh at goofs like you.

But paying a CEO $40 million when he leaves the company is sustainable?

Drudge: Roger Ailes Leaving Fox in $40 Million Severance Deal
I never said it was. I merely just asked you whether or not you thought pensions were sustainable. You must agree with me since you deflected.
So don't offer them. Instead give them a raise. Ford had a choice pension or raise. They chose pension
It's almost like you are unaware of the changing demographics of the Democratic Party over the last 8 years.

It's almost like you want to ignore the GOP's history with labor and wages. And just because Trump said he's anti NAFTA doesn't mean the GOP are. But did you even ask your representative how he/she feels about NAFTA? No you did not.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized),

Enough talk. So far Trump is 2000 jobs in the hole on day one.

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs
Ignore it why would I want to do that? You tell me their history of labor and wages? That it should be market driven? You want government to set it?

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1990 among the three nations, U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed the agreement in their respective capitals on December 17, 1992.

In the U.S., Bush, who had worked to "fast track" the signing prior to the end of his term, ran out of time and had to pass the required ratification and signing of the implementation law to incoming president Bill Clinton. Prior to sending it to the United States Senate Clinton added two side agreements, The North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment

The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats.

Many American small businesses depend on exporting their products to Canada or Mexico under NAFTA. According to the U.S. Trade Representative, this trade supports over 140,000 small- and medium-sized businesses in the US.

According to the Economic Policy Institute, California, Texas, Michigan and other states with high concentrations of manufacturing jobs were most affected by job loss due to NAFTA. EPI economist Robert Scott estimates some 682,900 U.S. jobs have been "lost or displaced" as a result of the trade agreement.

I want to see the GOP fix NAFTA
Well... you got a populist president who talked the protectionist talk. We'll have to see if he and Congress walk the walk. Expect prices to go up if they do.
I was listening to him on the way home. I hope I'm wrong and he does what he says
I hope you are wrong too.
Those assholes are anarchists. They are not with me...or Obama...or Hillary...or BLM.
So the extreme right-wing is protesting over the inauguration of a Republican president?!? :uhh:

And....uh....where exactly where all of these so-called "anarchists" when Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and again in 2012?!? :uhh:

They were there. You suck. No they weren't. Lie much?

You have a short memory. Suck a dick.
The left is committing this mob violence time and time again, and I NEVER see the moderate lefties condemn it, so now all democrats own this problem.
Well "moderate lefties" are now called Republicans. Donald Trump is the prime example of a "moderate lefty". And it illustrates just how extreme and radicalized the left has become that they view a true liberal like Donald Trump as the worst thing to ever happen to them.

Can you imagine if Ronald Reagan was inaugurated today? Holy shit....there would be mass suicides exponentially larger than Jonestown.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the embarrassing American left.

Police injured, more than 200 arrested at Trump inauguration protests

Washington (CNN)Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested after they smashed windows, damaged cars and threw rocks at police near Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony on Friday in Washington.

At least two DC police officers and one other person were taken to the hospital for undetermined injuries after run-ins with protesters, DC Fire Spokesman Vito Maggiolo told CNN.
Acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said all of the injuries to police officers are considered minor and non-life threatening but three of those officers were injured in the head.
After the swearing-in ceremony, demonstrators near 12th and K streets threw rocks and bottles at police, who were clad in riot gear and attempting to disperse the crowd. A large number of police were on scene and used smoke and flash-bang devices to try to scatter the protesters.

Inauguration protests: Police injured, more than 200 arrested -
more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

I sure don't remember any of this when Obama was elected. Why weren't the Deplorables rioting then? Well, they sure are now!
more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

I sure don't remember any of this when Obama was elected. Why weren't the Deplorables rioting then? Well, they sure are now!

Selective memory. All nutbags have it.
more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

I sure don't remember any of this when Obama was elected. Why weren't the Deplorables rioting then? Well, they sure are now!
more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

I sure don't remember any of this when Obama was elected. Why weren't the Deplorables rioting then? Well, they sure are now!

Riots? Led by deplorables?

more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

I sure don't remember any of this when Obama was elected. Why weren't the Deplorables rioting then? Well, they sure are now!

Selective memory. All nutbags have it.

Really? so you remember the police fighting off protestors and looters, burning cars during Obamas Inauguration?

Using your own words, that would make you a Nut bag. I guess that makes you a winner. Ill go back and give you a gold star.
Until our schools and Universities stop with all the Anti-America propaganda we will continue to see generations of hatred and division.
The folks smashing windows, destroying businesses & attacking Cops on K Street aren't protestors, they're criminals. Throw 'em in jail.

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