Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

Who are the protesters?

Does this thing you losers do ever get boring?

You have no clue who is being disruptive.

You might want to look at the Black Lives Matter signs, or not.

You saw someone with a BLM sign committing an act of violence? Please link.

You asked who the protestors were, I told you.

If you want them to be violent, that is sad. Of course you deflected, but it is expected.
No ILLEGAL in this country would be stupid enough to try and vote, only to risk getting caught and deported.

These ballots were coming in from overseas, (military ballots) that can take weeks to get in. That's why she continued to gain after all ballots were counted on election night--where she was showing at that time a popular vote lead of 500k that then expanded to 3 million.

As far as your COMMI comment, you just elected one.

Who are the protesters?

Does this thing you losers do ever get boring?

You have no clue who is being disruptive.

You might want to look at the Black Lives Matter signs, or not.

You saw someone with a BLM sign committing an act of violence? Please link.

You asked who the protestors were, I told you.

If you want them to be violent, that is sad. Of course you deflected, but it is expected.

Lame. Who are the violent protesters. That is the subject of this thread.

You saw some peaceful BLM protesters? And you have a problem with that? Of course you do.
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.

Give me a break--you people were on here 4 months ago praising wikileaks. Wikileakes founder, Julian Assange was even touted & praised by Comrade Trump & Sean Hannity. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London, surrounded by the UK for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face federal charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Trump Praises WikiLeaks Founder In Debate Over Russian Hacking

Obama did not PARDON--he commuted the sentence to lesser time served in prison. I don't like it either but get your facts straight, and your hypocrisy is a little too much to take.

People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.

Give me a break--you people were on here 4 months ago praising wikileaks. Julian Assange was even touted by Sean Hannity. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London, surrounded by the UK for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face federal charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Obama did not PARDON--he commuted the sentence to lesser time served in prison. I don't like it either but get your facts straight, and your hypocrisy is a little too much to take.


It's essentially the same thing. He let him go. And yes, it will still be on his record which matters not... not like he'll be doing much other than doing other men for a living in back allies.

Hit a nerve Snowflake?
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.

Give me a break--you people were on here 4 months ago praising wikileaks. Julian Assange was even touted by Sean Hannity. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London, surrounded by the UK for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face federal charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Obama did not PARDON--he commuted the sentence to lesser time served in prison. I don't like it either but get your facts straight, and your hypocrisy is a little too much to take.


It's essentially the same thing. He let him go. And yes, it will still be on his record which matters not... not like he'll be doing much other than doing other men for a living in back allies.

Hit a nerve Snowflake?

Who gives a rats ass? Right now, the Kracken is going to be unleashed on Comrade Trump. If they find collusion within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it.

This New York Times article was released prior to all Russian diplomats getting kicked out of this country.

What is it that you don't hear about a Senate investigation into this?
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
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It has only been three hours and Trump is tearing this nation apart

Oh, it's Trump throwing rocks and burning cars, huh?

oddly enough I thought it was the Trump supporters being accused of being violent during the majority of the election. painted as violent rubes of various stripes, all frothing at the mouth and looking for someone to beat with a club, while the left was simply above all that unpleasantry.

truth- it's what's for dinner.

eat up libs......
Those assholes are anarchists. They are not with me...or Obama...or Hillary...or BLM.
So the extreme right-wing is protesting over the inauguration of a Republican president?!? :uhh:

And....uh....where exactly where all of these so-called "anarchists" when Barack Obama was elected in 2008 and again in 2012?!? :uhh:
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.

Give me a break--you people were on here 4 months ago praising wikileaks. Julian Assange was even touted by Sean Hannity. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London, surrounded by the UK for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face federal charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Obama did not PARDON--he commuted the sentence to lesser time served in prison. I don't like it either but get your facts straight, and your hypocrisy is a little too much to take.


It's essentially the same thing. He let him go. And yes, it will still be on his record which matters not... not like he'll be doing much other than doing other men for a living in back allies.

Hit a nerve Snowflake?

Who gives a rats ass? Right now, the Kracken is going to be unleashed on Comrade Trump. If they find collusion within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it.

This New York Times article was released prior to all Russian diplomats getting kicked out of this country.

What is it that you don't hear about a Senate investigation into this?
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

If my Aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle. Jesus, let it go.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
so an instant 2% raise.

And then no raises for the next 30 years. No collective bargaining? I can't wait for the GOP to break the unions.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
so an instant 2% raise.

And then no raises for the next 30 years. No collective bargaining? I can't wait for the GOP to break the unions.

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households
Reagan broke the union and nothing bad happened there! Seems there is precedence.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

Yea but don't forget you cons think they are overpaid union workers. Don't act like you give a fuck if their pay goes up.

A union wage premium refers to the degree in which union wages exceed non-union member wages. Union wage premiums are one of the most researched and analyzed issues in economics especially in labor economics. Unions and their struggle for wages and better benefits usually target larger firms that have a concentrated industry. Unions have an effect on wages, the probability of gaining benefits, productivity of the worker, and workplace protections.

Union wage premiums show the direct benefits of being a member of a union. Although the union wage premiums have fallen for private sector, it has raised for the public sector in the U.S.[6] Union wage premiums also usually raise the wages of low-skilled workers more than those of high-skilled workers.[3] Thus these low skilled workers usually have less education, lower wages, and in lower paid jobs.[3] This mainly is the result of unions historically representing the working and lower classes. Most economist and labor studies on union wage premiums estimate a difference of about 15%

So union workers make 15% more than non union workers. Keep your fucking 2/9% you stupid bitch.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.

Give me a break--you people were on here 4 months ago praising wikileaks. Julian Assange was even touted by Sean Hannity. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuador embassy in London, surrounded by the UK for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face federal charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Obama did not PARDON--he commuted the sentence to lesser time served in prison. I don't like it either but get your facts straight, and your hypocrisy is a little too much to take.


It's essentially the same thing. He let him go. And yes, it will still be on his record which matters not... not like he'll be doing much other than doing other men for a living in back allies.

Hit a nerve Snowflake?

Who gives a rats ass? Right now, the Kracken is going to be unleashed on Comrade Trump. If they find collusion within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with it will be considered TREASON. And they may already have it.

This New York Times article was released prior to all Russian diplomats getting kicked out of this country.

What is it that you don't hear about a Senate investigation into this?
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

If my Aunt had testicles she'd be my uncle. Jesus, let it go.
that's hilarious. It goes for me too, if my aunt had testicles, she'd be my uncle as well.

It has only been three hours and Trump is tearing this nation apart

Oh, it's Trump throwing rocks and burning cars, huh?

oddly enough I thought it was the Trump supporters being accused of being violent during the majority of the election. painted as violent rubes of various stripes, all frothing at the mouth and looking for someone to beat with a club, while the left was simply above all that unpleasantry.

truth- it's what's for dinner.

eat up libs......

Well you reap what you sow.
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more tolerance & acceptance from our friends on the left...

is this a surprise to anyone?

rioting, destruction & violence towards their fellow citizens - par for the course for far too many leftists - boy howdy, that sure will teach Trump a lesson - eh?

or is the goal to intimidate people & prevent them from participating in the political process - and you fucktards call us Nazis...

Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

WASHINGTON – Inauguration Day protests turned violent late Friday morning, as spectators reported being attacked and a police official said demonstrators were vandalizing property and even torched a car.

The police official confirmed protesters “have crow bars and are vandalizing,” after demonstrators were seen smashing windows downtown, including at a local McDonald's.

mainstream America the fence sitters are not impressed with the leftists acting like this

this helps drive yet more folk from the party
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

Yea but don't forget you cons think they are overpaid union workers. Don't act like you give a fuck if their pay goes up.

A union wage premium refers to the degree in which union wages exceed non-union member wages. Union wage premiums are one of the most researched and analyzed issues in economics especially in labor economics. Unions and their struggle for wages and better benefits usually target larger firms that have a concentrated industry. Unions have an effect on wages, the probability of gaining benefits, productivity of the worker, and workplace protections.

Union wage premiums show the direct benefits of being a member of a union. Although the union wage premiums have fallen for private sector, it has raised for the public sector in the U.S.[6] Union wage premiums also usually raise the wages of low-skilled workers more than those of high-skilled workers.[3] Thus these low skilled workers usually have less education, lower wages, and in lower paid jobs.[3] This mainly is the result of unions historically representing the working and lower classes. Most economist and labor studies on union wage premiums estimate a difference of about 15%

So union workers make 15% more than non union workers. Keep your fucking 2/9% you stupid bitch.
and they still pay dues to a good for nothing outfit called unions.

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