Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

The amazing thing, to me, is that THIS is what these subversive criminals / terrorists are rioting against is THIS:

"Today's ceremony, however, has a very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment.

It belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.

This is your day.

This is your celebration.

And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again."

Whether he actually makes this happen or not, whether he can accomplish it or not - considering the obstacles both parties will put in his way, EVERY American should have applauded this idea, this concept, this intent, this speech!

Instead you have criminal, subversive, divisive assholes with their own agendas carrying on Obama's legacy of dividing the nation and tearing it apart. Hell, we know some of them are getting PAID to do it.

Those who are rioting, burning, burning, looting, engaging in violence - they are NOT 'Americans' expressing their 1st Amendment Rights. They are UN-Patriotic THIGS and POSes. Trump just delivered one of the most powerful Inauguration speeches in our nation's history, at least our modern history, declaring he is returning the country to them, placing it in their hands....and instead of wanting to come together for the good of the nation these assholes would rather set a match to it and watch it burn. If 'THEY' can't have it and control it, they would rather have that.

68 elected assholes were missing today. In the face of that speech they have declared they intend to spend the next 4 / 8 years doing nothing but obstruction all progress, all efforts to represent the people and do what is best for the country by the Trump administration for the sole sake of their own political party.

After THAT speech, about returning the control of the country back over to the part instead of the politicians who have appointed themselves as 'rulers' and personally benefitted, chuck Schumer declared he is 'ready to fight'. He is ready to fight 'giving control of the country back over to the American people'! That is because Schumer is one of many Self/Party-Serving political assholes who consider themselves RULERS, not 'Servants of the People'.

If you believe in / want term limits because you believe government's focus should be more on helping the people than politicians / parties and that there is too much of that bullshit going on then you should have applauded that speech today.

Can Trump do it? Will the self/party-serving assholes who covet power/money/control more than they do what is best for this country allow him to do it? Maybe not....if it is to be so then it will be, as he said, TOGETHER. Right now the entire Democratic Party, many Republicans, and the assholes engaging in violence have declared they intend to prevent it from happening....for their own and their party's benefit.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
so an instant 2% raise.
Mounted police are being called in.

Don't believe the lyin mainstream media. Trump controls them now. That's how Bush was able to lie us into Iraq. The lyin media didn't report the facts.
I am impressed you were able to pull yourself out of your fetal position to post these lies.
Now you believe the media?
You should know better, but somehow I think you actually don't.
Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Hey stupid? Lee Harvey Oswald was a devout marxist/communist. And killing Kennedy did not change power - the Democrats remained in power. It just transferred from Kennedy to LBJ. Epic fail. Epic lie.
That was fake news. What, do you think fake news is new?
that everyone besides conservatives now knows it is.
They are a small minority--you do realize that, right?

sure - but they sure are a squeaky wheel & they do get a lot of attention

this behavior has been tolerated for far too long - there were even incidents where these folks werr PAID to go disrupt Trump rallies during the campaign
Don't buy that. That was twisted around crap and no--don't try to convince me again that it was true. It's over. Let it lie.
And whenever I condemn riots and violence, I see in my mind the rioters in Boston who began all the pitchfork and torches violence that overthrew an unjust system. The powers that be would have LOVED to get them in jail, too. Sometimes when people feel they are not being listened to, they do get squeaky.
Oh hell, I'm a pain in the ass. I can see both sides of a lot of stuff and it just confuses me.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.
Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist loving leftist....
He mustve been framed !!! Lmfao
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
so an instant 2% raise.

And give up retirement and healthcare, and far less than 'half their check.'
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
Move To Cuba. If you don't love America, and don't understand State's Rights, and The Electoral College, then take you butt hurt self and get the phuck out of my country.
It's not "America--Love It or Leave It." It's "America--Love It or Change It." That's why we have the Constitution. All of us get to play.
When your (this is the we form of your) entire philosophy is to silence those who disagree with you through any means possible, people have a hard time believing this.

Every time you name-call in an effort to belittle someone you disagree with, you make a lie of your own statement.
Whose entire philosophy is to silence those who disagree with them?
--And did I hurt your feelings in a prior life? Or one of your socks? You have baffled me a bit.
You're not capable hurting Me.

When you say "we want to help too" I have to remind you that the GOP also wanted to help and were promptly told to shut up, sit down.

When the GOP and conservatives speak about what they want from American, they are berated and attacked with ad hominem insults, name-calling, and outright slander.

A simple disagreement in ideology is no met with nothing but crys of racist, bigot, xenophobe. Have you stood up to your fellow leftists and asked them to stop it? Stood up and said this is wrong to do?

Plain and simple, we need to work together, but it won't ever happen because now we are in the cycle "You opposed My guy, I'm going to oppose yours."

What I'm saying is that it is a little late to want a seat at the table after the last 8 years of belittlement.

Have a nice day.
Well, good, I'm glad calling you a pompous windbag won't hurt your feelings. No one on this thread is doing any of the things you're citing, and you alone are preventing any discussion of compromise. Your stance is clear, but don't blame it on me or most of the people who agree with me.
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.

You Commies are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA, that the millions of illegal aliens voting in California were not enough to steal the election.

You view election fraud as your sacred right...
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
Here we go everyone!!! Wages won't go up but we will have more bad paying jobs.

We already have jobs shit heard. Almost zero unemployment. The people who are complaining are not making as much as they used to. Trump said he'd fix that and right on cue, day one, you are already a renigger. I love it!

Ha ha to people who got suckered into voting trump. You got conned just like trump University students did
I thought Trump was going to bring us together?

there are folks that want to beat down those that they disagree with & then there are those of us that want to put an end to that type of behavior

so what do you propose we do? meet them halfway?

no thanks

It has only been three hours and Trump is tearing this nation apart
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
Say it bitch! Wages will not go up.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
Here we go everyone!!! Wages won't go up but we will have more bad paying jobs.

We already have jobs shit heard. Almost zero unemployment. The people who are complaining are not making as much as they used to. Trump said he'd fix that and right on cue, day one, you are already a renigger. I love it!

Ha ha to people who got suckered into voting trump. You got conned just like trump University students did
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
so an instant 2% raise.

And give up retirement and healthcare, and far less than 'half their check.'
These guys are ignorant liars. It's easy to convince them they are winning when they aren't and that they are losing when they are actually winning.

One dumb fuck just said there won't be better paying jobs, just more jobs. More low paying jobs. Please show me where Trump promised more low paying jobs.
The GOP will break the unions. And you suckers think wages are going to go up? Ha! The blue collar cry babies who voted for trump because their union jobs went overseas deserve to be conned by Trump.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

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