Inauguration protests turn violent, car torched

Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist loving leftist....
He mustve been framed !!! Lmfao

Now we have a communist loving President.

"Putin is a good guy"
BS. Nobody moved any goalposts.

she lost the election according to the rules she, and everyone else, knew well in advance.

unless of course that bump on the head knocked that out too, along with any recollection of being briefed on how to handle classified material or what the marking (c) in a document meant or any one of the various other flim flam statements that crazy thing has spouted during her public life.

she lost because too many people saw through her shit to the point that many weren't willing to hold their nose and vote for her. that's on her. not trump, not the goalpost maintenance people. her.

Come say this is if we've been holding elections this way since 1789. The whole "electoral college" process was sprung on Hillary just 7,158,672,000 second ago (227 years x 365 day x 24 hours x 3,600 seconds). You can't possibly have expected her to run her campaign to win based on these last 119,311,200 minute rule changes! Obviously the election was stolen. :rofl:

Clearly you need a damn history lesson, bud. You and your ilk come on here to act as if you have some idea of how elections in this country are held, when in reality this election was her turn. No way she lost, even if she did.


so there.

Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist loving leftist....
He mustve been framed !!! Lmfao

Now we have a communist loving President.

"Putin is a good guy"
that dude just left on AirForce One and is now out of our lives.
I thought Trump was going to bring us together?

there are folks that want to beat down those that they disagree with & then there are those of us that want to put an end to that type of behavior

so what do you propose we do? meet them halfway?

no thanks

It has only been three hours and Trump is tearing this nation apart

I know right.. you guys can't control yourselves, and that is Trump's fault.

Bunch of mental patients most of you are.
Wages may not go up...but jobs will! Progressives are so stupid - they trade low-wage jobs for no-wage jobs. Talk about "wages going down". Minimum wage is a LOT more than $0.00 per hour sweetie.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

You forgot that Union dues are deducted pretax which reduce ones tax liability.

Now, do your 'simple' math again.
Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist loving leftist....
He mustve been framed !!! Lmfao

Now we have a communist loving President.

"Putin is a good guy"
that dude just left on AirForce One and is now out of our lives.

Trump said, "Putin is a good guy."
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

You forgot that Union dues are deducted pretax which reduce ones tax liability.

Now, do your 'simple' math again.
LMAO! Hey now, you're not paying taxes on the money we steal from you so why you complaining? Do some math on your own. You are obviously desperate to fake up some kind of point here so get on it.
Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

You conservatives are far more dangerous when you don't get your way

Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist loving leftist....
He mustve been framed !!! Lmfao

Now we have a communist loving President.

"Putin is a good guy"
that dude just left on AirForce One and is now out of our lives.

Trump said, "Putin is a good guy."
Well Trump is going to have to deal with him. you think he should go in as Bat Masterson or a political advocate trying to gain peace? Your call.
they will go up automatically, no more union dues, half their check will now go to their families.

Liar. Union dues are 2% of your gross pay.
So somewhere in the neighborhood of 4% of your take home pay. Nice raise.

Why don't you explain your math.
Gross pay: 1,000
Taxes: 300
Take home pay: 700
Union dues: 20
Union dues as a percentage of take home pay: 2.9%

Any other simple math I can do for you?

You forgot that Union dues are deducted pretax which reduce ones tax liability.

Now, do your 'simple' math again.
Who said anything about taxes? We stated the employee gets their 3% money back that would normally have gone to a union as dues. It doesn't matter where it is pulled from their wages, they still get it back. Got anything else you need an education on?
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.
Already the sub-human progressive animals have turned full on thug and are destroying property in Washington D.C. and throwing rocks at law enforcement. Officers were forced to deploy tear gas. The majority of progressives are so repulsive.

Tear gas wont cut it...isn't there something stronger?
People are outraged that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the most ever 3 million, and Trump won by a measly accumulate 170K votes out of several battle ground states and became President. To get that, Trump had Russian and FBI director James Comey's assistance, making them even more outraged. They know the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field.

I really don't know what you expected by electing him? He won by insulting, offending and even threatening large voting blocks in this country. He will not be able to unite this country.

I imagine FOX News will keep it heated up here for the next several months, it gives them red meat to throw out to their Reich wing audience.
So Russia hacked Hillary's crowds, made her call half of Trump supporters deplorable, made her put nation security intel on a personal server, lie about how many devices she had, ruined her health, made the DNC set up Bernie as a patsy to make her look good and get in bed with the media.

They must be damn good.

And not a peep out of these folks when Obama pardons a traitor who sold out the U.S. to their hated WikiLeaks. I'm telling you, they are mental.
Who are the protesters?

Does this thing you losers do ever get boring?

You have no clue who is being disruptive.

We know it is scumbag. It's BLM and various and sundry other dimocrap scum Nazi Brown Shirts.

Your people. If you had a thread of decency in you, you would renounce the dimocrap scum party forever.

But you don't

So you won't

You're as bad as they are. Maybe even worse. You sit home like the coward you are while encouraging those with bigger balls to commit the acts of violence you want them to commit

dimocraps are scum

you qualify

You are so miserable. All the time. It's got to be sad.

Those assholes are anarchists. They are not with me...or Obama...or Hillary...or BLM.

You are projecting, by the way.
Who are the protesters?

Does this thing you losers do ever get boring?

You have no clue who is being disruptive.

You might want to look at the Black Lives Matter signs, or not.

You saw someone with a BLM sign committing an act of violence? Please link.

Then...tell me who it is and what his official job title is within BLM. Thanks.

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