Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

That wasn't ALL of what was in that episode... but it was the major part of it. Hell at one point when Mr. Garrison sees he is going to win, he tries to figure out something bad he can actually say to get people to quit supporting him.

I'm guilty of the same thing. I like when I see shit that validates my bullshit. I don't like watching my ox get gored.

South Park does both. They had me in tears laughing at "Die Hippie Die", and doing some navel gazing on other shows.

Please take time to listen to the podcast I linked.

Ok... look you outted me as Bill Burr. You happy? :asshole:

I'd love to have a beer with you.

When does the next season of F is For Family come out?
That wasn't ALL of what was in that episode... but it was the major part of it. Hell at one point when Mr. Garrison sees he is going to win, he tries to figure out something bad he can actually say to get people to quit supporting him.

I'm guilty of the same thing. I like when I see shit that validates my bullshit. I don't like watching my ox get gored.

South Park does both. They had me in tears laughing at "Die Hippie Die", and doing some navel gazing on other shows.

Please take time to listen to the podcast I linked.

Ok... look you outted me as Bill Burr. You happy? :asshole:

I'd love to have a beer with you.

When does the next season of F is For Family come out?

Wait, you know I'm kidding, though he is about dead on for every feeling I have about politics down to voting for Bernie... and conspiracy theories and everything. I actually watched that episode on Conan the night after the election when he went off and Conan looked at him like he was fucking totally insane. :badgrin: He mentioned on that show that the new season is coming out soon.
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Wait, you know I'm kidding, though he is about dead on for every feeling have about politics down to voting for Bernie... and conspiracy theories and everything. I actually watched that episode on Conan the night after the election when he went off and Conan looked at him like he was fucking totally insane. :badgrin: He mentioned on that show that the new season is coming out soon.

Obviously I'm not in agreement with Burr on a lot of issues, but when it comes to stupid...

and neither party has a monopoly on stupid but I will assert the DNC uses hordes of stupid people as a weapon.

I tend to be irritated by the same shit.

I lambasted people for supporting Trump. and I'd post the link to a thread where I issued an apologized to the forum's bed wetters about how I condemned them as mindless acolytes in a cult of personality, while Trumptards adhered to the same sort of mindless devotion.

For whatever reason searches are down, I'll post it if you care to read it.

At the same time I find hitlary so repulsive that I would prefer to be infected with AIDS and die in 4 years than see what she would do in 4 years.

Sure, that's over the top and hysterical, but no one was smashing windows and setting fires when obozo got elected. No one was bawling on TV and hugging kittens, no one had their property destroyed.

I know you see things your way, and I can not for the life of me understand why sometimes, but I'm sure you realize the reaction to Trump is so petty and childish that it should be ridiculed.

I can't speak for anyone else, but SYTFE's asinine troll threads are hysterical.

Posting facts is now "trolling?" Why don't you go run off to your safe space so you don't have to be confronted by these mean facts.

"Waaaaaa I don't like to read about facts!!! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I want to be kept in the dark and live in my alternate reality that Breitbart makes for me!!! Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!!"
Posting facts is now "trolling?" Why don't you go run off to your safe space so you don't have to be confronted by these mean facts.

"Waaaaaa I don't like to read about facts!!! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I want to be kept in the dark and live in my alternate reality that Breitbart makes for me!!! Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!!"

When you post a fact, let alone a coherent statement, you can claim credit for doing so.

Until then you're just another regressive parasite that has nothing to contribute to the planet until you become fertilizer.

Posting facts is now "trolling?" Why don't you go run off to your safe space so you don't have to be confronted by these mean facts.

"Waaaaaa I don't like to read about facts!!! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I want to be kept in the dark and live in my alternate reality that Breitbart makes for me!!! Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!!"

When you post a fact, let alone a coherent statement, you can claim credit for doing so.

Until then you're just another regressive parasite that has nothing to contribute to the planet until you become fertilizer.

Uh, listen, delicate snowflake, it's a fact that over 700 hateful harassment incidents have been reported. I know you don't want to hear about that, but Trump voters are absolute pieces of shit, and that's another fact.
Uh, listen, delicate snowflake, it's a fact that over 700 hateful harassment incidents have been reported. I know you don't want to hear about that, but Trump voters are absolute pieces of shit, and that's another fact.

71 ARRESTS of libturds in Portland Or alone bed wetter.

How many Trump supporters were arrested for violence, vandalism or anything else anywhere in the country?

Wait, you know I'm kidding, though he is about dead on for every feeling have about politics down to voting for Bernie... and conspiracy theories and everything. I actually watched that episode on Conan the night after the election when he went off and Conan looked at him like he was fucking totally insane. :badgrin: He mentioned on that show that the new season is coming out soon.

Obviously I'm not in agreement with Burr on a lot of issues, but when it comes to stupid...

and neither party has a monopoly on stupid but I will assert the DNC uses hordes of stupid people as a weapon.

I tend to be irritated by the same shit.

I lambasted people for supporting Trump. and I'd post the link to a thread where I issued an apologized to the forum's bed wetters about how I condemned them as mindless acolytes in a cult of personality, while Trumptards adhered to the same sort of mindless devotion.

For whatever reason searches are down, I'll post it if you care to read it.

At the same time I find hitlary so repulsive that I would prefer to be infected with AIDS and die in 4 years than see what she would do in 4 years.

Sure, that's over the top and hysterical, but no one was smashing windows and setting fires when obozo got elected. No one was bawling on TV and hugging kittens, no one had their property destroyed.

I know you see things your way, and I can not for the life of me understand why sometimes, but I'm sure you realize the reaction to Trump is so petty and childish that it should be ridiculed.

And at the same time you have to look at how when faced with issues regarding Trump, many of his supporters don't even care to look at the issue and address it. As I posted in my Flamezone thread, it's the same thing over and over again. Let's be honest.
And at the same time you have to look at how when faced with issues regarding Trump, many of his supporters don't even care to look at the issue and address it. As I posted in my Flamezone thread, it's the same thing over and over again. Let's be honest.

That's what my "Apology to the Forum's Liberals" thread was all about.

I'd love to link it, but the forum is fucked up ATM.

Regardless, before Trump was the GOP nominee I lambasted people I once considered fellow travelers for adhering themselves to a cult of personality. I insinuated that they were as mindless as liberals are because they refused to acknowledge the many faults of the world's richest professional clown.

It is the same shit over and over though.

That's why I start from the political vantage point that government is too powerful. It empowers people who should have starved to death years ago to tax people who work for a living. It leads to dudes like you and I hating each other because we both want an end result that creates prosperity but trusting frauds to deliver it.

Reduce the power of the feds, and we will all love each other again.

Jesus probably said it, or someone will accuse him of it eventually.

I'd say at this point SYTFE is definitely the most unhinged out of the entire USMB Assclown Brigade since the election.

I give him credit though, he's going down swinging while full of hate.
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country. This report covers the full week (Wednesday Nov. 9 to Wednesday Nov. 16) since the presidential election.

The SPLC collected reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions from the #ReportHate intake page. The SPLC made efforts to verify each report but many included in the count remain anecdotal.

While the total number of incidents has risen, the trend line points to a steady drop-off. Around 65 percent of the incidents collected occurred in the first three days following the election.

Other patterns pointed out previously are holding too, notably that anti-immigrant incidents remain the top type of harassment reported and that nearly 40 percent of all incidents occurred in educational (K-12 schools and university/college) settings.

Before getting too far in the data, listen to this to get a better understanding of the nature of these incidents. We were forwarded this voicemail left on the emergency line at a Denver-based immigration law firm. Warning, it includes racial slurs and adult language:





Read some of the reports across the country here:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

Welcome to Trump's America. Absolutely sickening.
Now, with this last attempt at showing how stupid you are, it's 702.

The Southern Poverty Law Center? LOL!
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country. This report covers the full week (Wednesday Nov. 9 to Wednesday Nov. 16) since the presidential election.

The SPLC collected reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions from the #ReportHate intake page. The SPLC made efforts to verify each report but many included in the count remain anecdotal.

While the total number of incidents has risen, the trend line points to a steady drop-off. Around 65 percent of the incidents collected occurred in the first three days following the election.

Other patterns pointed out previously are holding too, notably that anti-immigrant incidents remain the top type of harassment reported and that nearly 40 percent of all incidents occurred in educational (K-12 schools and university/college) settings.

Before getting too far in the data, listen to this to get a better understanding of the nature of these incidents. We were forwarded this voicemail left on the emergency line at a Denver-based immigration law firm. Warning, it includes racial slurs and adult language:





Read some of the reports across the country here:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

Welcome to Trump's America. Absolutely sickening.
While totally ignoring the massive riots by soros paid thugs.
Having some difficulty reading? Would you like me to write it on a big piece of cardboard in crayon for you?

They might let you have access to markers if you weren't such a petulant jabbering retard.

71 ARRESTS of libturds in Portland Or alone bed wetter.

How many Trump supporters were arrested for violence, vandalism or anything else anywhere in the country?

No response so far....


wonder why.... Those arrests should be piling up by now...
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country.

The Southern Poverty Law Center IS a HATE group, you asshole.

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