Incoherent policies by Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.
Trump is mentally unstable and doesn't even know what to expect from himself minute by minute.
The election of Trump was the biggest political absurdity in the modern history of the US;

of course the consequences are going to be an endless stream of absurdities.
Trump is just one more example of the sad fact that at any given moment in time, the people of any nation, including the US,
can collectively make a terrible mistake.

Remember the Iraq War? Remember that 3 out 4 Americans thought invading Iraq was a good idea?

Now 3 out of 4 Americans believe it wasn't worth it.

From that example you can easily see how 4 out of 10 Americans could make the terrible mistake of thinking that making Donald Trump president was a good idea.
According to what I heard the meeting was over how to deal with North Korea and their overt missile tests and Nuclear Agenda.

aka.........put a dang leash on the idiot from N. Korea..................but spin it how you will left..........we are used to that anyway.
The election of Trump was the biggest political absurdity in the modern history of the US;

of course the consequences are going to be an endless stream of absurdities.

The election of Obama was the biggest political absurdity in the modern history of the US;

of course the consequences are going to be an endless stream of absurditie to the point we elected president Trump

There I fixed it for you, you're welcome...

The election of Trump was the biggest political absurdity in the modern history of the US;

of course the consequences are going to be an endless stream of absurdities.

The election of Obama was the biggest political absurdity in the modern history of the US;

of course the consequences are going to be an endless stream of absurditie to the point we elected president Trump

There I fixed it for you, you're welcome...

What was absurd about Obamas election?
Did he admit to enjoying sexual assault?
Mock the disabled?
Attack minorities?
Mock gold star families and war heros?
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Lol. Never mind that O welcomed terrorists and rebels with open arms in syrian and gave billions to iran.
The ONE sure trump objective that was realized after this past week?

The news has shifted from the orange charlatan's woes about his collusion with Putin and his oligarchs and the mess that is his administration.

Trump is much "better" at golf than running our country.
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.

Naw....Trump is just playing this 8-dimentional chess game that no one else can comprehend. Relax.
Never mind that as of a few weeks ago we accuse China of being a currency manipulator and raping the U.S. economy.......and as of a few days ago we welcomed China's president with open arms in Florida and "concluded" that all is now well between the 2 super powers after a couple of dinners.

Never mind that as of last Tuesday Trump's policy was that Syrian affairs were their to settle and not the U.S.'s problem.....and by Thursday we were bombing a Syrian air base.

Never mind that Trump reacts with justified ire over seeing Syrian children gasping for breath after a gas attack, but we seem to care less when Syrian children's bodies wash ashore on a beach in Cyprus.

I well know that these are NOT issues that can be easily resolved, however I cannot help avoid the feeling that I and my fellow citizens are either being manipulated, or led by incompetent idiots.
Trump was putting China on notice. Bombing airbase was due to crimes against humanity. Where is the incoherence? He said we would get tough with China and we are. We will not be the only country bombing Syria over chemical weapons. It's called "coalition building." Obama should have tried it. Perhaps he would not have been such a failure as President.
Trump is just one more example of the sad fact that at any given moment in time, the people of any nation, including the US,
can collectively make a terrible mistake.

Remember the Iraq War? Remember that 3 out 4 Americans thought invading Iraq was a good idea?

Now 3 out of 4 Americans believe it wasn't worth it.

From that example you can easily see how 4 out of 10 Americans could make the terrible mistake of thinking that making Donald Trump president was a good idea.

I think it's a disconnect between voters and their government. We've gotten used to not having too much change no matter who we vote for. So, it became a game. People threw up their hands and said "to hell with it" with their votes.

And thought that incompetent, foolish, attention whore of an "outsider" would somehow be better than a career politician.

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