Income Inequality, World Bank, and Democrats' Coveting


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The World Bank recently published an editorial paper lamenting the greatest wealth inequality on earth, in South Africa. Horrors!

[I cannot locate the original source I read but this link gives an overview for any who simply must have a link for reference. Overview]

So I looked them up and sent printed letters to five or ten of the top executives pointing out the glaringly obvious silliness of their whine.

THE MOST EQUAL people on earth live on North Sentinel Island, in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of India. Roughly five hundred of these primitive tribesmen have NOTHING! They kill anyone who comes ashore there. So I pointed out to the World Bank Bigwigs that IF Sentinelians were all relocated to South Africa and planted in the ghetto there, their lives would improve immeasurably. They would have some access to clean water, food like they have never seen or tasted before, maybe some occasional modern medical care, and be introduced to books and pictures and videos that they never imagined before. From the Most *Equal* to the Least *Equal* - BIG improvement! Hello.

They didn't respond to me. I wonder why.

Post Script: All Democrats preach the sin of covetousness. Covet the wealth of the rich. See how much they have. It's SO unfair. Take it from them that you may have it. It's sinful. It's destructive. It's Democrats, evil to the core. Promoting abortion, homosexuality, covetousness, and condemning "right wing religious extremists" - like our Founding Fathers. Loving Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence, is the premier Commandment. Democrats spit on it.

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