Incompetent United Air Lines Physically Drags Passenger Off Plane For Their (Airline) Mistake

How Much Money Will David Dao Make From United Airlines?

“What you will see here is a settlement value that will blow away anything Dr. Dao will ever recover in court,” said Goodnow.

Because of the nature of the case and the intense public scrutiny, United will likely be motivated to aim for a settlement, which will garner a larger payout for Dao than a trial would. The company has already become the subject of numerous boycotts, internet mocking and a plunging stock price and can’t afford to be at the center of yet another controversy.

“Look at the attention this case has received in just a few days,” said Goodnow. “Imagine what would happen if you have a public trial and every reporter is covering it. Every day will be another paper cut for United.”
This kind of thing could be easily avoided if the airlines didn't sell more tickets than they have seats.
In this case, the flight was not overbooked.

So then why we're they dragging this guy off the plane?

Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all..... whelp, the lower life forms have gotta go.
This kind of thing could be easily avoided if the airlines didn't sell more tickets than they have seats.
In this case, the flight was not overbooked.

So then why we're they dragging this guy off the plane?
To accommodate a last minute Republic flight crew for a flight in the morning. The circumstances on what happened to the original crew haven't come to light.....yet.

Here is additional evidence that this was a Republic flight: 'Infuriated' United pilots union slams cops for forcibly dragging passenger from plane

On Thursday, United Airlines' pilots broke their silence on the violent removal of David Dao from Flight 3411.

"The safety and well-being of our passengers is the highest priority for United pilots, and this should not have escalated into a violent encounter," United Master Executive Council, the union representing the airline's 12,500 pilots, wrote in a letter.

"United pilots are infuriated by this event."

At the same time, the pilots sought to clarify their view of the situation.

"This occurred on one of our contracted Express carriers, separately owned and operated by Republic Airline, and was ultimately caused by the grossly inappropriate response by the Chicago Department of Aviation," the pilots wrote......

....This occurred on an Express flight operated by Republic Airline, as such, the flight crew and cabin crew of Flight 3411 are employees of Republic Airline, not United Airlines...

...On April 9, 2017, United Express Flight 3411, operated by Republic, was preparing to depart Chicago O'Hare (ORD) to Louisville (SDF). Republic Airline made the decision to assign four of their crewmembers to deadhead on Flight 3411 within minutes of the scheduled departure. Although four passengers would have to be removed from this flight to accommodate the Republic crew, the goal was to get the other 70 passengers on their way to SDF and ensure a flight crew needed the next day would also be in place. By all reports, the Republic flight crew was courteous and calm throughout the event, and three passengers left the flight voluntarily for compensation. After repeatedly asking the fourth passenger to give up his seat to no avail, the gate agent requested the assistance of law enforcement.
The airlines decided to kick off 4 paying passengers, so they could fly four of their own employees free.
Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all.....
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.
The airlines decided to kick off 4 paying passengers, so they could fly four of their own employees free.
Because four of their employee snowflakes couldn't plan ahead for a simple trip of under 300 miles. And of course, they being a superior race and all.....
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.

So you're saying these snowflakes were lying about having to be in Louisville, a distance they could have driven to in the same time a flight would take?

That's even worse.

And where do you get "last minute"? If a flight crew (or airline) can't figure out how to move a crew a simple short distance without a physical assault that plunges its company stock by a million bucks ---- why would we trust them to be competent enough to fly the next day?
So you would accept a movie theater tossing you and your family out just as the movie was about to start just because somewhere in some obscure web link that is not given to you it says they can? What about if it was the 7th game of the World Series? Security shows up as the pitcher is warming up and says sorry, we overbooked your seats, you gotta go.

Damn right they would have to carry me out too.

The man fulfilled all of his obligations and was entitled to fly, his schedule was built around that agreement he had with United.

Ever buy a plane ticket? Yeah, those lawyer words may exist, but you never are made aware of them.
Why do liberals always want to compare guns to driving a car? In this case, it's not a movie theater, it's not an Uber and it's not Burger King. It's an airliner and the same international laws of the seas that apply to ships apply to airliners. Don't take my word for it. The next time you fly, call the flight attendant a ****. Then, when they ask you to leave, tell them "Go fuck yourselves *****!". Please write down what happens. Take video if you can.
"Since the flight was not actually overbooked, but instead only fully booked, with the exact number of passengers as seats available, United Airlines had no legal right to force any passengers to give up their seats to prioritize others. What United did was give preference to their employees over people who had reserved confirmed seats, in violation of 14 CFR 250.2a. Since Dr. Dao was already seated, it was clear that his seat had already been “reserved” and “confirmed” to accommodate him specifically."

United Airlines Did Not Have the Legal Right to Refuse Service to the Doctor Dragged Off Its Plane
Disagreed, but I'm content to let the state and Federal lawyers play this one out.
The plane was not overbooked per United.

§250.2a Policy regarding denied boarding. In the event of an oversold flight, every carrier shall ensure that the smallest practicable number of persons holding confirmed reserved space on that flight are denied boarding involuntarily.

Dr Dao had already boarded.

(b) If an insufficient number of volunteers come forward, the carrier
may deny boarding to other passengers in accordance with its boarding priority rules. However, the carrier may not deny boarding to any passenger involuntarily who was earlier asked to volunteer without having been informed about the danger of being denied boarding involuntarily and the amount of Board-mandated compensation.

United should have offered more incentives for people to volunteer. If you booked that flight at the last minute you were paying over a thousand dollars.

§250.5 Amount of denied boarding compensation for passengers denied boarding involuntarily. (a) Subject to the exceptions provided in §250.6, a carrier as defined in §250.1, shall pay compensation to passengers denied boarding involuntarily from an oversold flight at the rate of 200 percent of the sum of the values of the passenger’s remaining flight coupons up to the passenger’s next stopover, or if none, to the passenger’s final destination, with a maximum of $400.

United could have also booked it's employees on another airline, but they just tried to save a buck.

I have flown many times on flights that were overbooked

Typically, they would inform you at check in and tell you they would give you a $200 voucher and a seat on a flight two hours later. They would announce at the gate who was getting the was like winning the lottery

In this case, it was the last available flight of the day. Rather than say, we will get you on the first flight out in the morning, they offered a flight at 3PM. That is a MAJOR inconvenience and it is obvious from the lack of volunteers that an $800 voucher was not adequate compensation.
United made the choice to go to mandatory ejection of seated passengers. How could they not have anticipated trouble?
Being turned away at the counter because you're checking in for a flight that is overbooked and there are no available seats is one thing...

... but checking in to a flight that is not overbooked, and not turned away, and allowed you to your seat -- and then told you had to get off the flight so the airline could then give the seat you're already in to someone else because the airline couldn't find 4 seated passengers to give up their seats so UA could transport 4 employees, is quite another.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
So you think the passenger was wrong and the aviation police were right in the way they handled the situation?

The passenger was asked to leave the plane by law enforcement, he refused and I quote "I am not going", "You can drag me out, but I am not going", "I would rather go to jail", "make a lawsuit against United Airlines" and you want to defend this, really?

This is not the behavior of a adult, it is the behavior of a defiant child...

He got what he asked for, never call the bluff of law enforcement...
The snowflakes are those who think they need to lie to get their way.

The snowflakes are those who seek to distort the truth to push a political agenda.

So you're saying these snowflakes were lying about having to be in Louisville, a distance they could have driven to in the same time a flight would take?

That's even worse.

And where do you get "last minute"? If a flight crew (or airline) can't figure out how to move a crew a simple short distance without a physical assault that plunges its company stock by a million bucks ---- why would we trust them to be competent enough to fly the next day?
No, I'm saying the snowflakes aren't the crew assigned to SDF, but are the people who distort the truth, if not outright lie, to push a political agenda. You know, like you're doing now.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
So you think the passenger was wrong and the aviation police were right in the way they handled the situation?

The passenger was asked to leave the plane by law enforcement, he refused and I quote "I am not going", "You can drag me out, but I am not going", "I would rather go to jail", "make a lawsuit against United Airlines" and you want to defend this, really?

This is not the behavior of a adult, it is the behavior of a defiant child...

He got what he asked for, never call the bluff of law enforcement...
While I agree with you 100%, the Aviation Officer could have still gotten Dao off the plane without force. There were options such as deplane all the passengers. If Dao still wouldn't leave, at least there wouldn't be 70 people with cellphone cameras witnessing it.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
While I agree with you 100%, the Aviation Officer could have still gotten Dao off the plane without force. There were options such as deplane all the passengers. If Dao still wouldn't leave, at least there wouldn't be 70 people with cellphone cameras witnessing it.

I agree, we can always resolve issues without force, but we are humans, full of emotions...
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
Dao should have deplaned and handled it at the gate, not break several Federal and State laws by refusing to leave.

While I readily agree that physical force wasn't necessary, he was lawbreaker and that plane wasn't leaving until he was off of it.
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
So you think the passenger was wrong and the aviation police were right in the way they handled the situation?

The passenger was asked to leave the plane by law enforcement, he refused and I quote "I am not going", "You can drag me out, but I am not going", "I would rather go to jail", "make a lawsuit against United Airlines" and you want to defend this, really?

This is not the behavior of a adult, it is the behavior of a defiant child...

He got what he asked for, never call the bluff of law enforcement...
Turns out Dr Dao was right

Notice the airline grovelling, apologizing and changing their policies because he said.....NO
The passenger should have acted like an adult and left the plan as requested. Instead he acted like a child and our society today rewards him, disgusting...
Why should he have done that? He's likely going to make millions from this.
Dao should have deplaned and handled it at the gate, not break several Federal and State laws by refusing to leave.

While I readily agree that physical force wasn't necessary, he was lawbreaker and that plane wasn't leaving until he was off of it.
If he had...United would continue abusing passengers

He has changed the way all passengers treat their customers

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